St. Isidore News

#️⃣Twitter @silc_eics 🖥️Facebook: @StIsidoreEICS 📸Instagram: @silceics
☎️Phone: (780) 449-6463 💻https://silc.eics.ab.ca
🎉Principal's Message🎉
Reflection on Sunday's Gospel Reading
In Luke 4:1-13, we see Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, led into the wilderness, where He fasts for forty days and is tempted by the devil. Despite hunger, exhaustion, and the lure of power, Jesus stands firm, resisting temptation by grounding Himself in God’s Word.
This passage reminds us that challenges and temptations are a part of life, but we are never alone in facing them. Just as Jesus relied on Scripture and His relationship with the Father, we too can find strength in faith, prayer, and community. When we feel weak or uncertain, we can turn to God for guidance and trust that He will provide the wisdom and courage we need.
May we enter each day with the confidence that, no matter what trials come our way, we can stand firm in faith, just as Jesus did in the wilderness.
Parent Teacher Interviews are now OPEN!
To book your appointment visit the website
You can choose in person or online.
Attending parent-teacher interviews provide insights into academic progress and areas for improvement while strengthening the partnership between parents and teachers. These meetings also allow for early identification of challenges and strategies to support learning at home.
Taking the time to connect with teachers ensures children receive the guidance and support they need to succeed. We look forward to seeing you!!
Mrs. Damur (Principal) is also available for academic counselling, hear how SILC did on the Assurance Survey, or ask questions.
Celebrate and Advocate with GrACE Online!
Follow, repost, share, support, and cheer for publicly funded Catholic education!
Join the movement by following GrACE on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram. Share your pictures, tag us, and let’s celebrate the incredible impact of Catholic education together! Your posts inspire others and amplify the message of gratitude and support for publicly funded Catholic schools.
Thank you for being a proud and grateful advocate for Catholic education!
Stay Connected:
🌐 Website: www.gracealberta.org
📘 Facebook: facebook.com/GrACE4cathed
✉️ Email: gracedirector7@gmail.com
🐦 X (formerly Twitter): @GrACE4cathed
📸 Instagram: @grace4catholiceducation
Let’s grow the GrACE community together! 💙
📚 Learners and Learning 💻
Register Today! Register Today!
- Registration for Summer School Online and Inperson! Reserve your spot! Here is our course catalogue. New this year: We are offering Math 10 Prep as a way to prepare yourself for Math 10C. Select your Summer School class(es) through PowerSchool Parent Portal under the "Summer School" icon. Please Note: Students can take up to a MAX of 8 credits! For more information click here.
- Registration for next school year 2025-2026, Kindergarten to Grade 12 is found through PowerSchool ~School Engage Student Forms (A.3). For directions https://silc.eics.ab.ca/register-now
Important Dates for School Work
Weekly Due Dates
To support students engaging in their learning, we have included the due dates below for your reference.
Academic Dishonesty
Below is a excerpt from our SILC policies and procedures. Each course includes the SILC Policies and Procedures in full.
For the Policies and Procedures can be found here.
Academic Dishonesty Policy Reference:
EICS Admin Procedure 360 - Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting
The primary purpose of student assessment and evaluation is to support student learning and to have all students improve their performance. The following grading practices distort achievement and are inconsistent with Elk Island Catholic School’s Assessment Administrative Procedure:
i. extra credit or bonus points
ii. penalties for student work submitted late
iii. penalties for student absences
iv. an automatic permanent grade of zero when evidence is missing or as a punishment
v. academic dishonesty and incomplete evidence of learning
vi. group marks
vii. homework should have little or no part of grades
Academic Dishonesty refers to student behavior where their performance on an assessment is enhanced by accessing information that has not been permitted by the teacher.
This may include:
● possession of materials not allowed in during an examination,
● copying from another student,
● accessing assessments in advance from another student,
● using technology that is not permitted such as a phone or smart watch,
● hiding notes in a calculator, dictionary, thesaurus, etc.
