January News
Forecasted: flurries of learning in fourth grade...
Math: Students will be working with decimals in the coming weeks. They will use mathematical reasoning and justification to represent, compare, and order decimals through the thousandths place with and without models. Please continue to work on multiplication and division facts at home!!!
Virginia Studies: We will soon conclude our study of the American Revolutionary War and begin learning about the birth of our new nation. Please remember that students have study materials that they should be reviewing at home every night. The end-of-year SOL test is cumulative and will contain information from the entire year's curriculum. This is a lot of information the kids will be responsible for knowing, and the best way to succeed is to keep up with memorizing it as we go! Let your child's teacher know if you need any replacement materials or assistance with ways to help your child study. We are happy to help and appreciate your support of your child's learning from home!
Science: :Students will be learning about the oceans including studying the geology of the ocean floor, the physical properties and movement of ocean water, and interactions of organisms in the ocean.
🎟️Kids enjoyed our holiday movie theater experience...
💥 Important Reminders to Ensure Student Success: 💥
- Students need to bring fully charged Chromebooks to and from school every day. Computers go home to be used as extended learning tools. They afford opportunities to boost reading skills in Lexia; to practice math skills with DreamBox and Reflex; and to review Virginia Studies information in our Canvas Classrooms. We also use Chromebooks in class most days of the week. Your child needs to be prepared by having their devices with them, charged, and ready to go each day. *NOTE: Due to upcoming testing during the first two weeks of classes, Chromebooks will remain at school until approximately January 17th.
- Homework habits build your child's success. Kids should be reading every night for a minimum of 20-30 minutes. They need to regularly review math skills by completing weekly spiral review sheets and Virginia Studies facts by utilizing the study guides and flashcards sent home. In class we teach and instruct the material, but solidifying the learning requires repeated exposure and practice that can best be accomplished at home.
- There is no substitute for the learning opportunities offered every day in our classrooms. Unless students are symptomatic with illness or fever, it is vitally important for them to be at school the entire day every day so they won't miss instruction. We begin teaching promptly at 8:00 each day. Students who arrive late absolutely do miss important reading or math instruction. Please do all you can to ensure your child arrives to school on time each morning.
- In case of an inclement weather day remember that students have "Snow Day" packets to complete for at home learning. Students will be expected to finish one sheet (front and back) during the snow day, and they must return it to school in order to be counted present for that day of school. They should also complete their regular reading minutes for the day. These packets were sent home at the start of December and should be in your child's green homework folder. If you have questions or need another copy, please contact their teacher. Pages will also be posted on the school website.
📚 Students loved our reading jamboree...
Noteworthy Dates:
- Wednesday, January 8th - report cards sent home
- Week of January 13th-17th - Midyear SGA Testing Window
- Monday, January 20th - NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Jr. Day