Central Elementary
Parent Newsletter 5/31/24
A Note from Mr. Hamilton, Principal
It's hard to believe I find myself crafting a message for the last newsletter of the 2023-2024 school year.
Every August, in an effort to launch what hopefully becomes the best year yet, I unveil a theme for the year to ground staff in a certain mantra or mindset for the year. This year, our theme was Together We Soar, emphasizing a readiness and desire to reach new heights with "togetherness" as the foundation for success. Now, some 9 months later, I can say without a sliver of doubt that our theme has come to fruition - our goal realized. It has been an incredible year. Thank you for rallying with us, as one!
Although beginnings are often a bit scary, and endings mostly sad, we find ourselves eager for what's to come. We've grown a lot this year. We've gotten better. And, each milestone has been met with an unveiling of more areas in which we aspire to get a little bit better each day even still...for kids. This is a special place, and even brighter days are ahead :)
We all know the 2024-2025 school year will be here before we know it. This "off-season" will be an especially active and important one. Please see information below regarding ways in which your family can assist in planning and preparing for the next best year yet!
On behalf of the Central staff, much love, and THANK YOU for an awesome year. It has been an absolute honor.
Wishing everyone a truly joyous summer!
Join in the Fun the Final Week of the 2023-2024 School Year!
4th Grade Celebration - Friday, June 7th
Calling all fourth grade families!
Please consider joining us at Central on June 7th (half day of school) to celebrate your students' graduation from elementary school! We'll have a party all morning for our 4th graders starting around 9am on the playground. 4th graders will parade around the outside of the building starting at 11:35am. Feel free to join us for all or part of it. The PTO sponsors this amazing event and could use your help! Click below to make a donation or sign up to work at the party. Also attached is a link for info on the send-off parade. Thanks!
Please Pick Up Meds in the Office by Monday, June 10th
If your child has had prescription or over the counter meds in the office this school year, please stop by and picked them up no later than Monday, June 10th.
Thank you!
GOLDEN TICKET WINNERS! Rocket Way on Display!
Look What's Happening in Music!
Celebrating Black Belt in Recorder Karate!
Help Us Prepare Our Outdoor Classroom for Fall
Work Bees this Summer
The PTO is hosting several Work Bee Events this Summer to help assemble several items for the outdoor classroom:
Wednesday June 26th at 9-11am
Wednesday July 17 at 4-6pm
Wednesday July 31 at 4-6pm
Wednesday, August 14th at 9-11am
2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration
We are continuing to take registration for all new students entering kindergarten in the fall. Feel free to stop by the office for registration paperwork. Please pass this info on to anyone you know that has a kinder age child. Thank you!
We are also taking registrations for any new 1st-4th graders.
6/3 - 2nd grade to Mullally
6/3 - Pajama Day - no pillows or blankets.
6/4 - DK & K to Mullally
6/4 - Superhero Day - Dress like your favorite superhero
6/5 - Neon Day - Dress in bright neon colors
6/6 - Half Day of School Dismissal at 12:00pm
6/6 - Hawaiian Day - dress in Hawaiian or tropical attire
6/7 - 4th grade Send-off Parade at 11:40am
6/7 - Last Day of School - Half Day - dismissal at 12:00pm
6/7 - Green and White Day - wear green and white to show your school pride
6/8 - Happy Summer! Enjoy!
6/26 - PTO Work Bee 9:00-11:00am
7/17 - PTO Work Bee 4:00-6:00pm
7/31 - PTO Work Bee 4:00-6:00pm
8/14 - PTO Work Bee 9:00-11:00am
Camp Invention is returning to RPI
This week-long hands-on STEM camp will be run by Reeths-Puffer staff.
For: Children entering Grades K-6
Dates: June 17 - June 21
Time: 9:00am - 3:30pm
Location: Reeths-Puffer Intermediate 1500 N Getty St, Muskegon, MI 49445
Sign up at the link below. The first 80 R-P registrants pay only $110 (that's a savings of $160 per kid thanks to our district!!)
Safe Routes to School Walking Club
Walking Club is getting bigger! We take walks around the school and even out into the neighborhood behind Central. We do fun activities like scavenger hunts and trash clean ups.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Taylor at taylorm@reeths-puffer.org or call the office at 231-744-1693.
CKH Corner
September - Empathy
October - Self-Direct
November -Teamwork
December - Responsibility
January - Respect
February - Kindness
March - Courage
April - Perseverance
May - Integrity
Attendance Policy Awareness
Early pick-ups = Tardies
When students are picked up early (during the last hour of the day), the attendance system codes it as a tardy.
Students can be dropped off for breakfast at 8:30am at Door #1 by the office. There is a buzzer they can push to be let in.
Communication with Teachers when School is in Session
Help Keep Arrival/Dismissal Safe
Please be reminded of a few things relative to arrival and dismissal:
- The window for drop-off is 8:35-8:40. This ensures supervision is provided and adequate.
- Breakfast kiddos can be dropped off and enter as early as 8:30 at DOOR #1.
- PLEASE drive slowly at all times through the parking lot and be hyper-aware of surroundings.
- Use available parking spaces and/or spots along the curb rather than along Giles.
- Do not park on the West side within the bus loading zone.
- Practice patience.
- Be courteous.
"It takes a village." Together, we can ensure our kiddos safely enter and exit school each day.
No Pets on School Property
Thank you for your understanding!
Breakfast and Lunch in the Cafeteria
IMPORTANT NOTE: Breakfast and Lunch are free to all students
Breakfast Schedule
8:30am - 8:55am
Lunch Schedule:
Grade DK: 11:20 - 11:50
Grade K: 11:25 - 11:55
Grade 1: 11:30 - 12:00
Grade 2: 11:45 - 12:15
Grade 3: 11:55 - 12:25
Grade 4: 12:00 - 12:30
Central Library Schedule
Cooper, Birr, Workman, Nauta, Frazier, Sandee, Groothuis, Droski Ribbens
Tindall, Ream, McGreavy, Braman, Mason, McClees, English, Mack, Burmeister
Medications which need to be taken in school must be administered by certified school personnel (or designee) in the presence of another adult. Parents must bring medication to the school office in the original container and file a written statement. NO STUDENT MAY BRING ANY MEDICATION TO SCHOOL.
Contact the office if you have any questions.
School Details
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:00pm
School Hours: 8:45am - 3:45pm
Phone: 231-744-1693
Fax: 231-744-0507
1807 W. Giles Rd
Muskegon, MI 49445
Door Schedule for Arrival and Dismissal
Door #2 - DK & K
Door #3 - 1st grade & Lighthouse Learning
Door #8 - 3rd grade
Door #9 - 4th grade
Central Elementary
Website: www.reeths-puffer.org
Location: 1807 West Giles Road, Muskegon, MI, USA
Phone: 231-744-1693