The Panther Prowl
Principal Hyde
The mission of Edythe J. Hayes Middle School is to engage all learners in a safe and nurturing environment that fosters academic excellence and develops responsible, respectful leaders and citizens
Hyde's Headline
We cordially invite you to join us for our annual Veterans Day Celebration this Friday, November 8th. We would be honored to have any family members or close friends who are veterans or currently serving in the military join us for this special occasion. Please RSVP ASAP HERE to secure your spot. More details can be found on the flyer below.
Monday, November 4, 2024
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- KYA meeting in room 412 at 8:00 am
- Get Fit after school until 5:30 pm
- Jazz Band after school until 5:15 pm
- Panther Men of Quality after school until 5:00 pm
- Tutoring in the library after school until 5:05 pm
- Football practice on the football field after school
- Volleyball game HOME vs. Beaumont
- Academic team meet vs. Bryan Station Middle School at 5:00 pm @ BSMS
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
- Dance team practice in the gym at 7:00 am
- FCA in room 218 at 7:55 am
- STLP will meet in the student center from 8:00 am - 8:30 am
- Art club will meet after school until 4:45 pm in room 513
- Math team practice after school in room 417
- Tutoring in the library after school until 5:05 pm
- Football practice on the football field after school
- JV football playoffs vs. Beaumont @ Henry Clay High School
- Volleyball game AWAY @ Tates Creek Middle School
- Archery practice in the gym from 6:30-8:00 pm
Thursday, November 7, 2024
- Cheer practice in the gym/cafeteria at 6:30 am
- Dance team practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- KYA meeting in room 412 at 8:00 am
- 7th grade leadership meeting after school in room 301
- Get Fit club after school until 5:30 pm
- Volleyball practice in the gym after school
- Football practice on the football field after school
- Varsity Football round 2 playoff game vs Crawford @ Lafayette
Friday, November 8, 2024
- Cheer practice in the cafeteria/gym at 6:30 am
- Dance team practice in the cafeteria/gym at 7:00 am
- Academic team practice in room 1001 at 7:30 am
- ACDA Allstate Honor Choir in Richmond
- Veterans Day Program
- Football practice after school on the football field
- Volleyball practice after school
Helpful links
Upcoming events
Nov 5- Election day (NO SCHOOL)
Nov 8- Veterans day program
Nov 27, 28, 29 Thanksgiving break (NO SCHOOL)
Dec 3 - Math MAP testing
Dec 5 - Reading MAP testing
Winter MAP Testing-Save the dates
All EJH students will take Math MAP on Tuesday, December 3rd from 9-12 and Reading MAP on Thursday, December 5th from 9-12.
Please make sure your student is at school and arrives on time for both days of testing.
High School Scheduling for current EJH 8th graders-Save the date
Frederick Douglass and Henry Clay High School Counselors will be at Edythe J. Hayes Middle School on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 from 2:00-3:55 PM to meet with EJH 8th graders about High School Scheduling. This meeting is for students only. A parent meeting will be scheduled by the High School to answer any questions you may have. Students must complete the High School Schedule for where their current address shows they are districted to attend. If you need to change your primary address, please do so prior to December 20, 2024. Address changes may be done by contacting EJH Registrar, Jody Asher, at 859-422-1149 or jody.asher@fayette.kyschools.us
Our staff teamed up for a friendly costume competition. Students were able to vote on their favorite team theme. The 6th grade was able to pull out a victory!
More Red Ribbon Week FUN!
Sports information
volleyball schedule for the week:
Monday: Home game against Beaumont
Tuesday: No practice
Wednesday: Away game at Tates Creek
Thursday: Practice for all teams until 6:00
Friday: Practice for all teams until 6:00
Clubs information
No Somos Panteras on Monday November 4 due to conflict with Academic Team Competition.
KYA club
KYA club will be meeting on Monday morning at 8am and Thursday morning at 8am in the library.
MySister's Keeper
MySister'sKeeper will meet in Room 914 Monday, November 11 from 4:15-5:15pm. If students have not submitted their permission slips, please bring all signed paperwork. See Mrs. Brack-Jones or Miss Reid if you need an additional copy.
The Student Council will meet at 8 AM Thursday, Nov. 7th instead of Nov. 14th.
