Weekly eBulletin
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Service Times: 9AM & 10:45AM
Anna Arnold
Randy McCormick
Pastor of Middle School
Advent Candle of Hope
Children Readers
Bells For The King
Joyful Noise Children's Choir
Praise To The Lord (Joyful, Joyful)
"Love One Another"
The flowers in the Worship Center today are placed by Lou & Sally Crum
in memory of her mother, Elizabeth Barnes.
SUN. 8:00AM
- This group will meet each Sunday, at 8am, in the Worship Center, to pray individually and then as a group, in order to cover our church in prayer.
SUN. 8:00AM-10:45AM, FLC-GYM
Enjoy a full breakfast including fruit, potatoes, meat, eggs, and a bread item. Breakfast also includes coffee, tea, juice and water.
- $4 Adults
- $3 children (12 & under)
- $14 Family (4 or more, 2 adults max)
CHILDREN (infant - 5th grade)
- 9:00AM
- Infants - Yellow 1
- Walkers (up to 3 years) - Yellow 4
- Pre-K (3-5 years - not in Kindergarten) - Red-1, Red-2
- K-3rd Grade - FLC-101, FLC-102, FLC-104
- 4th-5th Grade - Blue-2, Blue-3
- 10:45AM
- Infants - 2 years - Yellow 1
- 3 Years - 5 years - Yellow 4
- Kids Church (K-5th Grade) -FLC-101. Children go to the main worship service and are dismissed before the sermon. Parents, please register your child at the Lobby and pick them up in room 101 right after the Worship Service.
YOUTH (6th-12th Grade)
- 9:00AM
- Youth Sunday Worship - Oasis
- 9:00AM
- The Book of 1 Thessalonians DVD Study FLC-201 Teacher - Christopher Barnes.
- (Starts Dec. 8) On the Streets with Jesus FLC-201 Teacher - Christopher Barnes.
- The Book of Hebrews FLC-202. Teacher - Pastor Brett Inman
- Studying Scripture by Using Scripture FLC-203. Teacher - Steve Salajko
- Young Family Discipleship Class (for young married couples with or without children) FLC-204. Teacher - Pastor Tim Sheaffer
- 9:00AM
- Circle of Friends - Leader - Linda Salajko. The group meets during our first service in the lower right portion of the Worship Center and before the sermon, they are dismissed to their classroom for Bible teaching and fellowship.
FREE WIFI: Network: CCC_Guest PW: CCC7801E
IF YOU ARE VISITING, please fill out our Connect Card and come and meet one of our Pastors after the service in the Welcome Room and receive a free gift. We’d really love to meet you!
----[CLICK HERE] to watch our LIVESTREAM----
----LISTEN or WATCH past SERMONS----
This Week's Sermon Discussion Questions will be available on our website on Wednesday.
(click on "Downloads/Discussion Questions" on the sermon page)
November 24, 2024
General Fund
Projected Need..........$53,814
Actual Received.........$29,848
Year-To-Date.............$785,433 (91%)
Missions Fund
Projected Need............$4,569
Actual Received...........$2,807
Year-To-Date..............$53,640 (73%)
NEXT50 (3/10/24 - 3/10/26)
Vision Goal...............$7,500,000
Received To Date.....$1,851,703 (25%)
Have you heard about NEXT50?
Here at CCC, we’re excited about our renovation and building campaign designed to maximize our ministry impact as a church for the next 50 years and beyond. Find out more here and prayerfully consider how you might partner with us!
Thank you for investing your resources in the mission of Christ Community Church. Your act of worship through giving is appreciated.
Special Prayer Requests
- Protection for our military, law enforcement, first responders.
Revival in America and God’s wisdom for the President and political leaders.
Contact Lori Zaugra at the church office if you would like to be added to our Prayer List.
If you are having surgery and would like a pastor to pray with before and/or visit you in the hospital, please contact Tim Sheaffer – tsheaffer@ccctucson.org.
Memorial Services
Mike & Claire Alameda - Corazón Ministries, Tucson, AZ
- Corazón ministries hosted a bilingual missions conference, Until He Returns, on October 18-19th. 220 people attended the conference and at least 450 people participated in the Free City-Wide Worship night.
