Copopa Chronicle
News and Updates from Copopa - September 27, 2024
9/30- PJ Day
10/1- Dress for Picture Day
10/2- Hat Day
10/3- NFL Day
10/4- Raider’ Gear for Homecoming
10/7- Wear Warm Colors for Fire Safety Week
10/14- Backwards and Inside Out Day
10/18- Browns vs Cincinnati Day
10/21- Wear your Video Game Clothes
10/28- Patterned Day- Wear your Patterns
10/29- Beetlejuice Day- Dress in your Black and White
10/30- Wear Orange and Black
10/31- Wear your Costume
Copopa Fundraiser - Kalahari Day Passes
Copopa is selling day passes to Kalahari Waterpark for only $25 each!
The class that sells the most wins an ice cream sundae party. The three highest sellers in the building will win a gift card.
These make great stocking stuffers and are good for one whole year! Head there when it is cold over winter break. Or think about next summer... What a great day trip for the family or out of town guests.
Please contact Mrs. Podulka if you have any further questions.
*Please note this is NOT the same fundraiser as PTO. They have an overnight package that is for a specific day in March. Please see their flyer later in the update under "PTO Information."
Picture Day
Family Night on the Farm
NEW - - - - Opt in for Text Messages
Transportation questions or concerns.... 🔽
26 - Early Release for Students
27 - No School - Professional Day for Staff
1 - Picture Day
9 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
10 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
11 - NEOEA Day - No School
15 - Fall Family Fun Night at Red Wagon Farm
11 - Veterans Day Assembly
12 - Picture Retakes
27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
5 - 1st and 3rd Grade Winter Concert (6:30 pm)
21 - Winter Break Begins
Early Release Days
We have early release this Thursday, September 26th
Early Dismissal Time at Copopa
Car Riders - 11:50 a.m.
Bus Riders - 12:00 Noon
The following dates are also early release days for students
- Thursday, October 10
- Thursday, February 13
- Thursday, March 6
Staff Professional Development Days
There is no school for students on these days.
- Friday, September 27 (THIS FRIDAY)
- Monday, November 4
- Friday, January 17
- Friday, February 14
- Friday, May 2
Trunk or Treat
Columbia Music Boosters annual Trunk or Treat is scheduled for October 19th! Mark your calendars.
Cheer Camp
Youth Sports Information
If your child is interested in basketball or wrestling, please use the links below for more information as well as to sign-up. Winter sports are just around the corner. Don't delay!
CLICK HERE - Youth Girls Basketball Information
CLICK HERE - Youth Boys Basketball Information
Halloween Class Parties
Party Time for All Classes: 1:55 - 2:40 p.m.
*Parade time: approximately 2:45 p.m.
The Columbia PTO will send out a sign-up genius for parents to help run the party or to donate items to the party. If you ATTEND the party, please be advised you may need to park at the library and walk up to Copopa. There are a limited number of spaces at the building. You cannot park in the bus circle, along the fence, or in the car rider pick-up line.
ALL SNACKS sent into school for a party MUST be on the approved snack list. Homemade treats and treats not in packaging will not be permitted. This is not a change to the policy from several years ago. This is a reminder because we had to send home quite a few snacks last year because of being homemade. CLICK HERE for Safe Snacks
Columbia PTO Information
Be sure to follow the PTO on FB to stay up to date with meetings, events, and fun volunteer opportunities.
Please contact the PTO with any questions.
Sign-Up to Help with the Halloween Parties
Kindergarten Halloween sign up:
First Grade Halloween sign up:
Second Grade Halloween sign up:
Third Grade Halloween sign up:
Fourth Grade Halloween sign up:
Drama Club
Girl Scouts Information
Mrs. Figliano - Director of Wellness and Support
Mrs. Figliano is the district director of wellness and support.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact her.
Reporting Absences
Leaving your child's name, teacher, and reason for absence is greatly appreciated. If you contact the teacher directly about your child's attendance, we kindly ask that you still call our office.
The link below is a from the parent/student handbook and outlines attendance and tardy policies. If you have further questions, please contact our office and speak to our attendance secretary,
Mrs. Thomas. Attendance Policies and Procedures
Planned Absences
This may include a family vacation, religious holiday, special event, family reunion, etc.
If so, make sure you fill out a planned absence form and return to school ASAP. You can download from our website or click the link below.
If you have additional questions please contact our attendance secretary, Mrs. Thomas.
First Graders Hard at Work
CKLA Fable Olympics - 1st Grade
First grade celebrated CKLA Skills Unit 1 with Fable Olympics. Games included Fox and the Grapes, Maid and the Milk Pail and The Goose and The Golden Egg.
CKLA Fairy Tales and Tall Tales - 2nd Grade
First grade just finished their CKLA unit on Fairy Tales and Tall Tales. To celebrate they dressed as Beauty and the Beast, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bills, The Fishermen, John Henry, Casey Jones.
Copopa Elementary School
Providing a quality education for students in grades Pre-K - 4
by "Achieving Excellence Together."
Carla Lasecki - Principal Secretary
Amy Thomas - Attendance Secretary
Carla Molnar - Principal
Susie Dunn - Counselor
Jamie Maassen - Director of Special Education and Little Raiders Preschool
Jessica Klump - Literacy Specialist
Mindi Porter - District Nurse
Website: https://www.columbia.k12.oh.us/copopaelementaryschool_home.aspx
Location: 13644 W River Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, USA
Phone: 440.236.5020
Fax: 440.236.1220
X (formerly Twitter): @CopopaElem