Monthly Messenger
Jefferson Elementary and Fox River Academy - September, 2024
Important Dates and Upcoming Events
August 28: Back to School Bash on the Playground 4:00 - 6:00 (JEF/FOX)
August 28: Open House Night / Meet the Teacher 4:30 - 5:30 (JEF/FOX)
September 17: Picture Day! (JEF/FOX)
September 30: NO SCHOOL - Professional Development (JEF/FOX)
Back to School Bash and Open House Night for Jefferson and Fox River Academy
Join us on Wednesday, August 28 for a Back to School Bash on the playground from 4:00 - 6:00. From 4:30 - 5:30, you will be able to come into the building to meet the teachers and drop off school supplies. Door A (main entrance) and Door I (back parking lot entrance) will be open for you to enter the building.
School Supply Lists
Click the links below to view the 2024-2025 Jefferson and Fox River School Supply Lists
Annual Registration
AASD 2024-2025 annual registration is available via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Annual registration is done to confirm and/or update your students information. If you do not have a portal set up, please see the link below and click on Campus Parent and then “New User.”
All homeroom assignments will be posted on your Parent Portal on August 28.
From the Nurse...
Each September, our country celebrates National Family Meals Month - a nationwide event to encourage families to enjoy more meals together. The Journal of American Medical Association notes that family meal time is linked to:
Lower rates of obesity and eating disorders
Lower rates of substance abuse, teenage pregnancy and depression
Higher self-esteem and academic performance
Did you know that many grocery stores have recipes from meals, to snacks, to drinks and allows you to easily add all of the required items to your shopping cart from one screen? Check out some of them here: Meijer Recipe Box, Hy-Vee Recipes and Ideas, Walmart Recipe Ideas and Festival Recipes Page. Festival also has free virtual cooking videos to check out as well. They have several “kids in the kitchen” videos to get your student involved!
If you are struggling with access to food, please visit the Wisconsin Food Support Resources page. There is a lot of great information about FoodShare (Wisconsin’s version of the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program SNAP), food banks, food pantries, etc. 211Wisconsin connects you with thousands of nonprofit and government services in your area. If you want personal assistance call the three-digit number 211 or 877-947-2211. A friendly voice to talk with you 24/7/365. Please see this search with many agencies supporting the Appleton area.
Looking for ways to get your student to open up at dinner or ways to make meal time more fun? The Family Dinner Project shares a lot of ideas for games and activities to incorporate into cooking and dinner. They also share a lot of conversation starter ideas here.
Schedules are busy and sitting down as a family can seem daunting. To help make family meals more successful, here are some tips and tricks from The Family Dinner Project: Tips From the Family Dinner Project
School Fees and Payment
School fees can be paid online through your Parent Portal or in the school office. Checks can be made out to AASD.
- Fees for KGN - 5th Gr. - $30.00
- Fees for 6th - 8th Gr. - $40.00
If you feel like you fees should be waived, please stop in the office to complete the Free and Reduced Waiver or complete the waiver online: Free and Reduced Forms
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
Before School Supervision:
Fox River: Supervision begins on the playground at 7:55.
Jefferson: Supervision on the playground begins at 8:05
- Door M: Ms. Dachelet and Mrs. Romenesko, Door K: Mrs. Ambrose *This will be for the first day of school only*
- Door A: Jefferson KGN - 2nd Graders
- Door I: Jefferson 3rd - 5th Graders
- Fox River Students will line up on the playground and teachers will pick them up.
Drop Off and Pick Up:
- Mason St. Student Drop Off/Pick Up: Drivers can not park on the west side of Mason St. Only park in the designated angled parking spots.
- Drop Off / Pick Up Area in the South Parking Lot: When using the south parking lot on Mason St. next to the school, please do not block the sidewalk.
- Please do not let your children walk through the parking lot.
- Do not leave your car unattended in the Drop Off/Pick Up area.
- The parking lot behind the school is for AASD staff parking only.
End of Day Plans:
Please communicate with your child's teacher or the office if your child's end of the day plans have changed. If we do not hear from a parent/guardian, we will have your child follow their regular routine (Y-Care, Boys and Girls Club, walking home, etc.). The end of the day is too hectic for the office staff to be calling parents/guardians to verify a change of plans. The office number is: 920-852-5500.
Safe Walking Routes to School
The safe walking route maps are created by the City of Appleton Department of Public Works. These maps are intended to help figure out the best way for kids to get to and from school safely. View the Jefferson Elementary Safe Walking Route here: Jefferson Elementary Safe Walking Routes
Visitor Procedures
For the safety and concern of all students and staff at Jefferson and Fox River, please enter through Door A, which faces Mason Street. All parents, visitors and guests are required to check in at the front office, sign in using the Chromebook provided and take a visitor’s badge. When your visit is done, please sign out and exit the way you came.
Lunch Visitors / Outside Food In the Cafeteria
Parents are welcome to join their children for lunch. If food from outside is brought to the cafeteria, please remember that this food can only be given to your own child. Please do not give outside food to other students. The expectation is that students are to eat the lunch provided to them by the Appleton Area School District unless other food is provided by their parent/guardian.
School Hours
- Fox River Academy: 8:05 - 3:10 (Late bell rings at 8:10)
- Jefferson: 8:22 - 3:20 (Late bell rings at 8:27)
If your student is late, a parent/guardian must accompany them through Door A and check them in at the front office. If you do not want to walk them in, please call us at 920-853-5500 in order to excuse the absence. Thank you!
Student Absences / Appointments
If your student is going to be absent, arriving late and/or leaving early, please call the office or complete an Absence Request in your Parent Portal.
Family Vacations or Absences of 2 or More Days: If you will be absent for 2 or more consecutive days, please stop in the office to complete a Notification of Student Absence Form.
Before and After School Programs
Boys and Girls Club
Click the link below to view the Boys and Girls Club flyer for the 2024 - 2025 school year!
Tri County Dental Online Registration
Online RGFOC (Robert Glass Focus on the Children program) registration is live! If you would like to take advantage of our Dental Bus this school year, please complete the online registration below, or stop in the office if you prefer a paper copy.
Mark Your Calendar
Picture Day
Harmann Studios will be taking school pictures on Tuesday, September 17. A Retake Day is scheduled for Tuesday, October 22.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Fall Conferences for Jefferson and Fox River:
- October 10 from 3:30 - 7:00
- October 15 from 3:30 - 6:45
More information about Conference Sign Up will be in the September and October Newsletter. We will be using PTC Fast to schedule conferences.
Cell Phone Policy
Jefferson and Fox River Academy students will need to have their phones OFF and IN BACKPACKS while on school grounds.
If you need to get a message to your student(s), please call the office and we will ensure they receive the message. Thank you for your cooperation.
Parent Handbook
Please find the Elementary and Middle School Family Policy Manuals here: Policy Manuals
Contact Us!
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 3:45 PM
Phone: 920-852-5500
Fax: 920-850-5501
Address: 1000 S. Mason St. Appleton, WI 54914
Email: Jefferson-Elementary@aasd.k12.wi.us
Email: Fox-River-Academy@aasd.k12.wi.us