- We are so thankful that the men that attended the Houston Men of Faith retreat came with an open heart and experienced growth in their faith.
- God provided a wonderful opportunity to hold the Women of Heart night on November 26th. Over 60 women joined for a time of fellowship and an inspiring message by guest speaker, Cynthia Heald.
- Praise the Lord we are celebrating the 30th year of Corazón Ministries.
Prayer Requests:
- Corazón has several men’s & women’s Bible Studies that meet at various times throughout the week. Please pray for spiritual growth and unity within each study.
- Please pray for lasting impact of the Until He Returns conference, as it continues to inspire and strengthen the Church's commitment to missions.
- As the holiday season approaches, please pray for the safety and health of the staff members and volunteers at Corazón Ministries.
Corazón Ministries, Men of Faith Retreat
Corazón Ministries Women of Heart Night
Elder, Pastor or Director, and Church of the Week
Elder Andy Griffis, his wife, Fritzi, and their adult sons Nicholas (Caitlin) and Alexander.
Executive Pastor of Preaching
Eric Naus, his wife, Abby, and their children Rebekah, Ben, Judah, Alyssa, and Liliana.
1990 E Prince Rd.
We ask that you'd join us in praying that God would help us be ready to show his love to each person that arrives to our congregation.
Wednesday Family Dinner
Wed | Dec 4 | 5-6pm | FLC-Dining Room.
Click on the link above to register and pay online, or you may register online and pay at the door. All reservations are required by Monday, Dec. 2, at noon. (520-296-8501) [Click Here] for price-list and to view our fall menu.Middle School Winter Retreat
Fri-Sun | Dec 6-8 | Mt Lemmon
Join us for the 2024 Middle School Winter Retreat where we'll be digging into what following Jesus looked like for the disciples so that we can have a better understanding of what following Jesus should look like for us today. $160/Student. If you have any questions, reach out to Randy McCormick. Register and make payments here.
Women's Christmas Dinner
Fri | Dec 6 | 6pm | FLC-Gym
We’re excited this year’s dinner will be a Prepare Him Room Virtual Event with Jennifer Rothschild plus worship with Michael O’Brien. You are invited to join us as we intentionally seek Jesus amid the holiday rush. We’ll enjoy a delicious dinner, fellowship around the table, and be encouraged to celebrate the birth of our Savior, embrace the true meaning of Christmas, and prepare Him room. Table hostesses are needed. Please contact Paula (520)296-8501 or pstark@ccctucson.org for details. Tickets: $25 on sale in the Lobby.
New Sunday Equipping Class - On the Streets With Jesus
Sun | Dec 8 - Mar 9 | FLC 201 | Teacher-Christopher Barnes
This 12-week study will look at Jesus from those who knew Him best - His disciples, those who traveled to hear Him speak and those whom He healed. Our goal is to get to know Jesus better and learn how to create an authentic relationship with Jesus for ourselves.
Widows' Christmas Luncheon
Sun | Dec 8 | 12:30pm | FLC-Dining Room
We look forward to fellowshipping with the CCC widows again this year. RSVP is required by December 4th. Please call Barb in the church office to register.
A Festival of Carols
Sat & Sun | Dec. 14 & 15 | 5pm | Worship Center
Join us as we present "The Tale of Christmas Past" featuring our Festival choir, orchestra, youth, children's choir, and drama. Admission is free and a love offering will be taken benefiting Caring Ministries. Call the church office for more information. Be sure to get your tickets in the church lobby on Sunday or in the church office during the week.
Women's Hiking Club
Sat | Dec 21 | 8am | East End of Speedway
Join us for our December hike! We will meet at the trailhead at the very east end of Speedway at 8:00AM and hike the 4 mile loop on the Garwood, Carillo, & Wild Horse Trails. This is an easy hike that we have done every year during this busy season. It is recommended you wear a hat and bring water and a snack. Please let me know if you plan to come or if you have any questions. Email: teresaharrison1960@gmail.com or Text: 520-271-9684.
Young Women Connect (20s-40s) Christmas Party!
