The Ram Roundup
August 20, 2023
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It was great seeing so many students and families at our Back to School and Athletic Nights last week! What a great turn out! We love connecting with you and feeling the excitement for the new school year. We were thrilled to welcome the students back in to the building as well. We've loved hearing all about their summer break and their goals for this school year. We know this time of year can also be stressful for some students and families. Please let us know how we can support you and make this a smooth transition back into school.
Our attendance during this first week was amazing! Thank you for ensuring that your child was at school on time. Attendance is the number one predictor of high school graduation. If there is something that is making it difficult for your child to arrive at school on time, please let us know so we can support you. Our goal is for every Ram to graduate from high school!
This week, our administrative team discussed behavior expectations with all students and potential consequences for failing to follow school rules and the Code of Conduct. Please see below for the highlights of what was covered. We appreciate your support with upholding these expectations so that all students can learn in a safe and welcoming environment, free of disruption.
This newsletter is full of information that you will find helpful as we begin a new school year. There are some important deadlines coming up, including purchasing iPad insurance, registering for Volleyball and Cross Country, and completion of the Free & Reduced Lunch Forms. Please scroll down for more information on those items and more.
This week students will begin 7Mindsets in their Ram Ready class, take their iReady Fall Diagnostics and start Volleyball and Cross Country practice, please see below for more information.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education. Here's to an exciting year filled with growth, discovery, and the joy of learning!
With warm regards,
Karin Blough
Practice Starts on Monday!
See Mr. Shupe with questions!
Practice Starts on Tuesday
Cross Country practice starts Tuesday by the flag pole. See Mr Freeman with an questions!
Tips for home:
- Get plenty of rest
- Eat a good breakfast
- Have their iPad fully charged
- Arrive to school on-time
Cafecito/Coffee Chat - Please join us this Friday
These informal gatherings will focus on topics that are relevant to parents, such as supporting your child's academic success, navigating the school system, promoting mental health and well-being, and fostering positive parent-child relationships. Our aim is to provide valuable information and facilitate discussions that will benefit our students and families. We have scheduled the following dates for the first semester and hope you can attend. Food, childcare and translation services will be available.
Please plan on joining us on the following dates:
Friday, August 25th at 8:15AM - We will be discussing how to get involved in our school, how to check your child's grades and attendance on Campus Portal and how to use iReady to monitor your child's progress.
Tuesday, September 26th at 5:00PM
Friday, October 27th at 8:15AM
Tuesday, November 28th at 3:30 PM
If you have a particular topic that you would like us to cover, please feel free to reach out to our Parent Liaison, Maria Perez at 3030-776-5611 or
Purchase iPad Insurance Now
Beginning July 2023, the integration between IC and RevTrak will no longer be supported by IC. As a result, all fees assigned in IC, including course, materials, and iPad fees will no longer show up in Revtrak and will need to be paid directly in IC through Campus Payments. RevTrak may still be used for clubs, field trips, athletics, and other payments of fees not assigned in IC. Please visit this link for instructions on how to pay outstanding fees in Infinite Campus.
Even a down payment of $1 will get you insurance for this year with the balance due later on. Insurance costs $10/$15/$25 (free lunch/ reduced lunch/ regular price). We want every single student to have iPad insurance because accidents happen each and every day. With insurance, a broken iPad can be replaced immediately and without additional cost. Without iPad insurance, there is a $236 fee for a broken iPad.
Does your child need a new iPad charger? Replacements can be purchased for $36/set from Mrs. Adams in room 300. We need each of our students to come to school each day with a fully charged iPad.
We are strongly encouraging all families to take advantage of iPad insurance. Click the link here for more information. LTP Student iPad Insurance Program
Click the link below for more information about the Learning Technology Program.
We are excited to begin 7 Mindsets, our Social Emotional Learning in Ram Ready on Monday. Each month we will focus on a particular Mindset. This month we will focus on Everything is Possible.
The Everything Is Possible Mindset teaches that we are all capable of living
extraordinary lives. Students learn that everything which exists today was once just an
idea until someone believed it was possible and took the actions to make it into reality.
This is true with our lives as well – they become, in many ways, whatever we expect
them to be.
