Arrival and Dismissal Process
2024-2025: Please review this very important information.
Roosevelt-McGrath Arrival and Dismissal
Greetings Roadrunner Families,
Please review this very important information about Arrival and Dismissal. Safety is our first priority. If you are dropping off your child at school, please give big hugs and encouragement prior to your student entering the school. In the spirit of safety, parents are not permitted to walk with their child to their classroom. Thank you for your understanding. Safety first. Thank you for your patience during arrival and dismissal. Slow and safe…please expect delays.
School start time: 8:30 am
Students are permitted to enter the school at their designated door beginning at 8:20 am . There is no supervision for students prior to 8:20am. Do not leave your child unattended prior to 8:20 am.
Anyone arriving after 8:30 am must go to the main entrance.
Arrival-Student Walkers
Please cross at the Currier St. and Fletcher St corner (See picture below). There is a crossing guard there from 8:15-8:30am. Please remember that that there is no student supervision at school before 8:20am. Students may enter the school beginning at 8:20am. Students should not arrive to school prior to 8:20am.
Arrival- Parents Dropping off Students Using a Vehicle
Slow and Safe...
You may use our main front parking lot loop to drop-off students from your vehicle. However, you are not permitted to park along the curb when dropping off your child. You must drop off your child and continue driving to allow others to drop off their child. Safety first. Please drive slow and thank you for your patience. Please stay to the right (passenger side of car facing the curb) when you enter the front main parking lot loop and pull up as far as you can to drop off your child.
School Begins at 8:30 am.
Students should not arrive earlier than 8:20 am. There is no supervision prior to 8:20 am.
Students enter at the following locations between 8:20 - 8:30 am:
Kindergarten and 1st grade enter through the main office doors. (See picture below)
2nd - 5th Grade enter through the middle front doors labeled as “All Deliveries.” (See picture below)
McGrath teachers will contact their families with any specific arrival and dismissal details.
- All students who arrive after 8:30 am must enter through the main entrance.
See pictures below:
School dismissal times:
- Half Day (School ends at 11:40 am)
- Full Day (School ends at 3:20 pm)
Dismssal-Parent Pick-up
Slow and safe...
Note: Parents please have your photo ID available.
Student walkers need to cross at Currier St. and Fletcher St. where our crossing guard is located.
If you are picking up your child from school via a vehicle, you will need to find an available parking spot in our parking lots or park on the side streets near and surrounding Roosevelt-McGrath and walk to school and go to the designated doors to pick-up your child. Parking spaces are limited. Thank you for your patience. Please have your photo ID available. Parents will need walk to go the student pick-up locations identified below. Students are not permitted to walk into the parking lot without a parent. Safety first.
Do not park along the curb at the main parking lot loop.
Student pick-up locations:
Kindergarten pick-up: located at the main entrance doors. There will be signs. (See the picture below)
1st Grade pick-up: Located at doors located in the front west side of the school between the main entrance and our gym located. There will be signs. (See the picture below)
2nd and 3rd grade pick-up: located at the middle front doors labeled "All Deliveries." There will be staff available to assist you where to go and signs. (See the picture below)
4th and 5th grade pick-up: located at the south side of the school at 4th/5th grade hallway exit doors. There will be staff available to assist you where to go and signs. (See the picture below)
McGrath teachers will contact their families with any specific arrival and dismissal details.
Yours in Education and Safety,
Mark Watson
Email: watsonm@wwcsd.net
Phone: 734-419-2720
Fax: 734-595-2126
Office Hours: 7:50 a.m. - 3:50 p.m.