Sat | Dec 21 | 6:30pm | at Amanda's
You are invited to join us at Amanda's house for our Christmas Party! Please bring one wrapped ornament for a white elephant exchange. Call (520)481-9618 to RSVP and for address.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Tues | Dec 24 | 6pm & 8pm | Worship Center
Gather with our church family for one of our two Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 6 and 8pm. We'll sing the cherished carols, read the story of Jesus' birth, and reflect together on the beauty of our Savior, an fill the worship center with candlelight as we anticipate Christmas Day! Our 6pm service will be livestreamed here
All tithes and offerings which you wish to have applied to 2024 must be received or postmarked by midnight, December 31. Giving statements will be mailed in the third week of January 2025.
Important Notice: All cash contributions, regardless of the amount, require substantiation with (1) either a bank record (such as a cancelled check) or (2) a written communication from the church, showing the church’s name, date of contribution, and the amount of the contribution. Additionally, you cannot substantiate individual cash contributions of $250 or more with a cancelled check. You must receive a written acknowledgement from the church. You may not be able to deduct individual contributions of $250 or more if you file a tax return before receiving a contribution summary from the church.
Therefore, to ensure the deductibility of your church contributions, we suggest that you do not file your 2024 income tax return until you have received a written acknowledgement of your contributions from the church.
If you have any questions, please contact Dave Hoffman in the church office.
Looking for business sponsors for our Mission Possible 5k Fun Run
We are looking for business sponsors to contribute to this great cause. All gifts are tax-deductible and we'll advertise your business. Contact Chase for more information. All proceeds support three youth summer mission trips. Our Mission Possible 5k Fun Run will be held on Saturday, Feb. 1. [Click Here] to register for the run.
Family Life Academy is Hiring
We are looking to hire substitute teachers for our preschool, elementary, and middle school. If you are interested, please call the school office or email Diane Yeager at dyeager@ccctucson.org.
Community Group Leaders Needed!
We believe God uses Community Groups to change people's lives, and you get to be a part of that. If you're interested in becoming a community group leader or if you want to learn what it takes to be one, join us for an upcoming Community Group Leader Training. Please note all leaders must be a member of CCC. Please call Barb at 296-8501 or via email at bprentice@ccctucson.org for more information.
Become A Stephen Minister
CCKids Needs Additional Team Members
Parents, what better way to connect with your kids than by serving as a leader/helper in their classroom? If you are interested in serving with CC Kids, we have opportunities for you! AWANA is held Wednesday evenings with opportunities to serve as a director, secretary, game leader, or table leader. Sunday mornings, we have teams in every age group from Birth through 5th grade, as well as a CC Kids Welcome Team. If you are interested in serving in any of these areas, please complete this interest form!
Now Hiring - Childcare Providers
We have a need for a few additional childcare providers for our ongoing and special events. This is a paid, part-time position. Applicants must be 18 or older. If interested, contact the church office, 520-296-8501 or nbales@ccctucson.org
- The Book of 1 Peter - Wed., Oct. 25 - May 7, 6:30pm. FLC-201. Teacher: Pastor Eric Naus.
- Steps to Freedom in Christ - Wed., Oct. 9 - Dec. 11, 6:30pm. FLC-202. Teacher: Mark & Jo Winslow.
Contact Info: Pastor Tim Arrington
- Bible Study - Will resume on Thurs., Jan 9, 2025, 10am, FLC-Gym.
- Fun & Fellowship - Will resume on Thurs., Jan. 30, 2025, 10am. FLC-101.
Contact Info: Pastor Erwin Klingenberg
- [Click Here] for a list of our current Men's studies.
- First Responders Bible Study - Click here for a schedule of when this Bible study meets.
- New Commandment Men's Ministry - Every 3rd Saturday of the month. 7am. Green-1. We meet for 3 hours to provide care for widows and single mothers in our church family. For more information call Pastor Erwin in the church office.
Contact Info: Cindyrae Stang or Paula Stark
- [Click Here] for a list of our current Women's studies.
- Women's Prayer Group - Every Thurs. 8:30am. FLC-204.
- Memory Lane Writers Wed., Dec. 4, 10am, FLC-204. Co-Facilitators: Becky DeCorse (rebdec505@gmail.com; 520-834-2529) and Judy Daggert (judy@daggert.com; 520-591-2425).
