Benson Bulletin
January 2025
VIP Dates
- December 23 - January 6 - Winter Break, no school for students
- January 7 (Tuesday) - School Resumes
- January 16-19 - Winter Assessments
- January 16 - Vision & Hearing Screenings at Benson Primary
- January 20 - No School in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.
- January 21-24 - Winter Assessments continued
- January 22 - Early Release at 1:35pm (No PM Preschool)
- January 23 - IPTO Meeting at 6:00pm @ Peacock Middle School
- January 31 - Vision & Hearing Rescreening
Thank You & Let's Finish Strong in 2025! A Quick Message From Mr. Taylor...
Benson Families,
Welcome to 2025! We are so excited to welcome your children back on Tuesday, January 7th.
In reflecting on 2024 we are grateful for our continued success this year. Academically, our students have learned skills they will build upon in future years. I am very grateful for our school community and all of your support.
This month's newsletter includes reminders about what snow gear to send your child with & upcoming assessment dates. If you didn't see in an earlier communication--NEXT year's 2025-2026 school calendar has been released. Click here to see it.
Let's make 2025 just as successful. Our school continues to need your partnership. Please continue to foster a pattern of excellent school attendance & a love of learning. We look forward to sharing all the exciting thing we're up to at 301 E. Washington Street.
HELP: Vision & Hearing Screening
We are still in need of vision & hearing volunteers for Thursday, January 16th
- assist in getting students from the classroom
- monitor the students in the hallway
- help the screeners rotate children through
- Morning: from 9:15 to 11:45 a.m.
- Afternoon: from 12:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Reply to this email or email our nurse, Nurse Lucia at bensonnurse@itasca10.org
Winter Assessments - January 2025
During the month of January our students will be taking their second AIMSweb and iReady assessment.
The most important thing we can do is prepare students and motivate them to put forth their best effort.
iReady assessments will begin on January 13th
AIMSweb assessments will be held January 20th - 24th
Here are a few things you can do to help support your student:
- Make sure they get a good night’s rest before taking the Diagnostic!
- Talk to your student about why the second Diagnostic is important. You can say things like:
- The second Diagnostic helps you find out how much progress you’ve made since the beginning of the year.
- It allows your teacher and I to celebrate your accomplishments!
- Try your best, and do not rush
Like a portfolio of pictures, the above two assessments are two snapshots of your child's learning progress. It is our hope that we continue to partner with you to ensure that your child is challenged and supported in their learning throughout the school year.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your student’s learning.
SNOW GEAR - Cold Weather Reminder
When weather permits, we will go outside with the students at noon recess.
Necessary cold weather clothing . . .
every day: winter coat, hat and gloves
on any day when it snows: winter coat, hat, gloves and boots
to play in the snow: winter coat, hat, gloves, boots, and snow pants
Extra clothes at school:
Several times this school year, there have been children who have needed their parents to bring them a change of clothes for a variety of reasons. Therefore, we are requesting that you send a change of clothes for your child to keep in his/her locker. This should include pants, shirt, socks, and underwear all placed in a plastic bag. As with other items your child brings to school, it is important that you write your child’s name in each item in case they are lost.
The temperature will be checked daily. If the temperature is 20 degrees or below factoring wind chill, the children will not go outside for recess.
If the temperature is above 20 degrees, per our student/parent handbook the children will have recess outdoors.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
In a partnership with Medinah 11, Roselle 12, Bloomingdale 13, Keeneyville 20 and Lake Park District 108, Itasca SD 10 is excited to invite parents to an upcoming Virtual Parent University on Monday, January 7th, at 6:30 PM. This session will focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), providing a general overview of AI and its growing role in education.
The event will be presented by Eric Santos, who will guide parents through the basics of AI and discuss how it may shape learning experiences for students. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this rapidly evolving technology.
Click here to view the flyer and to sign-up for this engaging and informative session.
Benson Primary School's attendance rate is 95.5%, let's strive for 96%!!!
Attendance Is Important!
Attendance patterns are monitored regularly by school staff. If the number of days missed to school is equal to 5% of the total days that school has been in session, a referral will be made to the DuPage County Truancy Office. This means that the truancy officer will contact you for problem solving in order to improve the child’s school attendance. A student who misses 5% or more of school every year will lose ONE FULL ACADEMIC YEAR of learning before reaching high school graduation. Poor attendance or repeated tardiness will impact a student's eligibility to participate in field trips, extra-curricular events, and school events.
If your child has a medical condition that is contributing to missed school days, contact the school nurse.
Recognize A Benson Primary Employee!!
Would you like to recognize a Benson Primary School employee for their efforts? We are so grateful for them. I'd like to recognize the efforts of our school community and encourage you to do the same. Please use this survey that will be available on all of our monthly newsletters to do so. Highlights monthly will be shared with the employee and with their permission--shared in the next month's newsletter.
IPTO Newsletter
IPTO District 10 Spirit Wear Store Open For Business
The IPTO is proud to announce online clothing store that will also be linked on their website. Here are some details:
- Store never closes
- Items ship directly to your house
- Shop from several school stores and all items will be placed in one shopping cart