Throughout the lessons for this mindset, we work with students to help them understand
the incredible promise of their lives, and to envision extraordinary happiness, meaning
and success on their own terms. We seek to instill the belief that their goals are
possible, and to foster the courage, discipline and persistence to act on achieving their
The 4 critical components of Everything Is Possible:
1) Dream Big – People who achieve the most in life realize that the greatest limitations are those they place on themselves. This applies to success in school, business, fitness, the quality of our relationships, and our impact on the lives of others. Dreaming big is about raising our expectations for our lives, because when we do, the future becomes bigger and brighter.
2) Embrace Creativity – The only time we are creating new things in life is when we’re being imaginative and innovative. If we want new experiences and things we’ve never had, we must do things we’ve never done. This could be reading a book to acquire new knowledge, debating a topic with a friend, or trying a new activity. Life can only change and expand through creative action!
3) Think Positive – People with a brighter outlook on life are not only happier, but also accomplish more. We must believe there is more for us in life, expect good things from others, and find the positives in all situations. These simple act make us happier in the moment, and the future becomes infinitely brighter.
4) Act and Adjust – We must act if we want to get results. It is important to plan, but only if the plans drive us to action; if we do not act, nothing will change. The greatest obstacle to taking action is fear of failure, but the most successful people in the world don’t see failure, only feedback. Simply learn from mistakes and move forward, because this is the only way to make our dreams into reality. Act on them, and be prepared to adjust.
1) Don’t be a dream snatcher. The fact that kids are dreaming is what’s important, not the content of their dreams. Resist the urge to give your children reality checks, no matter what their dreams are. Dreams are precious, and they represent the hopes and expectations we have for our lives. Every dream and positive vision of the future that your children have should be encouraged. Their dreams will inevitably change, but what matters is that they’re dreaming and believing. Constantly push your children to dream bigger, and never be the doubter or pessimist.
2) Do celebrate and support innovation and creativity in the home. Whether it’s through crafts, play or games, seek opportunities for your children to tap into their imaginations and creative capacity. One major concern with access to technology and devices is our children’s inability to be bored. Boredom has long been the source of innovation and creativity. Create more space in your child’s life and push them to innovate and create. The capacity to use boredom to their advantage will benefit them for the rest of their life.
3) Do model self-compassion. We are so hard on ourselves. It is very important to recognize that our children will observe our tendencies, how we talk to ourselves and, unfortunately, how unfairly critical of ourselves we can often be. Work on how you view your own efforts, challenges and successes, and consider the self image you’re modeling for your children. Don’t forget that they really are more likely to do as we do, rather than as we say.
4) Don’t foster perfectionism. Perfectionism is a primary cause of anxiety, locking us up and preventing us from taking action due to fear of failure. This is most prevalent in young people living in a world of reality TV and sensationalism. More than ever, they must understand they are human and that mistakes are a healthy part of learning and growing up happy and successful. Let them do their own work, let them make mistakes and let them learn to grow through adversity while they are under your roof.
5) Do celebrate risk-taking and failure. One great practice at the dinner table is to ask your child what they “failed at that day” or what didn’t go very well. Rather than focusing on the mistake or loss, ask them to consider how they can grow from it, what they learned, what new skill could be developed, what relationship would be created or expanded, etc. Congratulate them for trying, and point out that the people who succeed are those who take risks and fail, so your kids are in good company and on their way.
Activities to Do with Your Child
Student Behavior Expectations
Administrators were in each classroom during the first week, reviewing Student Behavior Expectations. If you did not sign the Code of Conduct at back to school night, parents are asked to log into Parent Portal and sign off on the Code of Conduct. Parents, please make sure that you have completed your sign off no later than September 30th. Here are directions on how to complete it online.
Students will be required to adhere to the following expectations throughout the entire school day, without exception:
- No cell phones or bluetooth headphones/earbuds during class time. Cell phones are a distraction to the learning environment and are required to be put away at all times. If you need to reach your student or they need to reach a family member, the are always welcome to use the phone in the front office.
- Students are not allowed to wear hats or hoods inside the building, this includes in the cafeteria, hallways and the classrooms.
- Students must use public language at all times in the building, at recess and school related events.