- Women's Christmas Dinner - Fri., Dec. 6, 6pm, FLC-Gym
- New Beginnings (Widow's Fellowship) - Wed., Dec. 11, 11:30am - Christmas Luncheon at Hacienda Del Lago Country Club, 14155 E. Via Rancho Del Lago, Vail, AZ (520)647-3109.
- Women's Hiking Club - Sat., Dec. 21, 8am.
- Young Women Connect (20s-40s) Sat., Dec. 21, 6:30pm - Christmas party at Amanda's.
PURSUIT (College and Young Adults)
- Meets every Tues. 6pm , Green 4.
- Contact Info: Brian & Katy McHolm
- Pursuit Facebook Group
- Instagram@cccpursuit
- Christmas Party - Fri, Dec 6, 6pm at the Kishbaughs home. Dinner, Games and a White Elephant gift exchange
- Souper Friday Fri., Jan. 10, 6pm. Fri, at the McHolms home.
- Meets every other Thurs. 7pm at the Pixler's home.
- Contact Info: Ryan and Tasha Pixler
- We also have many events such as concerts, hikes, game nights, etc.
- Join us as we connect through dinners out, serving and creating.
- Our events will be posted on our church calendar or eBulletin under Women's Ministry.
- Contact Info: Amanda Baker
- YOUNG FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP (for young married couples with or without children)
- Meets every Sun. 9am in FLC 204.
- Contact Info: Pastor Tim Sheaffer
Contact Info: Pastor Chase Hildenbrand - Pastor of Student Ministries; Hannah Lamp - Girls' Coordinator; Randy McCormick - Student Ministries Pastoral Resident
- Middle School
- NO Core Groups this week - Wed., 6:30pm, Oasis.
[REGISTER] for '24-'25 core groups (Only for new students) - Winter Retreat - Dec. 6-8, Southern Pines Baptist Camp on Mt. Lemmon
- High School
- NO Core Groups this week - Wed., 6:30pm, Oasis.
[REGISTER] for '24-'25 core groups (Only for new students) - Book Club - Sept.1-Dec. 22 (Every other Sunday)
- Winter Retreat - Jan. 18-20, Red Setter Inn in Greer, AZ
Contact Info: Naomi Bales - Director of Children's Ministry or Sherry Stern
- NO AWANA this week - Wed. 6:30-8:15pm.
Contact Info: Cindyrae Stang
- Adult Choir Rehearsal - Choir Room.
- Orchestra Rehearsal - Worship Center.
- Women's Healing Journey - Saturdays, Sept. 14 - April, 10am-noon, FLC-204. Space is limited. To register or for more information Contact Marsha Springs at m.vertnik@yahoo.com or 231-301-4662 to register.
- DivorceCare - Mondays, Sept. 23 - Dec. 16, 6:15pm, FLC-201. Class cost is $20. Register online at DivorceCare.org.
- Recognizing Abusive Relationships - (A Sheepfold Support Group) Teacher: Kristen Kiernan. For more information call Kristen at 877-687-7979 or email mariposadvocacy@gmail.com.
- Stephen Ministry - We have trained Christian volunteers who are available to support you when dealing with deep personal issues. For more information contact Pastor Brett at the church office. (520) 296-8501.
- Pastoral Care - Are you presently facing a difficult time? There are men and women in our church family that are ready to help you right now, right where you are. [Click Here] for more information.
- Visitation Team - This team visits people who are unable to regularly attend the church, and they care for them through in-person prayer and encouragement. If you know of somebody who would like a visit, please contact Pastor Tim Sheaffer.
- If you are visiting, please fill out our Connect Card and come and meet one of our Pastors after service in the Welcome Room and receive a free gift. We’d really love to meet you!
- Visit our website at www.ccctucson.org.
- Attend our quarterly Newcomers/Membership Class. Contact Pastor Tim for more information.
- Subscribe to receive our weekly eBulletin in your inbox.
- Download our CCC App.
- Subscribe to our Youtube Channel.
- Like us on Facebook.
- Follow us on Instagram @ ccctucson.
- Join our online directory.
- Subscribe to RightNow Media. Email Pastor Tim to get your FREE subscription.
- To email an elder or a pastor, individual email addresses are available on our website.
Website: ccctucson.org
Location: 530 S Pantano Rd, Tucson, AZ, United States
Phone: (520) 296-8501
Facebook Private Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ccctucson