Paradise Intermediate
Weekly Update - April 28th, 2024
Important Dates
- Tuesday, Apr. 30th - Deadline to order yearbooks
- Saturday, May 4th - Wednesday, May 8th - Quebec Trip - Grade 9
- Wednesday, May 15th - Municipal Awareness Day - Grade 6
- Thursday, May 16th - Night of the Arts
- Monday, May 20th - Holiday - No school for students
- Friday, May 24th - Feeder school visits - PE / OPE
- Thursday, May 30th - Multicultural Fair
- Friday, May 31st - Professional Learning Day - No school for students
- Friday, June 7th - Professional Learning Day - No school for students
- Thursday, June 13th - Grade 9 school leaving
- Friday, June 14th - DARE Graduation - Grade 6
- Thursday, June 20th - Last day of school for students
Night of the Arts
Our PI band, Drama Club and students from our Art classes are preparing a night to showcase the arts at Paradise Intermediate. Performances from our band and drama club as well as an exhibit of artistic selections from our students will take place on Thursday, May 16th. Doors will open at 6:30 for viewing of our Art Gallery, with performances to begin at 7:00. Tickets are $5.00 and will be on sale through RYCOR this week.
This is our first year with our full population of Grades 6-9 so this yearbook will be bigger and better than ever before! You can visit this website to order your copy: https://ybpay.lifetouch.ca/
Yearbooks are $20 each and will be delivered to your child during the last week of school.
You will need the P.I. school code to place your order- the code is 14650524
Deadline for orders is April 30th.
Professional Learning
Families are advised that our next professional learning day for teachers will take place on Friday, May 31st. Our final professional learning day will take place on Friday, June 7th. There will be no school for students on either day.
Phoenix Awards
Grade 9 School Leaving Carnival
Our grade 9 school leaving will be taking place on June 13th for all of our grade 9 students. The leaving will be a carnival type event with games, activities and events offered to celebrate our very first grade 9 graduating class from PI! More information will be shared with families this week via email and through our RYCOR system. If there are families who would like to offer to volunteer their time or offer a donation for this event, please email paradiseintermediate@nlesd.ca.
Over the past few weeks, we have had incidents of student items being taken from lockers. Unfortunately, there is a significant number of students who leave locks off their lockers or who do not lock their lockers throughout the day. In order to discourage theft of items, we are asking all students to ensure that lockers are locked throughout the day with the locks that were assigned to them at the beginning of the school year. For students who have forgotten locker combinations, they are asked to see their homeroom teacher. For those students who have lost or misplaced their locks, please check in at the main office to recieve details regarding the purchase of a replacement.
Provincial Reading and Math Assessments - PRMA
This year both our grade 6 and grade 9 students will be completing the PRMAs. The assessment will take place during the last week of May for our students.
The PRMA is a one-hour assessment administered by teachers, alternating annually between reading and mathematics. Reading will be the focus in 2024. There is no student preparation required for the PRMA.
The PRMA will collect student data at a system-level. Sampling procedures will not provide school and student results.
Please see attached for a poster as well as a Q and A document which outlines some key points about the PRMA.