● plagiarism
This behavior is not acceptable and will result in consequences that will help promote the importance of students maintaining academic integrity. It is important to note, plagiarism is a serious violation of academic integrity.
Offering the work of another as one's own without proper acknowledgement is plagiarism. Therefore, any student who fails to give appropriate credit for ideas or
material he or she takes from another, whether it is a fellow student or a published resource writer, is guilty of plagiarism.
St. Isidore staff are committed to using preventative practices to reduce the frequency of possible incidents of academic dishonesty. In so doing, staff will do their best to ensure that testing materials are secured, and they are diligent in reviewing this policy with all classes and doing proper checks of materials used by students during assessment. Any incident of academic dishonesty will be investigated thoroughly by the class teacher in consultation with administration. For a student who is found guilty of academic dishonesty, the following consequences may be applied in collaboration between teacher, subject coordinator, and grade level administration.
In addition, to the consequences listed below, any student who has had one incident of academic dishonesty in a school calendar year will become ineligible for school based awards and accolades.
Listed below are possible options:
1st Offence
● Assign an invalidated grade of 0* (with a comment in PowerSchool)
● Contact parents/guardians with student*
*Note: Teachers will offer students an opportunity to replace a grade with an alternative assessment or reassessment - if the student has demonstrated a willingness to restore their academic integrity through diligent pursuit of their studies and compliance with class expectations.
2nd Offence
● Withdrawal from course will strongly be considered by administration (would not apply to students in elementary and junior high)
● Meeting with parents/guardians and admin (Virtual or In-person)
PowerSchool: Your Primary Communication Tool
PowerSchool is the official mode of communication for our school division. Please check PowerSchool weekly to stay updated.
All grades, attendance, and report cards are accessible via the EICS PowerSchool Parent Portal. To ensure regular access to your grades, please set up a Parent PowerSchool account by visiting:
🔗 EICS PowerSchool Parent Portal
Need help? Watch this quick tutorial on how to access grades in PowerSchool:
🎥 PowerSchool Tutorial
We kindly ask that you check PowerSchool weekly to stay informed.
Attention: Graduation Information
UPDATED Graduation Information
Mrs. Wright - Lead Organizer
Our Graduation date is scheduled for Friday, June 13th, 2025
GRAD WEBSITE - It is recommended that you bookmark this website and check it out regularly
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/fkm-xgmi-ebs
STAY tuned for Fundraiser information coming from Mom's Pantry! This will help reduce our costs of dinner and dance ticket prices for grads and their families.
🎨📚🎉Kinder to Gr. 6 (Elementary School Info)🎨📚🎉
Chesterton Academy of St. Isidore
Prayer Guild
Let’s unite in prayer and seek God’s blessings for our school.
Thank you for your support!
Systemic Wellness😃
💬Community Engagement 💬
Volunteer Today!!
What is SnowBusters?
SnowBusters is a volunteer snow removal service for seniors and/or persons with disabilities in Strathcona County. Eligible residents are matched with volunteers who commit to clearing snow from a residents’ walkway or driveway within 72 hours after each snowfall.
The SnowBusters program helps neighbours remain independent in their homes as well as:
• Helps prevent injuries from slips and falls.
• Promotes community connections and inclusion.
• It’s also great exercise!
Thinking of Running as a Catholic School Trustee?
Nominations are now open for the upcoming Municipal and School Board Election, October 20, 2025.
Information and nomination forms are available on our division website:
Thinking of Trusteeship? This handbook provides essential information about the role of Catholic school board trustees, and the unique mission of publicly funded Catholic education. Please click here:
Support Catholic Education Through Your Property Taxes
Support Catholic Education Through Your Property Taxes
Did you know that you can support EICS by directing your property taxes to Catholic education? Please read this letter from EICS Board of Trustees Chair Le-Ann Ewaskiw to learn about this meaningful opportunity to strengthen Catholic education for our students.