Nobles County Clover Digest
May 10, 2024

Welcome, Kayla!
Kayla joined our team on Monday, May 6 as our 4-H Summer Intern. Stop in the office and say hello!
“I am super excited to be working with you all this summer. I cannot wait to learn more about 4-H and what takes place here. Can’t wait to see many of you at the day camps and fair week!” `
The animal ID deadline is Wednesday (May 15). All tags must be in the animal’s ear and the information entered in 4-H Online by 11:59 pm on May 15. Tags are available in the office for $2.00/tag. You are welcome to send your tag order ahead of time to Wendy. For complete information about the animal ID process and 2024 updates visit the 4-H animal ID website.
Announcement of Upcoming Office Closures
The Extension Office will be closed the following days in the next couple of months:
Monday, May 27, all day for Memorial Day
Tuesday, June 11 from 8:00 - 1:00 pm for Day Camp
Wednesday, June 12, all day
Thursday, June 13, all day
Wednesday, June 19, all day for Juneteenth
Thursday, July 4, all day for Independence Day
Register for YELLO
The Minnesota 4-H State Ambassadors are excited to invite you to Youth Exploring Leadership and Learning Opportunities (YELLO) this June 12-15 in Morris, MN! YELLO is a 4-H leadership conference for youth in grade 7+ that prepares youth to learn and lead in their communities. The cost to attend YELLO is $300, with an additional $50 fee for opting in to ride the bus. Part of two days will be spent learning in specific tracks called majors including Animal Science, Communication & the Arts, Global Citizenship, Healthy Living & Wellbeing, Outdoor Education and STEM. The Nobles County 4-H Federation & Olson Family Scholarship provide financial assistance to families. By applying for the scholarship, the total cost for YELLO for one youth could be as low as $125. The deadline to register for YELLO is today (Friday, May 10)!
Congrats Grads!
Congratulations to our 2024 high school graduates! As we look forward to the summer and gear up for the county fair, we will feature a senior salute on our 4-H Facebook page and create a tribute board to display at the county fair. If you are a graduating senior, please share a senior photo and your responses to the following questions:
Years in 4-H
Favorite Project and/or Memory
Advice for Younger 4-Hers
Please submit this information by June 1. Once again, congratulations!
Project Day Programming
Calling all youth in grades 6+! Register for our summer project days. Each project day needs at least 10 participants for the program to be held. Registration now in 4-H Online.
Please note that Portraits of Home scheduled for July is canceled.
State Fair Animal Science Bonus Trips
Animal science bonus trip applications are now open. Youth and volunteers can submit applications for consideration by June 1. Programming from June 1, 2023 to June 1, 2024 can be used for a bonus trip application. For more information and the application process visit the Extension website.
Southwest Minnesota Dog Program
The southwest Minnesota dog program met on Tuesday to review information for this year and to set their training schedule. Dog training will take place on Tuesdays starting June 4 at the Nobles County Fairgrounds. Practice set up will start at 6:45 pm and practice will begin at 7:00 pm.
Poultry Health Papers
All poultry shown at the Nobles County Fair must show compliance with testing requirements for pullorum-typhoid disease. For more information about poultry exhibition requirements, review the information sheet from the Minnesota Board of Animal Health. Poultry Health Papers must be submitted to the Extension Office by July 31, 2024.
Landon Rogers Memorial Program
Nobles County 4-H announces the Landon Rogers Memorial Education Program for 4-H members in the county who are actively involved in or would like to be involved in the Minnesota 4-H Beef Project. One or two winning entrants will receive Landon Rogers’ show equipment to use for the 2024 fair. The Show Equipment will be on loan from Landon’s Parents - Lance Rogers & Tami Rogers in memory of their son, Landon Rogers. Access the application materials and more information in this folder. Applications are due May 31, 2024 to the Extension Office.
Election of 2024-2025 Federation Officers
All youth in grades 6 and up are invited to apply for a Federation Officer Position. The president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and officer at large guide county meetings and decisions throughout the year. This year, elections will take place at the July Federation meeting. The new officers will be installed at the October Federation meeting. Complete the Federation Officer application by July 1.
