Wattles Park Parent Connection
December 15, 2024
Schedule for This Week
Thursday, Dec. 19th-1/2 day dismissal at noon
Friday, Dec. 20th-1/2 day dismissal at noon
Winter Break Begins 12/23/24
School resumes on 1/6/25
Holiday Spirit Days
WPE Gives Thanks
The Wattles Park Clothing Closet is in needs of gently used or new boy's and girl's clothing. Needed items in sizes 5-12 are:
Sweat pants, leggings, jeans, and underwear.
Thank You Parents
Thank you parents for making Wattles Park's part in the Harper Creek Holiday Project a success. The toys and gifts were picked up last Wednesday by a group of high schools students that will wrap and disitribute to families in our community. The Wattles Park kitchen staff prepared a special breakfast that morning for our students.
Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and friends that volunteered for the Santa Secret Shoppe last week. It was a huge success!
Thursday, December 12th-Winter Concert-DK-2nd @ 1:30pm, 3rd-4th @ 2:30pm
Wednesday, December 18th No Early Release Dismissal at 3:45pm
Thursday, December 19th-1/2 Day Dismissal at 12 noon
Friday, December 20th-1/2 Day Dismissal at 12 noon
December 23-January 3-Winter Break
January 6-School Resumes
School Attendance
Early Release Wednesdays
Early release Wednesdays have begun. Dismissal will be at 2:35pm for every Wednesday for the remainder of the school year except, 11/27(noon), 12/18(3:45pm), 5/28(3:45pm).
Contact Information
Email: swanb@harpercreek.net
Website: wpe.harpercreek.net
Location: 132 S Wattles Rd, Battle Creek, MI, USA
Phone: (269) 441-5850