Madrona K-8 Tips & Tidbits
A collection of questions, answers, and info
π©βπ« Spring Conference Week
Earlier we did a tidbit about Fall Conference Week, now it's time for Spring Conference Week
- Spring conference week for the 2024-2025 year: 3/12 - 3/13
- Fall Conferences are invitation only
- Students are released early these days to accommodate conferences - 12:25 pm release
- Conferences are generally between teacher and caregivers, some teachers will ask that a student attends, please check with your student's teacher
- Lunch is still served these days however, no hot options are served
- Students will still have recess and specialists
- Middle school will have 20-minute periods these days
π€π€’π·Flu π·π€’π€
We are in the middle of flu season, and it is going around Madrona
Influenza levels are the highest they've been in 15 years according to the CDD, and this one is a whopper!
There are things we can do to help keep ourselves and others healthy (source - Healthy Habits to Prevent Flu | Influenza (Flu) | CDC)
- Avoid close contact. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick, too. Putting physical distance between yourself and others can help lower the risk of spreading a respiratory virus.
- Stay home when you are sick. If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you're sick. You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
- Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
- You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication1). After these two criteria are met, there are some additional precautions that can be taken to protect others from respiratory illness.
- Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
- Cover your mouth and nose. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick. Influenza viruses are thought to spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. Wearing a mask is an additional prevention strategy that you can choose to do to further protect yourself and others. When worn by a person with an infection, masks reduce the spread of the virus to others. Masks can also protect wearers from breathing in infectious particles from people around them.
- Clean your hands.
Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.- Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives Tips on hand washing and using alcohol-based hand sanitizers
- Handwashing: Clean Hands Save Lives Tips on hand washing and using alcohol-based hand sanitizers
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs can be spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth. - Take steps for cleaner air.
You can improve air quality by bringing in fresh outside air, purifying indoor air or gathering outdoors. Cleaner air can reduce the risk of exposure to viruses. - Practice good hygiene and other healthy habits.
Cleaning frequently touched surfaces, such as countertops, handrails, and doorknobs regularly can help prevent the spread of some illnesses. Also, get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
π§βπ Volunteer Safety - Drills & Evacuations
OK, you're volunteering in a classroom or other area of the school, and you hear the alarm go off... What do you do?
In the event of a drill or an evacuation, volunteers must :
- Proceed to the flagpole after exiting the building.
- DO NOT stay with the classroom you are volunteering in!
- The classroom teachers do NOT have access to the volunteer sign-in list.
- The front office will have the sign-in list to determine what volunteers are still at Madrona and ensure that everyone is safely outside of the building.
π Time to Think About Summer
Believe it or not it's time to start thinking about summer camps.
I know, it snowed today, and summer may feel far away, but many camps start registration soon, some even start THIS WEEK!
Many summer camps fill up quickly, though they do have waitlists.
Happy planning!
π Grades are Coming π
Soon grades will be available for all students.
You can view your student's report card either in Skyward or ParentSquare
The district has added ParentSquare as an option for accessing report cards starting this year to help make them more accessible.
π«΄π€π«³ Weekly ASL Sign Sign π«΄π€π«³
Every week there is a sign in the window of the main entrance to the school with the ASL sign of the week
Learning ASL is a great way to support the DHH community in our school, and the sign of the week is an easy way to get learn new signs!
Last week the sign was 'Hot Chocolate'
I wonder what we'll learn this week!
πͺ There Are Soooo Many Ways to Get Involved at Madrona! πͺ
Whether you are new to the school or a seasoned bear... Whether you have lots of time during the day, or a busy work schedule all week... Whether you have 30 minutes to volunteer or enough time to run an event, there are ways for anyone to get involved no matter your schedule or skills
Volunteering for short shifts at MIT events like Bear Scare or STEAM Night is a great way for folks new to the Madrona community to dip your toes into volunteering
Events happen throughout the year, and each has a link to sign up for specific shifts of each job needed - links are included for ways to get involved now!
Outside School Hours
- Attend MIT General Meetings (like the one this Tuesday 11/14, 6:30pm!)
- Madrona Childrenβs Theater annual musical
- Enrichment classes (school wide, all grades!)
- Read and score MIT Grant applications
- Bear Scare (school wide, all grades!)
- Community Art Auction (school wide, all grades!)
- Madrona Kids Fund (MKF)
- Feed Our Teachers
- Primary / Intermediate Night
- Community event planning
- STEAM Night (recruiting soon)
- Talent Show (recruiting soon)
- Submit a MIT Grant application and start something new for the school
- Serve on the MIT Board
During the School Day
- In the Classroom
- Help with art, science, reading or math
- Share your expertise for a special project
- Help to do the organizational work that would otherwise have to be done by a teacher
- Hang art, sourcing materials, filing, and organizing the classroom library.
