RJ Richey Family Newsletter
Week of Sept. 16th Family Newsletter
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RJR Important Dates & Parent Info to Remember:
Sept. 16th-20th: Start with Hello Week: Theme Days:
16th:M- PJ
17th: T- Patriotic
18th: W- Wacky
19th: T- Camo
20th: F- Green/Bulldog
Friday, Sept. 27th: End of First 6 weeks & Smart Smiles Screening Day
Monday, Sept. 30th: No School for Students / Professional Development Day
Monday, Sept. 30th - Oct. 4th: BCISD Homecoming Week (theme dress days coming)
Oct. 1: RJ PTO Adventure Dash (Fun Run) Rally & Kickoff Day
Oct. 3: 1Six Weeks Report Cards & BHS homecoming parade
Oct. 4: Smart Smiles Treatment Day @ RJ & In-Class 1st 6weeks awards & RJ Perfect AttenDANCE party @ 2:30
Oct. 7: Top Dawg Award Reception @ 2:00PM
Oct. 8: Fall Picture Day @ RJ
Oct. 11: Adventure Dash Fun Run @ RJ
Oct. 14: No School for Students / Parent Outreach & School/Family Conference Day
Oct. 18: 4th grade State Capitol Field Trip
Oct. 23: 5th grade Science STAAR practice Interim testing
Oct. 28-Oct. 31: Red Ribbon Week w/ daily dress-up themes
M- Red
T- Color Wars (grades choose colors)
W- Jerseys
T- Book Character Costumes
Oct. 31: End of 2nd Six Weeks
Nov. 1: No School for students or Staff
Nov. 4: No School for students / Professional Development Day
Nov. 6: STAAR Practice 3rd-5th Reading Interim testing
Nov. 11: Veteran's Day Program @ RJ
Nov. 14: 3rd, 4th & 5th grade STAAR practice Math Interim testing
Nov. 25-29: Thanksgiving Break (No school for students or staff)
RJ Fall Picture Day Is Coming! Find more info here:
RJ Parenting Connections & Conversations Corner
Each week, campus leadership will share some hot-topics and helpful parenting tips to help build and bridge connections and conversations between school and home.
We want all of our Bulldogs to have the best school and learning experience possible, and we all know that it takes a VILLAGE to foster the highest levels of social, emotional, and academic wellness for our Bulldogs!
Thank you for taking the time to read the tips and hot-topics so that we can all partner together in building relationships and Crafting the Future together!
RJR Attendance Information
Did you Know? Attendance Edition:
Did you know that just 2 absences in a Six Weeks can mean YOUR child is CHRONICALLY ABSENT?
Do you know the research about Chronically Absent student performance?
Did you know that when Absences ADD UP this one statistic can contribute to below grade-level achievement and increase in social emotional anxiety for students?
Attendance @ School Matters! RJ's Mission to Make EVERY school day count!
Because research states that students learn best when they are at school, we are making a special effort to educate parents and recognize students with responsible attendance.
What does our (BCISD's) data say?
Based on STAAR testing results from 2024, Chronically Absent elementary students averaged over 10% lower on state assessments AND our RJ students that were chronically absent consistently underperformed compared to students that had acceptable attendance throughout the year.
Making every school day count, means that our students that are regularly in attendance outperform other students not just at the local level but also across the state!
- Should you need to sign-your student out early during the day, please have your ID.
- All parents/guardians will be asked to sign your student out as we are required to track student attendance and parts of day out of school. We will be able to code and excuse your child's early checkout with a doctor's note returned the next day.
- Excessive check-out earlies do affect student attendance and can accumulate for days missed from school.
- Time out or away from school, even significant tardies and/or check-out earlies WILL affect your child's attendance awards.
Submitting an Absence Note?
There are 2 easy ways to provide documentation for your child's absence IF they need to be away from school at anytime:
- You can send your child with an absence note to turn-into the front office. There is an "absence note" box where all students can place their absence letters or doctor's notes that our registrar documents daily.
- You can also scan in doctor's notes and/or send parent communication regarding your child's absences to our attendance registrar @ rsuter@burnetcisd.net
Message from our Counselor, Mrs. Townsend
Mrs. Townsend, our RJ School Counselor, needs your feedback!
Please complete the Parent Needs assessment found here or follow the QR Code to provide your valuable feedback!
- For more information about School Counseling here at RJ and other community resources, please visit our Counseling Department webpage.
RJR PTO Corner
Did you know that RJ PTO gives back to RJ in many ways?
Here's just a few of the ways that our RJ Bulldogs are supported by our RJ PTO:
- Paid field trips for ALL students so that there is no cost to families or the school
- Fine Arts Support with Music & Art Supplies
- Physical Education Donations & Funding for additional equipment
- Full paid Field Day for ALL students
- Teacher Six-Week Hospitality with coffee carts and treats
- Student Six-Week Incentives & Prizes
Updated RJ Fine Arts News: Thank you RJ PTO:
RJ Parent Quick Links & BCISD Information
Transportation change request process:
How do I request a change in transportation?
Submit an email on the same day as the transportation change request by 1:30 p.m. to:
Include the following details in the email:
- Student’s full name
- Student’s grade level
- Student’s homeroom teacher
- The transportation change you want made for today (bus rider to car rider or car rider to bus rider)
Requests made after 1:30pm will not be processed. Notes, phone calls, text messages and emails sent to any other email will not be processed.
RJR 24-25 Parent School Procedure Brochure:
RJR 24-25 Parent Procedure Brochure
Have questions about arrival, dismissal, transportation changes, visitor procedures, etc?
Always find RJ Richey School Information about daily school procedures here:
Burnet Community Resources
RJ Richey Elementary School
7:15am Front Doors Open
7:15am Student Drop Off/Breakfast7:25am Front Office Opens
7:45am School Begins
7:45am Tardy Bell
9:00am Students not in attendance are marked absent
1:30pm Transportation changes due, please email: rjr-transportation@burnetcisd.net
3:25pm Student Dismissal
4:00pm Office/School Closes
Website: https://rjr.burnetcisd.net/
Location: R J Richey Elementary School, East Graves Street, Burnet, TX, USA
Phone: 512-756-2609
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rjrichey