ENG 221-Creative Writing Guide
Villa Maria College Library
The complete list of databases available can be found on our website.
Articles not available in full text can be requested through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Contact the library for help with ILL.
Off-campus access to most online databases requires a username and password. Drop by the library to get this information.
Online Databases
Multidisciplinary databases
Subject databases
Check the library's website for a full listing of databases.
Online Journals and Magazines
Search for Books, eBooks, Print Journals and DVDs
Books in the standard collection may be borrowed for three weeks. Books placed on reserve by your professor will have a shorter loan period. Books not available from the library can be borrowed through AcademicSHARE or Interlibrary Loan (ILL). Contact the library for help. To find items held by Villa and other libraries, try WorldCat.
Don't forget your Villa Maria College ID card to check out books!
Find the ebooks you need by searching either the library catalog, Alexandria, or by searching directly in our ebook collection from EBSCO.
- Rattle
- The Sun
Online Encyclopedias
Additional Resources
This resource offers an array of materials and a directory for print and online magazines, literary events and writing contests.
Check in here for calls for submissions, contests, workshops, and a number of other resources for writers.
Our charter publication Writer’s Digest literally “wrote the book” on writing and getting published. For more than 90 years, the experts at Writer’s Digest have been publishing books, magazines, competitions, conferences and distance education materials for writers who want to polish their skills and hone their craft.
Poets and Writers- Literary Agents Database
The Literary Agents list includes agents and literary agencies that represent poets, fiction writers, and creative nonfiction writers, plus details about the kind of books they're interested in representing, their clients, and the best way to contact them.
Smitty Abel-Smith, MLS, MFAW
Email: sabelsmith@villa.edu
Website: http://www.villa.edu/academics/library/
Location: 240 Pine Ridge Road, Buffalo, NY 14225
Phone: (716) 961-1864