- Outside the classroom
- Chaperone on field trips
- Prepare for classroom projects
- Arrange for parties and other social events
- Help with school photos
- Middle school in-house field trips
- Giving Tree
- Madrona Kids Fund (MKF)
- Book Fair
- Talent Show
- Co-lead the Garden Club
- Annual fun run (school wide, all grades!)
- The specific volunteer opportunities will vary by Center
π«π« Plan the rest of your school yearπ«π«
Here we are in 2025, wow!
We thought it might be helpful to have a rundown of the school closures for the rest of the school year, so here they are!
Happy spring break and summer camp planning everyone!
January 20 - MLK Jr Day
January 27 - Staff Professional Development
February 17 - 18 President's Day Break
March 12-13 - Haf days for Conferences
March 14 - Staff Professional Development
April 7-11 - Spring Break
May 26 - Memorial Day
June 18 - Planned Last Day of School
June 20, 23-26th - Snow Make-up Days
π Staff Favorites
Did you know that there is a folder filled with lists of things that folks that work at Madrona like?
If you are thinking of getting a teacher or other staff member a gift for the holidays, to show appreciation for all that they do, or simply to make their day a bit brighter take a look at their list for ideas.
πΆ Here are a few of their favorite things π΅
If there is a staff member you are looking for that doesn't have a favorites list in this folder tell them you want them to make one
πWhat is MCT?
MCT is Madrona Children's Theatre
MCT is a yearly production staring the students at Madrona, powered by a huge group of volunteers, and helped by paid professional director, music director and choreographer.
Cast is 4th-8th grade
Stage crew is 6th-8th grade
Students and care givers make a commitment when they join the production - a commitment to the time, the fees, and to the energy that's needed.
There are live performances each year... and these are full scale productions!
The play is different each year, always a musical, and chosen by the tireless folks who run MCT
It is truly amazing what these folks do each year!
After many years of dedication, several folks who run MCT each year are leaving and need replacements. If you are interested in getting more deeply involved in MCT email Chris for more details.
πππ Check out this video with past posters and pics πππ
πππ Check out this video of last year's performance πππ
Please consider donating if you watch this video
π¨οΈ Stormy Weather
It's the time of year when wind, snow, and ice can impact the school schedule, so here is some info to help you manage.
- If there are no notices for late or cancelled classes, then school is running with a normal schedule
- If there is weather that impacts buses, even if the Madrona campus is not impacted, schedules will be impacted
- If there is weather that impacts the school schedule there will be information sent out over text, email, voice call, and through the ParentSquare app. You will also find information on the district Facebook, and Instagram pages. You can also look at district or school websites, or check local TV or radio news.
- For the 2024-25 school year, Snow Make-up Days, if needed, will be in this order:
June 20
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
- The recent school closure on 11/20/2024 will NOT need to be made up because it was a closure just for our school and not for the full district.
π£ What Are the Feet About?
Has your kid been coming home with little feet? Wondering what it's all about?
The Madrona Miles Club (see article below) gives students a small reward for laps they run in the form of small plastic feet π¦Ά
These little feet provide a small incentive just by being cute feet they can collect; they can also lead to some friendly competition.
So, if you see your kid with some little feet, give them a pat on the back for exercising and working on their fitness!
π£ We get better with your help
Another note submitted from the Madrona community.
Submit your question, comment, or idea for a tidbit.
"When we were new, there were all these undefined things in the newsletter that we didn't know if the applied to us. We skipped "Art Walk" the first year because we didn't know what it was and it took a long time to figure out that "Madrona's Vineyard" wasn't to do with us. We felt like we were missing things until we became good friends with a seasoned Madrona family."
The changes we've made to the newsletter, including the addition of tidbit section have been with feedback just like this in mind... including feedback from me (we were new last year and honestly, I'm still figuring things out!!)
- If you see something in this newsletter and aren't sure what it is
- If you have questions
- If you think something is missing
- If you have other suggestions
Reach out to MITCommCoordinator@gmail.com
π Food Sharing Bins in Cafeteria
Along the back wall of the cafeteria, near the hall to the MIT room & library there are Food Sharing Bins
- ALL STUDENTS are able to select items from the share bin if they are still hungry
- ONLY food that comes from our kitchen should be placed in the bin.
(Please note this is not an allergy free area as it is not constantly monitored. However, it is frequently checked.)
π A Note From a Newsletter Reader π
The note below was submitted by one of our readers. It both resonated and touched my heart!
"At first, I felt bad because I had a younger child and was not able to volunteer in the classroom.
Soon I found a need in the music class. Next with enrichment after school.
Next thing I knew I was a class coordinator and on committees.
I wish I had not felt bad about not being able to volunteer for all the things. Instead finding where I could volunteer helped me to become more familiar with Madrona Staff, students and guardians and all the happenings."
Thank you to all the volunteers who make everything MIT does possible. Without you there is no us. Please give yourself permission to be where you are. Get involved when and how you can.
We appreciate you!
