Woodbury Weekly Update for Families
October 4, 2024
Welcome to our weekly update! We are thrilled to keep you informed about the happenings at our school, celebrations & achievements and upcoming events, ensuring you're an active part of your students educational journey. In each update, you'll find some quick highlights of the past week and a preview of what's to come. Our hope is to foster a strong sense of community and collaboration between the school and our cherished families. Most weeks will be brief, but at times there is important information or updates that help support us in your involvement in our little school. Thank you for taking the time to read it!
A Peek a Great Week
Friendly Reminders:
- Personal Items: Please do not send your child with personal items to school. These often become a distraction for students during the school day. Students should not bring items to trade or give to students. Please note that we are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Parent Drop Off Line: There is no parking on 2nd Street from 7:45-8:00 a.m. Please do not park and exit vehicle in the parent drop off line. If you would like to walk your student(s) to the playground, please park on an adjacent street and walk to the playground with your child. Thank you for your help!
Volunteers Needed:
We are always seeking volunteers! If you have a dedicated day/time each week to be able to help out at our school or in a classroom please reach out to Mrs. Kern or the classroom teacher. At this time we are looking for an extra set of hands during lunch and recess to help out and support supervision. Please contact Mrs. Kern if you are interested: jkern@sandwich430.org
October Parent Poll
Your voice and contribution to our school is critical to our success and future planning. Please take some time to complete our October Parent Poll. Thank you so much!
10/7: Growth Mindset Assembly
10/8: Fire Safety Assembly, 10:30 a.m.
10/9: Third Grade Naperville Settlement, Rosati's Night
10/10: Woodbury PPA Meeting
10/11: NO SCHOOL, Institute Day
10:14: Butter Braid Sales begin
10/15: School Board Meeting 7:00 p.m.
10/18: Therapy Dog Visit
10/27: SEF Trick or Trot 5K/1 Mile Run
10/28: October Growth Mindset Assembly
10:31: Halloween Classroom Parties
11/5: Election Day, NO SCHOOL
11/8: End of First Trimester
11/11: Veterans Day Recognition
11/12: Fall Picture Retakes
11/14: Third Grade Opera House, PPA Meeting
11/15: Trimester 1 Report Cards, Therapy Dog Visit
11/20: Author Visit
11/21-22: Breadmaking
11/25: Conferences - NO SCHOOL
11/26: Conferences - NO SCHOOL
What's Coming Up?
Staff Spotlight
Have you wondered who you should call if you have a school or student related question? We want to ensure you always feel heard and can access our staff to answer any questions you might have. Here are some helpful tips in order to support you in knowing who to contact.
School Office: Questions about registration, records, paperwork, attendance, dates and times of activities/events, changes in transportation and other general questions can all be answered by calling our main office and speaking with our secretaries, Mrs. Hulon or Mrs. Meyer. This is the quickest way to get a hold of our office. The office is open from 7:00-3:20. Please leave a voicemail if your call is not answered as the voicemail is checked regularly.
Classroom Teacher: This is the first person to contact with any questions about your child, whether it be academic, social emotional/behavioral, any school related incidents that took place during the school day, questions about homework, advice on supporting your student's growth and progress and anything else related to your child that you feel the teacher needs to know. We are your partners and we are here to support one another. We love hearing about your celebrations and good news as well! Please note that if you have a question about your child's IEP or a special class such as music or PE, those staff members can also be contacted directly.
Principal: Mrs. Kern always aims to be available and accessible to families as much as possible. If you have struggled to have questions answered after first going through the classroom teacher or office, have sensitive information or more that needs to be communicated, need advice or help solving an unresolved issue, or more, please know that you can contact her by phone or via email. Just like the teachers, she also loves hearing your great news and celebrations!
School Nurse: Questions or information about anything health related, physicals and immunizations, medications or treatments, health care plans, and more.
Our goal is always to respond to inquiries within 24 hours or the next business day. Sometimes
staff are out of the building or in meetings or out sick and there may be a delay. Staff are not
required to respond to parents/guardians outside of their work hours. In some circumstances,
emergency communication will be dealt with individually. Thank you for your understanding.
Halloween Party Information
The classroom teachers will be coordinating Halloween parties with volunteers. Only designated volunteers will be able to participate in classroom parties on the 31st. All classroom celebrations will follow our district-adopted Treat Policy. However, each classroom will incorporate one curricular activity during their celebration that will involve the consumption of a tasty treat. Our school nurses will vet the ingredients for allergies and safety concerns prior to our room parties taking place. As always, the safety and health of our students is a top priority.
Hey, I showed the Woodbury Way!
Hey, I showed the Woodbury Way! September is an overview of our core values. Right now we are focused on starting the year off right, learning to follow our common expectations so that we can all share a space to learn through kindness and respect for all. This crew had their name drawn this week after earning Woodbury Way recognition! Stay tuned as we celebrate our students each week and month!
September Core Values Recognition
October Core Value: GROWTH MINDSET
Lexia Superstars
Welcome Sandwich Baby!
Have a Little One?
We would like to welcome the newest members of our Sandwich community. If you or someone you know has just welcomed a new baby, please let us know! The Sandwich Community School District 430 would like to provide you with a welcome gift.
Woodbury Staff Shout Out
Core Values
The following core values are embedded in our Woodbury Way recognition and are goals for our students and staff. These are great skills to discuss with your students as we will be emphasizing them throughout each month.
September: OVERVIEW
October: Growth Mindset (Connection to Second Step-first unit, Start the year off right)
November: Responsibility
December: Respect
January: Collaboration
February: Empathy (Valentine’s Day, Black History Month)
March: Integrity (IAR Testing)
April: Citizenship (Earth Day)
May: Celebrate (Acknowledge accomplishments/achievements)
Woodbury PPA
District Reminders
Free and Reduced Breakfast/Lunch
The carry over period for students who were receiving free/reduced lunch for the 2023-2024
school year will end on September 27, 2024. If a new 2024-2025 application has not been
submitted by that date your child will automatically be put on paid breakfast and lunch
beginning September 30, 2024.
Please click on the link below to apply for free/reduced breakfast and lunch:
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is
prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, and Office of Civil
Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-
3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.