News from Lake Louise School
September 1, 2024
Notes from Mrs. Riehman
Dear Lake Louise Families,
The 2024-2025 school year is finally here! The staff and I are thrilled to welcome our Lion's back to Lake Louise for another fantastic school year! This year will offer countless opportunities for your child to learn and thrive. We are dedicated to supporting their journey in partnership with you.
Your child's teacher assignments are available in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Please see below for details on how to access your student's busing information.
Meet the Teacher Day is this Tuesday, September 3rd from 1:45-2:30 pm. We kindly ask students to bring their school supplies to Meet the Teacher. In the event that you are not able to attend our scheduled Meet the Teacher Day, your child may bring his/her supplies on their first day of school. School supply lists have been linked here for your review.
The first day of school for ALL students is Thursday, September 5th from 9:15-3:55 p.m. Every Friday, students are dismissed at 3:05 p.m. to provide time for our staff to engage in professional development activities. Drop-off begins at 9:00 am each day. If you are driving your student to school we ask that you follow our car-rider drop-off and pick-up routes. Please see below for details.
Daily student attendance is essential for your child success and this includes being on time for class. If you dropping your student off anytime after 9:15, you are required to walk your child into school to sign him/her in at the office. Please see below for details about our school hours.
The staff and are I are looking forward to a year of cherished experiences. Our school community is a family, and we're committed to providing a nurturing environment where your children can flourish.
It's always a great day at The Lake!
Jen Riehman
2024-2025 Lake Louise Staff
Please see the attachment below for a list of our staff and their contact information.
Student Bus Route Information
MyRide K12
This year our Transportation Department is using the app MyRide K12 for all students using our bus service. We encourage parents to download and use the app for timely access to your child's busing information.
MyRide K12 will have all the information for your student's bus route. Additionally, our Transportation Department will use MyRide K12 to communicate any changes to daily routes. Parents will be able to get LIVE transportation information for their student(s), in English or in Spanish. You will also be able to track your student(s) bus, and the app will give you a real-time ETA to their stop.
Important Dates and Information to Remember
- September 3rd: Meet the Teacher & Supply Dropoff ~ 1:45-2:30
- September 5th: First Day of School Preschool - 5th Grade ~ 9:15-3:55
- September 6th: First Friday Early Release ~ Students dismissed at 3:05 p.m.; 1/2 day ECDEC students please refer to schedule
- September 19th: Lake Louise Parent Curriculum/Orientation Night ~ Please see schedule below
- September 20th: Lake Louise PTA Back-to-School-Bash! ~ 5:00-7:00 p.m.
- September 26th: Half day student attendance ~ Students dismissed at 12:15 p.m.
Lake Louise School Hours
Morning Drop Off Begins at 9:00 a.m. Students must be in class by 9:15 a.m.
All Day ECDEC & Bilingual Preschool; ALL Kindergarten - 5th:
Monday - Thursday: 9:15-3:55 p.m.
Fridays: Every Friday is an Early Release Day! 9:15-3:05 p.m.
Lunch/Recess Hour: 12:20-1:20 pm
A.M. ECDEC Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:15-11:50 a.m.
Fridays: Every Friday is an Early Release Day! 9:15-11:25 a.m.
P.M. ECDEC Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 1:20-3:55 pm
Fridays: Every Friday is an Early Release Day! 12:55-3:05 pm
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Breakfast & Lunch Information
Both breakfast and lunch are available to all students at Lake Louise School who would like to eat the food served each day. Students at LL are offered FREE breakfast and lunch daily starting the first day of school as part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program, funded by the federal government. Students may bring lunch from home if they prefer to do so.
What does this mean for families attending the CEP school like Lake Louise?
Again, all enrolled students will receive a free breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to your household. Your child(ren) will be able to participate without having to pay a fee, but we ask that you still complete the Fee Waiver form here (Spanish form) to determine if your family qualifies for other financial assistance such as school fees, athletic, and activity fee waivers. Again, completing the application is still necessary for other programs and assists with funding for educational programs in District 15.
Information from our Nutritional Services Department may be found HERE for your review.
A Note from the Lake Louise Health Office
Hello! I hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far! With the start of the new school year only a few weeks away, it is time to make sure your child’s health requirements are up to date.
All students new to District 15 will require a current physical exam with all immunizations up to date (Certificate of Child Health Examination), and students new to the State of Illinois will require an eye examination. This form is available in the school office, online, and here: State of Illinois Eye Examination Report.
All students should provide proof of immunizations by October 15, 2022 or the student will be excluded from school. The list of current immunizations can be found on the district website here: IDPH Health Requirements.
Students with health conditions such as asthma, epilepsy/seizures, severe allergies, and diabetes require the emergency action plan completed by their physician along with the Medication Administration Forms, signed by the physician and parent, for any medications required at school. Please bring these forms and medications on or before the first day of school. These forms are available in the school office, online, and here.
Diabetic Medical Management Plans must be brought in along with medication and supplies prior to or on the first day of school in order for the student to attend. If your child requires any of these health documents and you have not done so already, please kindly make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.
If you have any questions regarding the above requirements, you may contact our school office. Thank you for your patience. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your summer!
Every Day Counts: Here Today, Achieve Tomorrow!
This year D15 is excited to introduce Every Day Counts: Here Today, Achieve Tomorrow initiative. This initiative emphasizes the importance of daily attendance to foster academic success and personal growth.
One key feature of this program is sending families personalized, monthly communication about their child's attendance and how it compares to their peers in District 15. Families need to opt in by replying with a "Y" to the first text; you can opt out at any time.
Let's work together to ensure every student maximizes their learning through consistent attendance. Together, we can make every day count!
Lake Louise Elementary School
Jen Riehman's Email: riehmanj@ccsd15.net
Location: 500 North Jonathan Drive, Palatine, IL 60074, USA
Phone: 847-963-5600