Academic Team fees of $30 are due! Please make checks payable to: EJ Hayes Middle School.
See the academic team schedule below:
PHOTOS FROM OUR JA Finance Park field trip
Hayes featured artists of the week
Hanging with Hyde video
Mrs. Deener and her students have helped create a new video segment called "Hanging with Hyde." Students will submit questions and I will answer 5 of those questions weekly. Take a look at episode 4 from this week!
After school tutoring
We will begin holding after school tutoring on Mondays & Wednesdays beginning on September 4th. Please review our tutoring expectations.
Please see our tutoring schedule and sign up for dates here.
International Baccalaureate Programme
If you were unable to attend the October 16th in person International Baccalaureate Programme information night there is an IB Zoom night for 8th grade families on November 13th from 6-7pm. Details of the IB Programme at TCHS will be discussed and any questions you may have about IB will be answered. If you would like to receive the Zoom link for this event please use the link below to sign up. You will receive the Zoom link by November 11. Please contact john.hatfield@fayette.kyschools.us if you have any questions.
Southside Technical Center is currently accepting applications for our 8th grade Pre-Engineering program.
You can find more details about the Pre-Engineering program on our website. The program offers hands-on learning opportunities to explore engineering concepts and prepare for future academic and career success.
Important Details:
AM Session: Bryan Station, Hayes, and Leestown students (9:15 AM – 11:15 AM)
Selected EJH students will take a bus from Hayes to the technical school and then return to Hayes for the 2nd half of the day. Please note EJH schedule changes will be made to accommodate the Technical School Schedule.
Please contact Ms. Hayden at jonna.hayden@fayette.kyschools.us or 859-422-1145 with any questions.
Please click link below to sign up for an informational meeting with staff from Southside Technical School regarding the 8th grade Pre-engineering Program at Southside. Sign-ups due no later than Nov. 9th at 4 pm. This is for current EJH 8th grade students only.
District Mental Health Information
Bulling Prevention
October is National Bullying Awareness Month. All students deserve to have a safe and supportive learning environment free from bullying or harassment by peers. Here are some websites where families can review facts and resources for managing bullying:
And here is a link for students to learn about what they can do to help prevent bullying:
Social Emotional Learning at EJ Hayes
Social-emotional learning, or SEL, helps people understand and manage their emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. Imagine the ways our kids could be better students and better people if they master these skills.
You may have heard of SEL before tonight thanks to the organization CASEL, which is the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. They helped identify the five core competencies that make up SEL:
• Self-management
• Self-awareness
• Responsible decision-making
• Relationship skills
• Social awareness
These competencies can be taught in many ways, and middle school students can improve their skills in these areas. EJ Hayes addresses student’s social-emotional learning by teaching the Second Step Middle School program.
We are concluding Unit 1: Mindsets & Goals and starting Unit 2: Developing a Positive Sense of Self where students learn how to identify their guiding principles, work toward becoming the people they want to be, and learn strategies for building confidence. To facilitate a conversation with your middle school student and provide teachable moments, ask your child the following questions that correlate with Unit 2 lessons:
Grade 6: What are Guiding Principles? Tell your child about something important to you that you consider one of your guiding principles. Ask them to name some guiding principles that they found interesting or feel strongly about.
Grade 7: What is Self-Confidence? Your child will learn about self-concept—how they see and think about themselves. They’ll learn that a person’s self-concept can affect their actions and decisions, which is why it’s important to develop a positive self-concept. Ask your child to explain what a self-concept is. Ask them why they think it’s important to have a positive self-concept.
Grade 8: Sources of Confidence. Your child will learn about confidence—their belief in their ability to do something—and that there are four sources of confidence. Tell your child about a time when you felt confident and then describe a time when you didn’t feel confident or when you increased your confidence. Ask your child what the four sources of confidence are.
Visit ParenTeenConnect.org, a free online resource to help teens and the adults in their lives address hot-button topics.
Interested in being an observer on your students canvas account?
You can learn to navigate and observe all of the content your students will be exposed to through their classroom canvas pages. Please follow the link to learn more.
Attendance numbers from last week:
Monday: 94.07%
Tuesday: 95.88%
Wednesday: 95.40%
Thursday: 95.71%
Friday: 92.92%