RHJ Weekly Update
January 31 Update
Hello RHJ Ravens!
Welcome to the end of another great week of learning. There will be no newsletter next week as it is a short week. Please see below for your weekly update!
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, concerns via email at gregory.cruickshank@eips.ca.
Greg, Glenda, and the RHJ Team
Upcoming Dates
- February: Black History Month
- February 4 to February 13: Alternative program information sessions
- February 1: 2025-26 kindergarten registration and new student registration opens at 9 a.m.
- February 5: Early dismissal
- February 6-7: North Central Teachers’ Convention (schools closed to staff and students)
- February 9-15: Random Acts of Kindness Week
- February 10: 2025-26 returning student registration opens
- February 12: RHJ Open House 6:00-7:30
- February 15: National Flag Day
- February 17: Family Day (schools and Central Services closed)
- February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day
- February 24: 2025-26 returning student registration closes
- February 26: Pink Shirt Day
Curt Young
On Friday our RHJ Ravens participated in a workshop with speaker and musician Curt Young to learn about our journey of Truth and Reconciliation.
Curt Young is an accomplished artist with a passion for captivating audiences through his dynamic performances. With an impressive portfolio of over 500 school shows, Curt has been able to inspire and engage students of all ages with his unique blend of music and storytelling. His talent has taken him to various corners of the globe, including memorable performances in Peru, China, and New York. Curt's ability to connect with diverse audiences and share his artistry on an international scale has earned him a welldeserved reputation as a global performer.
Raven Report By Crystal Curtis, Mira Marshall, Brayden Caruso
Hello everyone! We hope you had a fantastic month back and we welcome you to the monthly Raven Report. It's a new year and a new semester so hopefully everyone is ready for school to only get harder.
Starting off, let's talk about the best times of the year: the holidays. Hopefully, everyone went to some amazing places this Christmas and celebrated the Christmas spirit with their families. Even if you didn't travel, hopefully, that pair of socks, and “Number 1 Parent” mug you got this year makes up for it. Coming back from winter break is just as exhausting and anxiety-inducing as ever. We forgot everything that happened this school year and maybe some things we shouldn’t have. Again, as always, it's the New Year right after Christmas. It's a new year but we don't think anybody is still working on their resolution at this point. If you are though, keep going because you are working harder than 99.99% of the population. Looking ahead at the start of February, just remember that you are probably not in a cliche time paradox and that it is just regular old February. Also be prepared for that dreaded, dreaded Valentine’s Day! Hopefully, you don't forget to get somebody their flowers, do you remember what happened last time?
This month there were quite a few basketball tournaments spanning from the 10th to the 30th. In the 4 basketball tournaments that our teams played in over the past month; the junior teams and the senior boys each lost 1 game. However, we did win a fantastically played match thanks to the valiant efforts of the girls' senior team. The next upcoming game is Rudolph Hennig hosting Ardrossan on the 5th of February, so we’re hoping for an excellent comeback from the Junior teams! On the 24th of January, the senior girls won another fantastic game at Fort Christian, coming in 3rd overall in the tournament. The Senior boys came 5th. If you want to catch some of the basketball action yourself, have a glance at the RHJ school calendar where the dates and times are posted for up-and-coming events and games. On a final note, congratulations to the U 15 Tier 1 Rangers for winning the minor hockey week championship.
Lastly, let’s talk about some of the many other events that are happening. On the 14th, the grade 9s had an assembly about when they are going to get their shots and what to expect as they may get sick afterwards. They also had to get their permission forms signed by a parent or guardian. On the 18th, the Performance Arts students had a Bootcamp at the school! They spent the day working on their play Into the Woods Jr. On the 24th, we had The RHJ Talent Show! Congratulations to Johnny, the winner of the talent show! We hope you enjoyed your prize! Thank you to the Leadership 9 students for organizing. Finally, the second semester began on the 30th and our option classes were switched.
We hope that you have an excellent February and that your kids don’t drive you or any teachers to insanity! The Raven Report will be back next month and we hope to see you then!
50/50 Winner!
Congratulations to Lisa Penno, who won our 50/50!
Fort Sask Soccer
Registration opens February 1st! Arsenal Soccer 2025 Outdoor soccer Birth years 2021 to 2007 Community programming available Club program for birth years 2016 and 2017
High School Open House
To help students and their families make informed decisions about next school year, senior high schools across the Division will host open houses throughout the upcoming registration season to share information about specific courses, programming and extracurricular opportunities available.
Returning Student Registration for 2025-26
The Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) returning student registration process for 2025-26 takes place Feb. 10-24, 2025. Through the online form, all families will confirm the school and program their child will attend next year or advise the Division if they aren’t returning. For students who want to attend a non-designated school next year, these requests must be submitted through the returning student registration process—acceptance is based on available space.
On February 10, the parent/guardian on file in PowerSchool identified as the Permission Click contact for each pre-kindergarten to Grade 11 student will receive an email through Permission Click with a link to the form. If your family hasn’t received any Permission Click forms this school year, contact the school office so we can investigate any technical issues before registration season.
Rudolph Hennig has joined with LunchBox to offer lunches for our students! Parents can order and pay online through the link below, and students pick up the lunches in the Raven's Nest Store in the first half of lunch.
LunchBox also brings some additional items to sell to students.
About Us
Welcome to the home of the Ravens! We support personal development and academic growth for all of our students.
Rudolph Hennig Junior High School honours Treaty 6 territory and welcomes students from Metis settlements and First Nations communities throughout Western Canada and the Northwest Territories. We strive to build a safe and caring environment where cultural practices and traditions are honoured and celebrated. We work closely with community Elders to bring the truth of Canada’s history to our students as we work towards shared reconciliation.
We hope your year with us will be an enjoyable, rewarding, and memorable experience. Rudolph Hennig’s staff are committed to ensuring all students achieve success.
Email: general.rhj@eips.ca
Website: www.rudolphhennig.ca/
Phone: 780-998-2216
Twitter: @RHJRavens
Principal @ RHJ