Learning Cycle at Activate Learning
An introduction to the learning cycle.
The learning cycle is a model of learning that can be used to plan individual lessons or workshops, weeks of learning and longer projects of learning over months. The beauty of a cycle is that you can facilitate some present, apply, recall & review and then repeat as required during a lesson or perhaps over a series of lessons. Although it provides structure to learning, you must use your professional judgement to consider how best it can be used to suit your learners and the topic.
Aims and Outcomes:
The aim of this short refresher module is to review your knowledge and current application of the College's Learning Cycle lesson model.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
- Identify the importance of the learning cycle.
- State the 5 stages of the Learning Cycle.
- Share a resource of your own with colleagues.
Your Video Task (Learning Outcomes 1 and 2)
1. Login/Signup as a student on EdPuzzle.com here:
2. Click 'Join a Class' and input this code (case sensitive): aM1G3A
3. Watch the video (The Learning Cycle) and answer the questions
If this doesn't work, please email Hannah.Tyreman@reading-college.ac.uk with a screenshot and a clear description of the problem.
Your Submission Task (Learning Outcome 3)
Explore this site and then click 'submit your own' to submit your own lesson idea/resource for at least one stage of the learning cycle. You can submit more ideas if you wish!
Additional Reading
If you'd like to read more about the origins of and theory behind the learning cycle, you can explore the resources here. http://bundlr.com/b/learning-cycle-research
Looking for learning plan and schemes of learning templates?
You can access them all here: https://sites.google.com/a/i.reading-college.ac.uk/reading-college-lesson-planning/learning-plan-templates-and-samples
Further Discussion
There is always great sharing between colleagues on our Google+ community. Click here to join: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/108705251740989224888