- Bathrooms are technology free zones.
In St. Vrain and at Longs Peak Middle School, we are part of a championship team, where everyone is working together to ensure student success.The expectations are that we all go above and beyond what is stated in the Code of Conduct, as well as in our academic coursework and co-curricular activities, in order to ensure that all of us - ourselves and our teammates - reach our full potential.
The following behaviors are unacceptable on a championship team. These include behaviors that:
- Threaten or cause harm to the school or individual staff members or students
- Demonstrate discrimination
- Involve weapons or physical violence
- Use social media or other written communication to harass other students or staff members.
It is important to know that school staff will take appropriate action if certain detrimental behaviors occur, even if the behaviors are off of school grounds.
Behind every championship team is a community of supporters to celebrate and champion your success. In St. Vrain and at Longs Peak this includes our teachers, counselors, nurses, school staff, administrators, parents, families, and many others.
We ask that our entire Longs Peak community:
- Treat others with kindness and respect
- If you need help, reach out to others for support.
- Get involved in school programs, clubs and activities.
- If you see something, say something.
Thank you for supporting your student, their peers and our entire school community! Our staff is always available to support you in anyway. Please reach out to us!
Our District is very excited to participate in the program. Here is some additional information and a few important reminders about what this means for our schools and families.
- Please continue to fill out the Free and Reduced Price Lunch form. While meals will be provided for free to all St Vrain students through Healthy School Meals for All, it’s important for us to continue gathering this information to receive full access to available federal funds that support nutritional programs at our school. We ask all St Vrain families to please complete the form during registration for the 2023-24 school year. By providing this information, you will help our district access all available funds to cover the cost of meals, and other nutritional programs for students. Plus, families who fill out the form may qualify to receive discounted school fees, class materials, bus passes, utilities support and more!
- All household income information provided through this form is strictly confidential and protected by law. Only one form is required for all children in the household. Immigration, migrant, citizenship or refugee status is not required when completing the form.
Family Benefits to Submitting a Free & Reduced Price Lunch Form:
● School program fees are waived.
● After-school program fees are waived.
● Preschool programs fees are waived.
● SAT and ACT tests and college application fees are reduced.
● Access to community food banks services are available.
● Discounts on utilities and internet service are available.
● Discounts for participation in community groups like sports or YMCA programs are available.
2023 - 2024 Bell Schedule
Ram Ready, Set, Go!!
Girls Volleyball
- Registration deadline August 25th
- Practice Starts on August 21st
Cross Country
- Registration deadline August 25th
- Pratice Starts on August 22nd
iReady Assessments
- Math - August 23rd
- Reading - August 24th
Parent Cafecito/Coffee Chat
- Friday, August 25th at 8:15AM
- Tuesday, September 26th at 5:00PM (during conferences while teachers have dinner)
- Friday, October 27th at 8:15AM
- Tuesday, November 28th at 3:30PM
Picture Day
- Friday, September 1st
- Retakes October 18th
Late Starts - Students arrive at 10:20, classes start at 10:25
- September 6th
- November 1st
- December 6th
Music Concerts
- Orchestra: 10/18 @ 7:00, 10/24 @ LHS 6:00, 12/12 @ LHS 6:00, 3/12 @ 6:00, 5/16 @ LHS 6:00
- Choir: 10/11 @ 6:30, 11/15 @ LHS 7:00, 12/19 @ LHS 6:30, 3/13 @ LHS 6:30, 5/14 @ LHS 6:30
- Band: 10/12 @ LHS 7:00, 12/15 @ LHS 7:00, 5/10 @ LHS 7:00
Parent Teacher Conferences
- September 26th, 28th and October 3rd beginning at 3:30
Who Do I Call?
Karin Blough-Principal
David Glover - Assistant Principal
Neil Shupe- Dean of Students, Athletic Director
Katie Malone- Counselor- 5th Grade + 6th Grade
Megan Fruvellhoff- Mental Health Interventionist- 7th + 8th Grade
Noriko Fujiwara- Health Clerk
Elena Garrido - Attendance Secretary
How to Reach Us
Location: 1500 14th Avenue, Longmont, CO, USA
Phone: 303-776-5611
Twitter: @longs_peakms