The Big Cat Courier
Your Source for Barnard News Right Meow!
Good Evening Barnard Families,
As we close out another week of Distance Learning and head into the three-day Memorial Day weekend, I want to reiterate Superintendent Drezek's message that all EPS staff are working tirelessly to support you and your children. We share your frustrations about the situation we are all living in and are eagerly awaiting direction from the Governor's office and the Connecticut Department of Education. Everyone in education is hoping to have some definitive guidance soon so we can start planning for the next school year. We miss seeing your kids' faces!
In the interest of sharing information we currently have, here are five items that our team is working out so that we can make arrangements with you. Under normal conditions, this would be a simple task but under the current circumstances, logistics become a little more difficult to wrangle.
-End of year classroom events
-Scheduled pick up of student items left in the building
-Distribution of spring pictures
-Scheduled pick up of student medications from the nurse
-Loaner iPad returns
Resources for Big Cat Families
Are you experiencing power struggles with your child while they are home during Distance Learning?
Free PK-2 Family Webinar: How to Create Stability for Students in Uncertain Times
"In this time of uncertainty and chaos, what can we do to help children cope? In this webinar, Peg Oliviera, Ph.D, Child Behavior Expert explains how secure relationships and supportive environments are fundamental to healthy child development and can positively impact child behavior as well as the caregiver’s own ability to cope. Research tells us that while stress can negatively impact child development, children are resilient."
The Big Cat Courier
The look I get from my first grader
The Mood Meter
Have a Happy Memorial Day
Henry Barnard School
Email: jgraham@enfieldschools.org
Website: http://henry.sharpschool.com/
Location: 27 Shaker Road, Enfield, CT, USA
Phone: (860) 253-6540
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldPublicSschools/
Twitter: @EnfieldPS