The Weekly Update #23
February 2, 2025
From the Principal
Cougar Families,
We are quickly moving through the 3rd 9 weeks. Students will receive progress reports on February 11, 2025. Parents, please make sure that you reach out to your child's teacher(s) if needed in order to discuss their grades. Also, ensure that your child is reaching out to their teacher in order for them to be put in a pull-out in order to complete any missed assignments, or to receive any extra assistance with content.
We began LEAP tutoring on Wednesday, January 29. If you are interested in your child staying for tutoring, please contact Ms. Bernard in order to fill out the necessary paperwork. There is transportation. However, if not interested in school-provided transportation, parents will have to pick students up no later that 4:15 Monday through Thursday.. This program will hit on core subjects and will enable those teachers who will be tutoring an opportunity to close gaps that students have before we begin state testing in April. We are only 3.7 points from being a "C" school, and we want our students to show exactly what they are capable of.
On Monday, February 3 at 5:30 PM, we will host Math and Literacy Night. This program will assist parents with understanding the programming available for students at school and home. We will also give parents some tips that they can use in assisting students with homework. Any student whose parent attends will receive a "Free Dress" coupon that they will be able to use on Friday, February 7.
Monday February 10, 2025 marks the beginning of ELPT for our English Language Learners. It is imperative that these students are present every day in order to test. If students, especially 8th graders, do not perform well on this exam, it makes it more difficult for them to test out before high school. So, we are asking that students remember that the information on this test is not different from what they have seen before, except for 6th graders. It is important for our school letter grade and the students that they take the test seriously.
On Saturday, March 29, we will have our 50th anniversary celebration from 8:00 AM until 1:00 PM at the school. We are reaching out to former students, administrators, and teachers to come and celebrate with us. So, let's get the word out! If you would like to volunteer, perform, or would like to be a vendor, please reach out to us as soon as possible. We would like for this to be a great event for the school, alumni, former teachers, and administrators.
Transportation continues to be a sore spot in the morning and afternoon. We have several bus drivers that are running two and three routes in order to get students to and from school. We will continue to work with the Transportation Department in order to figure out a solution to the problems. Until then, please continue to make sure that your child is at his or her stop in the morning just in case there are trail busses running routes. If needed, the number to the Transportation Department is (225) 2263784.
Again, please make sure that if you are unable to check your child's grades through the Parent Portal, please contact one of our counselors who will be able to assist you with this. It is important that you stay on top of your scholar's grades so that if there are any discrepancies or questions, you will be able to provide evidence to your questions. With that, we will make sure that teachers are updating weekly to cut down on any questions that you may have.
Parents, this is also a reminder that students are not allowed to have their cell phones on them at school. Cell phones are not to be in students' pockets (pants, skirts, shorts, or jackets). They are to be placed in their booksacks according to newly enacted state laws regarding cell phone usage at school. If students are found with phones on their persons, the phones will be confiscated and a parent or guardian will have to come to retrieve the phone from the school.
Again, I want to reiterate the dress code policy as we are inching closer to "cooler" weather. Students are allowed to wear whatever outer wear deemed necessary while they are at the bus stops. However, once they enter the building, only Southeast Middle outer wear is acceptable per the dress code policy. Not only this, but blankets are not allowed on the bus or in the classrooms. So, please ensure that your student leaves his/her blanket at home. Furthermore, during Casual Dress days, please ensure that your child is adhering to the school's dress code, which can be found in their planners.
Additionally, I ask that parents waiting in the carpool line do not block the handicap ramp in front of the building. We have several students who are wheelchair-bound and need the ramp to enter into the building. So, until the line begins to move, please do not block the ramp.
Also, please note that students are considered tardy after 7:10 AM. If students are on a late bus, it will be documented in JCAMPUS by the front office. After 7:30 AM, students being dropped off by a parent MUST BE SIGNED IN BY AN ADULT! If the adult does not come in and sign the student in, the student will be placed in TOR until a parent/guardian can do so. This is for the safety and security of not just your child, but for the school.
Lastly, parents, please understand that we can not allow someone who is not on your child's demographic or emergency card to check him/her out. Our office staff checks this to ensure that your child is safe AT ALL TIMES. Please know that this is not to make life difficult, but to ensure the safety of our students. Also, please be reminded that we do not do check outs after 2:00 PM.
Regina M. Bennett, Esq.
Principal, Southeast Middle School
Math and Literacy Night
Monday, Feb 3, 2025, 05:30 PM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
McKinley vs. Southeast (Girls only playoff game)
Monday, Feb 3, 2025, 02:30 PM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Enhance Your Greatness Speaker
Monday, Feb 3, 2025, 09:00 AM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
ELPT and LEAP Connect Begin
Monday, Feb 10, 2025, 07:00 AM
Southeast Middle School, South Harrells Ferry Road, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
6th grade Day Field Trip
Tuesday, Feb 11, 2025, 07:00 AM
Pete Maravich Assembly Center, North Stadium Drive, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Student and Parent Resources
Planting Seeds of Hope registration link
Please register using the information in the flyer if you want to register your athlete or child for this great program!
Sports Information
Boys and Girls Basketball Schedule
Boys and Girls Basketball Schedule
Week in Review
Gearing up for an awesome event!
Please come out and participate. All students who come, or whose parent attends, will receive a "Free Dress" coupon for this Friday!
Southeast Celebrates Black History Month
We are proudly celebrating our HBCUs! Many of our faculty and staff have graduated from or attending HBCUs throughout the state and country. We are gearing up to have a wonderful program on Wednesday, February 26th!
Black History Month Celebration
In observance of Black History Month, we are also celebrating faculty and staff who are members of Sororities and Fraternities included in the Divine 9!