Assawompset News
January 10, 2025
January 13th - Crazy Hat and/or Crazy Hair Day (Students reached 50% on ST MATH) WOOT!
January 20th - Martin Luther King Day - NO School
The WINTER AFTER the BELL SESSION is below. Please click the link to see the winter offerings.
We had a GREAT week here at Assawompset Elementary School. We have settled back into our routines and are looking forward to a great new year, despite the cold weather. BRRRRR......
This week, students have begun their Mid year benchmark testing in math and reading. These results are used to group students and provide instruction and intervention at their level.
We held our SCHOOL WIDE assembly this week on INCLUSION. We played a game: "IS IT INCLUSIVE?" Below is a phenomenal book to review with your child on INCLUSION! Check it out.
Kindergarten students were introduced to Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama. We watched a short video about her, then used glue stick caps to create our work!
First graders finished their rainbow chameleons, and are ready to jump into color theory!
Second graders learned about African American artist, Alma Thomas. Alma created paintings using dashed lines and concentric circles. We used winter colors to create a chilly background.
Third graders were shown examples of onion domes and Islamic stained glass windows. We are fortunate to have classmates from Pakistan and India. They told us what these look like in person. We are creating an “Assawompset version” of stained glass in watercolors.
K: This week we worked on singing solos to a fun song with a game. The children were so excited to try something new. We also reviewed how to keep a steady beat on the unpitched percussion instruments.
1st: Attention 1st grade families!! The first grade children will be performing on Wednesday, April 16, 2025 @ 10:00am in the AES gymnasium, in honor of their Grandparents! A notice was sent home this week with more information! Looking forward to the big day!
2nd: This week the 2nd graders learned how to dance the Italian dance, the Tarantella! It was fun to try something new from another country!
3rd:This week we started learning how to read the notes of the Treble Clef in preparation to play the recorder. A notice was sent home this week for families to purchase a Soprano recorder to learn to play in music class. All recorders are due in school by Jan 21st.
Happy New Year!
Students this week are learning about China and the Lunar Year. We are learning about different Chinese customs surrounding Lunar New Year and listening to stories about the Lunar Year.
Grades 1-3: Students focused on cardiovascular endurance through step-aerobic workouts and gaga ball. Kindergarten: Students played "Snowman Down," a throwing and defense game.
This week the kindergarten students are answering the question, What do people use to do their jobs? We read an informational text titled Whose Shoes?, then discussed the types of shoes people wear for different jobs or activities. We also discussed other tools that each person may need to help them do their job. In math, we worked on counting, showing, and writing numbers 6-10 while also continuing to work on strengthening our addition and subtraction skills.
This week’s Essential Question is: How can you find your way around?
Students are learning about different types of maps.
They will look at various maps and students will find the difference between each one.
This week students will look at maps and a globe and see what is alike and different about each one.
Students will also read the story, Me on the Map.
This week students have been finishing up their New Year’s Resolutions.
Each student made individual goals for themselves to improve on something they would like to accomplish.
In grade two we have been settling back into our school routines after a fun holiday break! We are working on reading comprehension skills using non-fiction text and the students love it! As we tie science standards about animals’ habitats into literacy, students will be starting an animal research project to make some great connections! In math we have been working on two-step word problems. Students continue to work on having academic conversations with peers explaining their math thinking and also on showing their math thinking on paper. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to our grade three families! Here in third grade we are back in full swing. The kids are moving right along in ST math; they really love it and are doing a great job. In math we are in Unit 3, which involves finding area with multiplication, multi-step word problems with all four operations, and graphs. In reading we are also in Unit three, which starts off with learning about Earth and the other planets in our solar system. It also includes some folktales. In science we are learning about extreme weather events.
It is very common for adults to make New Year’s Resolutions, however, having children make one can be a great way to teach determination, perseverance and self-discipline. Resolutions should be attainable, yet challenging, and important, yet meaningful to the individual. Children can keep track of their resolutions on a regular basis by documenting them on a calendar or sticker chart. They can set up small and big goals and earn special things like picking the movie for movie night, baking something fun or having a special play date. Here are some ideas for children (and families) who may want to try a resolution for 2025!
I will:
drink water every day and healthy beverages like milk with meals. I will keep soda and fruit drinks only for special times.
find a physical activity (like dancing,karate, jump rope, tag or riding my bike) or a sport I like and do it at least three times a week.
wear a helmet when riding a bike, scooter or skateboard.
Be friendly to kids who may have a hard time making friends by talking with them and inviting them to join activities.
spend less time on videogames and other technology.
spend more time reading for fun.
Have a wonderful holiday season and good luck to those who begin a new resolution!