Election of 2024-2025 Advisory Board Members
All adult volunteers are invited to apply for an Advisory Board position. These members mentor and guide youth Federation officers during their term. Each advisory board member serves a two-year term. In 2024-2025, three advisory positions are open. No more than two adults from each club may serve on the advisory board. In 2024-2025, we will have representation from Elk Tip Toppers and Grand Prairie Rockets. Complete the Advisory Board application by July 1.
DONATE One-Use Plastic
Babysitting Clinic
Are you interested in learning the ins and outs of babysitting? In partnership with Adrian Community Education, Nobles County 4-H is hosting a babysitting clinic for youth in grades 5-8, May 28-31 from 8:00 - 11:00 am at the Adrian Elementary Commons. This class will train participants on babysitting basics, food and nutrition, emergency preparedness, and the business of babysitting. Attendance at all four sessions is required. The cost of the class is $20, payable to Adrian Community Education. Register by today, May 10 at: z.umn.edu/24NoblesSuperSitters.
New Vision Co-op Sponsorships: Application Open
New Vision Co-op is once again offering their sponsorships. Learn more about this opportunity at https://newvision.coop/4-h/.
Jackson/Nobles County LQA&E Training
Livestock Quality Assurance and Ethics training helps youth provide excellent care for their food animals and ensure a high level of food safety to consumers. This in-person, 3-hour training is REQUIRED to exhibit with 4-H at the Minnesota State Fair, and certifies you for three fair seasons.
The level of training required is determined by the grade of the youth at the time the training takes place.
Level 1 training: 4-H’ers grades 6-8 and first-year exhibitors in higher grades.
Level 2 training: 4-H’ers grades 9-13 or 6-8 that previously completed Level 1.
When: Tuesday, June 4 from 5 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
Where: Worthington Intermediate School (671 N Crailsheim Rd Worthington, MN 56187)
Supper will be provided, or feel free to pack your own.
What to bring;
a water bottle
a notebook
a pen or pencil
any 4-H Animal Science project records that you keep
This event is open to any youth in grades 6-13 who are interested in 4-H Animal Science Projects or are planning on attending the MN State Fair with their livestock project. Registration is open until May 21 at https://SW-LQAEinWorthington.4honline.com.
NOW AVAILABLE: Nobles County 4-H Premium Book
The 2024 Nobles County Premium Book is now available! View your guide to all things Nobles County Fair and project learning at z.umn.edu/NoblesPremiumBook. All youth and families should read the premium book for a comprehensive understanding of showcase expectations.
UPDATE: Nobles County 4-H Food Stand
Due to the lack of applications for our food service worker positions, the 4-H food stand at the Nobles County Fair will not be open or operational for the 2024 fair.
Youth who wish to receive financial support for their State Fair program fee must sign up for another fair helper position. Youth will be asked to submit a brief form at the State Fair meeting sharing what position they worked. These positions will include show announcers, general entry day judge helpers, make-and-take station helpers and more. Watch future newsletters for the fair helper sign up.
Regional, State and National Events
Sign-up for 4-H Camp at Lake Shetek
4-H camp is a great way to have fun outdoors and meet new friends! This multi-county 4-H camp will be held in southwest Minnesota on the shores of Lake Shetek at Shetek Lutheran Ministries. There will be educational sessions and camp activities, including swimming, canoeing, kayaking, outdoor games, campfire and more. Register by May 10 for a discount. Learn more and register.
University on the Prairie
Learning is fun at the University on the Prairie program! Students entering grades 7-13 this fall can have an adventure in science and career exploration at the Southwest Research & Outreach Center, near Lamberton, June 24-25, 2024. Find more information here: University on the Prairie | UMN Extension
Area Horse Clinics
Youth interested in learning more about the horse project are invited to two area clinics in June. Learn more about the Cottonwood County and Murray County horse clinic.
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