August Newsletter 2

Note from the Principal
I am looking forward to seeing our students back next Wednesday, August 21st. Don't forget to stop by between 2 PM and 3 PM on August 20th for supply drop-off! Here are a few quick reminders before we start the year!
Welcome to our New Staff!
Ms. Wheat - Art
Mrs. Rico - STEM and Science
Mrs. Mertes - EL and Spanish
Mr. Raupp - Math
Ms. Johnson - Music, Band, and Choir
Mrs. Zilch - Resource
Mrs. Loesch - Reading Specialist
Ms. Flowers - Speech Pathologist
Upcoming Dates
August 20th - Supply Drop-off from 2 PM to 3 PM
August 21st - First Day of School
August 29th - Parent Open House at 6 PM
September 2nd - No School on Labor Day
September 4th and 5th - NWEA MAP Testing
Supply Drop-off
Supply drop-off will be Tuesday, August 20th from 2 PM to 3 PM. Students and parents can come and place supplies in their child's locker, practice students new locker combinations, and walk student's schedules. In addition, teachers will be in their classroom to meet and greet students!
Drop Off Map
Virtual Backpack
A virtual backpack will be available on the school website for 2024-2025 school year with important hand outs. This is in lieu of sending home paper copies and e-mail blasts. The instructions to submit an item to be included can be found here.
Bell Schedules
2024-2025 PE Uniform Policies and Updates
During the 2024-2025 school year, students in all grades will be expected to have proper shoes for PE classes.
5th and 6th grade students will NOT have to purchase and/or wear PE uniforms. 7th and 8th grade students will be expected to purchase and wear PE uniforms.
In addition to the regular PE shirts and shorts, we will be offering sweatshirts and sweatpants for the students to purchase to wear on colder days. These new sweatshirts and sweatpants are optional but 7th and 8th grade students will not be allowed to wear any other long pants, sweatshirts, or jackets in PE classes. Families can purchase through our website on Illinois E-Pay found here. Sweatpants and sweatshirts will be available for $15 each. Shirts and shorts range from $6 to $9 each depending on the style chosen.