Save the Date for Fall Events

July 3, 2024
Dear Avon Lake City Schools Community,
Summer is here, and I hope you are well, enjoying some fun, sun, and a relaxing time away from school. Please have a safe and Happy Fourth of July! A few updates and reminders for this mid-summer newsletter, for your information and calendars. While I do hope you continue enjoying your summer, please remember that the first day of school for the ’24- ’25 school year for students in grades 1st through 12th is Tuesday August 20th. Kindergarten students return on Thursday, August 22nd. Mark your calendars!
Take Back Togetherness Nights November 13th and March 18th!
The Avon Lake City Schools will also be recognizing two Take Back Togetherness Nights this upcoming school year on Wednesday, November 13th and Tuesday, March 18th. These nights will provide opportunities for families to spend time with one another exclusively, as there will be no homework given, activities after school, or athletics practices. We want families to unplug from social media and devices and spend quality time with one another. Please save these dates and more information will be shared in the future!
Thanks to Those Who Have Participated in Coffee Talks!
Our first two coffee talks have been well-attended and truly constructive as informal opportunities for the community to talk directly with me and our administrative team. Conversations have been thoughtful and engaging. Our locations have been quite hospitable, and big thanks to Emilie’s Coffee House and Rio Coffee Brewery. Future coffee talks will also be taking place on Wednesday, August 7th at McDonalds on Walker Road and Wednesday, August 14th at The Kitchen on Walker Road, all of which are 9 a.m. – 10 a.m. at the specified locations. Come out and join us!
ALHS Drama Club Announces Performances and Dates!
Mark your calendars for ALHS Drama Club’s production of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child this fall as the High School will be one of the first schools in Ohio to perform this play. Show dates are Thursday, December 5th through Sunday, December 8th. You won’t want to miss our outstanding student-performers of the Drama Club, the tireless work of our boosters, and the preparation and dedication of our production team. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a show! Also, the spring presentation of Anastasia, the Musical will take place Thursday, April 10th through Sunday, April 13th. Another amazing year of theater is upon us!
Strategic Planning Update
The Avon Lake City Schools invested time this spring to revise and update our district’s strategic plan, and while we intend to share the details of our revised mission, vision, our portrait of an Avon Lake student, and strategic priorities, readers will clearly see our focus being on a love for our schools, built on a legacy of excellence…on our way to becoming to an ALite district. We intend to fulfill our vision to inspire resilient students to achieve meaningful, successful, and fulfilling lives that contribute to the success of our Avon Lake Community. Our priorities will be creating a culture of respect, collaboration, and comprehensive wellness, promoting student-centered individualized learning, and creating infrastructure that enables success at all levels of education. This exciting journey to conduct and complete a revised strategic plan will be shared in more detail upon returning for the school year.
Keep enjoying summer! Have a wonderful 4th of July!
Joelle M. Magyar
Superintendent of Schools
Upcoming Important Dates
Aug. 7: Coffee Talk at 9 a.m. McDonald's
Aug. 14: Coffee Talk at 9 a.m. The Kitchen
Aug. 20: First day of school (grades 1-12)
Aug. 22: First day of school (grades PreK-K)
Sept. 2: No school (Labor Day)
To view the complete district calendar, click here.
Back-to-school forms
Over the summer months you will receive an email notifying you to complete your student's back-to-school forms via your PowerSchool Parent Account. All forms are to be completed prior to the first day of school. This is a one-stop shop for updating your child’s emergency and medical information, as well as signing off on the annual permission forms for school district policies.
If you have any questions about your PowerSchool Parent Account, please contact:
- Maria Szarek - (440) 933-4829
- Theresa Martin - (440) 933-0984
Building newsletters
Just in case you missed a newsletter from your child's school, or have multiple children in our district at different buildings, we have links below from each building principal for your convenience with the most recent information sent to families. A link to our quarterly District Facility Focus newsletter is also below.