August 2, 2024
Welcome Guest Preacher Rev. Mary Bahr-Jones
Rev. Mary Bahr-Jones was the Temporary Supply Associate Pastor here at OLCCP from 2011—2013. She later served as Transitional Pastor at Milford Presbyterian Church as well as an interim at New Life in Sterling Heights and Crossroads in Wixom.
The Sesquicentennial Celebration Concludes with Founders’ Weekend!
- Friday evening, September 13 - Christian youth music leader, DJ Code, will be in concert at OLCCP. Free tickets can be reserved by calling the church office at 248-682-0730. Youth from all over southeast Michigan are encouraged to attend!
- Saturday evening, September 14 – Family-friendly fun activity. Watch as the details are finalized.
- Sunday, September 15 - Worship and a classic church picnic on the shores of Orchard Lake, at Orchard Lake Country Club. Food, music, even boat rides on the lake! We’ll provide the grilled hot dogs, bring your favorite dish to share, or just bring yourself. Sign-up for potluck will be available in September. Easy parking adjacent to the picnic grove. All are invited.
Sunday Worship & Scriptures
Our Summer Worship Schedule is 8:30 am service outdoors (weather permitting) and 10:00 am indoors and via livestream. Plan to bring sunglasses and a lawn chair (8:30).
Click here for Order of Worship
Join us this Sunday as Rev. Mary Bahr-Jones brings us the message, Joined and Knit Together, and as we partake in the Lord's Supper.
Old Testament Lesson:
Gospel Lesson:
To access our church online options, subscribe to our YouTube channel on the link below.
In Our Prayers
Pray for these people on our Prayer List: Bev Ayres, Mary Bahr-Jones, Marion Benedict, Nancy Bidel, Dennis Burton, Nancy Burton, Nancy Carter, Vangie Chase, Ellen Coffman, Tom Conrad, Judy Daulton, Ann DeMarco, Eileen Fisher, Dorothy Friedl, Tom Gribbell, Steve Hauser, Herbert Jarvie, Diane Kennedy, Lee Knoblock, Lori Konecki, Laura Krzeczkowski, Karla Kurzweil, Kay Malaney, Bill Marvin, Adrienne Matthews, Mary Mehelich, Julie Morrish, Richard Mudge, Rebbeca Naftel, Sarah Robertson Nadeau, Shannon Paul, Pat Rothley, Brian Russek, Rev. Anne Schaefer, Karen Schoonover, Pete Shilland, Jim Skeeters, Pat Sluka, Paul Stottlemyer, Brett Tremaine, Ron Verduin, Nancy Watts, Doris Wiegert, Bill Windscheif, Martha Windscheif, and Pamela Zimmerman.
Stephen Ministry
OLCCP is a Stephen Ministry congregation, which means many of our members and friends have completed a 50-hour training course in peer counseling, listening, and referral. If you would like to meet regularly with a Stephen Minister for a listening ear, supportive prayer, and companionship in times of struggle or transition, see Steve Orr or email info@olccp.com
The OLCCP Stephen Ministers are: Bev Ayres, Dorothy Friedl, Sherry Orr, Steve Orr, Bob Siebert, and Pat Redner-Colvin.
OLCCP Calendar
Our calendar is available to browse live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at OLCC,P Calendar. You can browse all events coming up. You can also subscribe to the calendar on the same page.
Please be sure to check the calendar before organizing an event at OLCCP.
Historical Field Trips – Update for July 19
Feel free to invite your family and friends to any upcoming events.
August – No group field trip is planned for August. Please feel free to explore on your own. Ideas: Greenfield Village, Henry Ford Museum, Ford Rouge Factory Tour, Detroit Zoo, Historic Fort Wayne, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Riverwalk, Meadowbrook Hall, and the Holocaust Center.
September – As part of our 150-Year Founders’ Weekend, on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 5 pm, there will be a family fun activity at our church. Then, on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 10 am, we will have an outdoor worship service on the shore of Orchard Lake Country Club followed by a classic church potluck picnic with games and boat rides around historic Apple Island. More details to follow.
If you have any questions, please email Gary at garyforhan@ameritech.net.
Food, Fun & Fellowship
2024 WOMEN'S SUMMER BIBLE STUDY with Bonnie Horner
Who they are, What they do, Why it matters By Dr. Jack Graham
Wednesday Mornings, 10 to 11:30 a.m. July 10 - August 28
Dr. Jack Graham (no relation to Billy Graham) walks you through Scripture, revealing the truth about angels and what they offer us: encouragement, counsel, confirmation of God's will, strength, protection, wisdom, companionship and more. Any questions or to sign up, call Bonnie Horner at 248-880-2327 or email bnnhrn@yahoo.com.
Our Daily Bread Devotions
Join us on Zoom for Our Daily Bread Devotions during the Summer months, Monday through Friday at 9:00 am. Free devotional guides are available for pick-up 24/7 in the Little Free Library outside our entrance or in the main lobby.
The Zoom link is
And to lead the class, you can sign up here Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian: Our Daily Bread Devotional (signupgenius.com)
Open Door Outreach Pantry Collection Focus on Kids Lunches: Open Door’s food pantry provides food and care items on a monthly basis to qualified low income men, women, children and seniors. The pantry accepts all shelf-stable items so any donation of food or hygiene products is appreciated. Many children and families are in greater need of food during the summer months when school is out. We are doing a special food collection this month with a focus on lunch items for kids. Some items we are collecting include: granola bars; microwave macaroni and cheese and meals; tuna and canned meat; peanut butter and jelly; raisins, pudding cups, and juice boxes. Check out the table near the office door for a list of items.
See Judy Davis or one of the Deacons for more information. Thank you for your donations!
Deacon Transportation Service
Do you need a ride? Deacon Transportation Services at OLCCP is staffed and able to take fellow members to medical or essential appointments.
Please contact Linda V. or Rebecca for information or email info@olccp.com.
The pantry is in need of the following food items: jelly, condiments, canned meat, tuna, soups, canned vegetables and fruits, canned chili, stew and baked beans, spaghetti sauce, pasta, boxed cereals, cake mix and frosting, crackers, and juice. This is an ongoing collection at OLCCP that is distributed weekly.
They accept all shelf-stable items. Any donation of food or hygiene products is appreciated. Items can be dropped off in the brown bench near the office.
Thank you for your continued support!
Contact Us
The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Rev. Dr. Richard Lapehn (Pastor): In the office Monday through Thursday. May be reached by email at (richard.lapehn@gmail.com)or by phone at 248-682-0730.
- Leida Soto (Office Administrator): In the office Monday through Thursday or by email during office hours at (leida@olccp.com) or by phone at 248-682-0730.
- Stacey Cheff (Business Administrator): In the office Mondays and Thursdays or by email during office hours (stacey@olccp.com)
- Kelly Holquist (Children & Youth Director): May be reached by email during office hours at (kellyh@olccpl.com) or phone at 248-682-0730.
- Rebecca Grice-Johnson (Faith Community Nurse) : Email at (rebecca@olccp.com) or call 248-682-0730.
- Bruce Snyder (Director of Music Ministries): (bruce@olccp.com)
Email: info@olccp.com
Website: www.olccp.com
Location: 5171 Commerce Road, Orchard Lake, MI, USA
Phone: 248-682-0730
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCCP/