Inspiring Excellence
Casa Grande Union High School District | December 2024
Happy Holidays and New Year!
As we stand on the threshold of 2025, brimming with anticipation for our upcoming graduation of 931 enthusiastic students in May, I feel compelled to share a powerful technique introduced by one of my esteemed motivational speakers and authors, Jon Gordon. Renowned for his best-selling books, my favorite is "The Energy Bus," where he compellingly demonstrates the transformative impact of adopting a positive mindset instead of succumbing to negativity.
Mr. Gordon champions an inspiring concept known as the one-word challenge, which serves as an alternative to the traditional New Year resolutions. This challenge invites individuals to choose a single word that encapsulates their aspirations and desires for the year ahead, infusing it with meaning, passion, and purpose as we venture into 2025.
For our graduating seniors, I would like to propose the word "FINISH." This word carries significant weight, especially at this pivotal moment in their lives. While there will be ample opportunities to celebrate their achievements and reflect on their journey through K-12 education, it is crucial for them to embrace the spirit of FINISHING STRONG as they embark on the next chapter—be in college, vocational training, or the pursuit of rewarding careers. Let this word serve as a rallying cry for determination and perseverance as they progress toward a promising future.
The word I have chosen to embody our purpose in 2025 is ACCOUNTABILITY. Together with our Governing Board, we have passionately adopted a bold and transformative mission and vision: to ensure that every student in the Casa Grande Union High School District graduates equipped and ready for college and/or a successful career. Achieving this ambitious vision depends on our unwavering accountability for the results we deliver. As the leader of this initiative, I fully embrace my responsibility to our learning community, committed to ensuring we fulfill this mission effectively. I encourage open dialogue, so please contact me whenever you feel we are falling short in our Commitment to Excellence or not adequately supporting your family. Your feedback is vital as we work together to create a brighter future for all students.
Studies indicate that the most successful students and exemplary citizens possess a variety of common traits. Among these, one of the most impactful is the practice of open and honest communication at home regarding aspirations and career planning. I strongly encourage families to collaborate and utilize the one-word challenge as a valuable communication tool. This innovative approach can spark meaningful discussions and align family members on their goals. For further insights, you can explore additional resources on Jon Gordon's website, which offers guidance on fostering effective communication and goal-setting within families.
Thank you for choosing to join our vibrant learning community. I extend my heartfelt wishes to all CGUHSD families for a wonderful, safe, and enjoyable season. May 2025 bring you joy, growth, and countless memorable moments.
Jeff Lavender
CGUHS Construction Technologies
VGHS Early Childhood Education
Casa Grande Union High School
PACE Student of the Month
Celebrate Local DECA Programs
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
Safeway Grand Reopening
Palo Verde Fiesta Bowl Charities
AP Scholars Recognized
Chamber of Commerce Bowl Trophy
Community Interviews
CTE Automotive Technologies
CTE Early Childhood Education
CTE FCCLA Early Childhood Education
CTE JROTC Marine Corps
National Honor Society
National Honor Society
Pinal Prep Performers of the Week
Casa Grande Alliance Food Bank
Counseling Department
Pinal Prep Performers of the Week
Suicide Awareness Walk
Thespian Society Presents
Dec. 11 = Early Release
Dec. 18 = Early Release
Dec. 19-20 = CGUHS/VGHS Semester Exams
Dec. 19-20 = CGUHS/VGHS Early Release @ 12:30 PM
Dec. 19-20 = PACE Semester Showcase
Dec. 19-20 = PACE Early Release @ 12:05 PM
Dec. 20 = 1st Semester Ends
Dec. 23-27 = Winter Break = No School/Offices Closed
Dec. 30-31 = Winter Break = No School/Offices Closed/Appointments Only
Jan. 01 = Winter Break = No School/Offices Closed
Jan. 02-03 = Winter Break = No School/Offices Closed/Appointments Only
Jan. 06 = Professional Development Day = No School
Jan. 07 = School Resumes
Jan. 13 = 100th Day
Jan. 16 = Open House
Jan. 20 = Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday (No School/Offices Closed)
Governing Board
Regular Monthly Meetings
2nd Monday of Month (*typically)
*unless there is a conflict & approved by Board
Casa Grande Union High School District
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
520-316-3360 Phone
520-316-3352 Fax
contact@cguhsd.org Email
cguhsd.org Website
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Marilyn Twehous, Social Media Specialist