π©βπ« Fall Conference Week
We had a reader who is a new kinder parent at Madrona ask about what to expect during conference week - Thanks for asking!!!
- Fall conference week for the 2024-2025 year: 10/21 - 10/25
- You book slots with your student's teacher, if not check Parent Square for a message from them with how to book a slot
- Students are released early this week to accommodate conferences - 12:25 pm release
- Conferences are generally between teacher and caregivers, some teachers will ask that a student attends, please check with your student's teacher
- Lunch is still served this week however, no hot options are served
- Students will still have recess and specialists
- Middle school will have 20-minute periods this week
π©βπ§βπ¦ The MIT Family Room
What is the MIT Family Room?
- Where to drop off donations for events
- Where to find an adult's bathroom
- Where MIT makes copies
- Where the MIT office is located (the door to the MIT office is within the family room)
- Where MIT keeps items we use for events, like hot beverage containers and sandwich boards
Where is the MIT Family Room?
- Behind the cafeteria, in the same hall as the library
- You'll see a glass front door across from the library, very near the cafeteria
- The door has now been marked with "MIT Family Room"
ποΈ Calendar, Calendar,... Where are the Calendars?
Have you been looking for a calendar with all the school events? There are actually 4 calendars π«¨
This week's tidbit will help to demystify the calendars and make sure you can find them all!
- MIT Calendar
- Official Madrona Calendar or in the Parent Square App, choose Events from the bottom bar
- Madrona District Calendar
- Main District Calendar
To add the MIT Calendar to your own calendar add βmadronabearfacts@gmail.comβ under Other calendars on your own Google calendar page.
If you cannot find something on the MIT calendar, please check one of the other 3 calendars.
We do our best to include all relevant events in the MIT Weekly Madrona Bear Facts Newsletter, subscribe here.
π What is Madrona Vineyard???
You've probably seen Madron Vineyard on the calendar, and maybe you've wondered what it is. Well, the Madrona Vineyard Committee is sharing with us for this week's tidbit!
Madrona's Vineyard is a monthly event for students, staff, and families of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) community at Madrona K-8 school and surrounding areas. Madrona's Vineyard welcomes students who are siblings or signing friends of DHH students in the district as well as surrounding areas. Additionally, Madrona's Vineyard events are a time and deaf space for the DHH community to come together and spend time with their peers making connections and experiencing their community without the constraints of communication barriers.
The once-a-month event consists of an activity or speaker geared toward socializing with peers and/or learning about the DHH community and its rich culture. This is followed by a potluck-style meal.
Questions about Madrona's Vineyard can be emailed to Co-Chair Jennifer Luce
ππ Has Your Student Lost an Item on the School Bus?π§₯ππ’
First thing first - Check with the bus driver!
- They couldβve dropped it off at Madronaβs front office or are holding onto it for the next time they see your child.
- If they say it is at the bus barn, then you will need to take a trip to the Maintenance and Transportation Facility at 20601 52nd Ave W; Lynnwood WA 98036. The transportation is located on the second floor.
π« Classroom Coordinators
What are Classroom Coordinators? They serve as a liaison between teachers, team chairs, and caregivers in your center - They are a vital link between the classroom and families!
Coordinators communicate with care givers
- Center or school happenings where volunteers may or may not be needed
- School wide fundraising events
- Much more
Each teacher users their Coordinator differently, with some handling fieldtrips, book orders, and more.
The exact role of your Coordinator will vary, but the awesomeness will be the same.
π§₯ Lost and Found
- The best way to ensure that your students items return home is to label them clearly with their name. This includes clothing, lunchboxes, water bottles, and any other items they may bring from home.
- If your student has lost an item check the lost and found located in the hall near the main office, just inside the main entrance of the school
- Items in lost and found are donated twice a year:
- Before winter break
- At the end of the school year
π¦ Critters - Small Acrylic Animals
It started with an unknown staff member hiding critters for other staff members to find but caught on with students.
Some teachers give critters as prizes. Some caregivers buy them for their students to trade. Some folks (like your friendly MIT Communicaitons Coordinator) buy them and hide them around the school for kids to find. There's extra cred if critters are found.
Some critters are common, like plain ducks. Some critters are rare.
If you'd like to hide some critters around school but don't want to buy them reach out to me, I have too many.
π Parking Lot Etiquette 101
- Follow directions of Staff.
- Park in parking spaces if coming into the school.
- Handicapped Parking Permit required for parking in Handicapped spaces (please do not use these unless you have a Handicapped Parking Permit visible in or on your vehicle).
- Stay in your vehicle when dropping off students.
- Students exit from sidewalk side of vehicle.
- Slowdown in parking lot are.
- Do not park in the bus loading / unloading zone
All the info, every week
Every week we send out a newsletter covering volunteer opportunities, upcoming events & school happenings, and other MIT related information.
Subscribe to get the newsletter in your inbox every week here!