VME Messenger
September 8, 2024
Good Afternoon VME Patriot Families,
9-5-2-1-0 Kids on the Go! walk/run morning opportunity below. Please see information below, all students participating must be signed up (link below).
Please remember we are a closed campus this week for PM 1 Math testing. This means we will not have volunteers or guests on campus, this includes lunch with your child.
Have a wonderful long weekend!
Ms. Vieira & Mrs. Roberts
To view Previously sent VME Messengers click here.
Mark your calendars...
9th-13th PM1 Math Grades K-5 - *Closed Campus
- See schedule below for specific grade level assessment dates
- Computers do not come home with students the day before assessments to ensure they are here at school and charged.
13th - Spirit Day - VME Spirit Wear or school colors
18th - Early Dismissal - Student Dismissal at 11:50 AM
19th - Interims Published
20th - Spirit Day - VME Spirit Wear or school colors
23rd-27th PM1 ELA Grades K-5 - *Closed Campus
27th - Spirit Day - VME Spirit Wear or school colors
3rd - No school for students -Teacher Professional Learning Day
15th - Fall Fest 5:00-8:00 PM -Details to come
18th - No school for students - Teacher Planning Day
28th - Q1 Report Cards Published
CCPS 2024-2025 School Calendar - https://www.collierschools.com/Page/18491
9-5-2-1-0 Kinds on the Go!
For more information about the KOTG Program
Sign up by Friday, September 13th, if you would like your child(ren) to participate!
Click here to sign up - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SjyUWVNiDU2KmP71AwPTSwnjC1KiqW5AtTh_9aBfZn5UMDhBRDA1T09ZT0VaRlJCTUVQNlBHNTAzVC4u
Kids on the Go run/walk club schedule (to begin mid-September)
- 1st/Kindergarten Mondays/Wednesdays
- 2nd Grade Monday/Wednesdays
- 3rd Grade Tuesdays/Thursdays
- 4th Grade Tuesdays/Thursdays
- 5th Grade Tuesdays/Thursdays
If your child eats breakfast at school he/she must eat breakfast prior to attending KOTG.
Counselor's Corner
We have worked to align our the 7Habits and Patriot Pride Positive Behavior Skills! We will focus on Teacher, practice, and reteaching these expectations for the first 7 weeks of school. You can help by discussing these at home each week!
Leader in Me 7Habits information can be located https://www.collierschools.com/Page/12790
Patriot Pride Skills aligned with the 7Habits below:
Week 6 - Week of September 9th- Skill 11: Strives for Quality Work- Begin with the End in Mind
- Skill 12: Completes Work on Time- Put First Things First & Begin with the End in Mind
- Skill 13: Show Positive Attitude Toward Learning- Be Proactive & Synergize
- Skill 14: Demonstrates Respect for Self, Others and School Environment- All 7 Habits
*"Week of" listed above is when these skills and 7Habits will be explicitly taught and discussed at school
PTO Meetings & Contact Information
Meetings are held at VME beginning at 8:45 AM. Please check in with a photo ID at the front office.
Annual Meeting Dates
- September 4th
- October 9th
- November 6th
- December - No Meeting
- January 8th
- February 5th
- March 5th
- April 2nd
- May 14th - Board Elections
Email VMEPTO@gmail.com
Facebook "Veterans Memorial Elementary PTO"
VME PTO News & Information
Thank you for an AMAZING start to VME Spirit wear! Additional sizes have been ordered. We will let you know when they are available for purchase. If you have any concerns regarding your orders please email VME PTO at vmepto@gmail.com .
Thank you!
The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a school-based group intended to represent the school, the community and the students. The group shares responsibility for guiding the school toward continuous improvement. The School Advisory Council is responsible for final decision making at the school relating to the implementation of the provisions of the annual School Improvement Plan (SIP).
School Advisory Council (SAC) meetings are held in the VME Media Center from 5:30-6:30 PM.
Tentative Meeting Dates for 2024-2025 SY (Tuesday evenings):
- August – No Meeting
- September 10th
- October 8th
- November 12th
- December – No Meeting
- January 14th
- February 11th
- March 18th
- April 8th
- May 13th
Parent Portal
The centralized CCPS Portal is your first step in creating a CCPS profile and/or log into accessing your information.
- Log into the CCPS Portal to access the following:
- Student Grades
- School Resources
- District Resources
- and more!
For assistance, contact grades@collierschools.com or call 239-377-0001.
Accessing Report Cards on the FOCUS Portal - Directions PDF File
Important Information!
Please ensure that you email(s) are correct in Focus, this is how 24-25 teacher class placement will be communicated to families. Your child(ren)"s teacher(s) will communicate with families via email, the week of August 6th.
Patriotic Organizations Information
Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida
A year of fun awaits! Be a Girl Scout. Get ready for fun, friendship, and amazing adventures. From kindergarteners learning to tie their shoes to high school seniors exploring colleges and careers, Girl Scouts of all ages try fun new things, discover hidden talents, gain amazing life skills, and—most importantly—find a supportive group of friends. If you’re ready to make awesome memories with forever friends, become a Girl Scout at gsgcf.org or customercare@gsgcf.org.
GIRL SCOUTS - Recruitment Event
Learn more about GIRL SCOUTS
Thursday, September 5th in the VME cafe
(enter at bus loop gate) from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Friendship, adventure and making a difference - it all starts with Girl Scouts! Join Girl Scouts to try new things, discover hidden talents and most importantly, be celebrated for being you! What have our local Girl Scout troops done? Camped, archery, kayak, hiked, learned about solar power and conservation, created digital games, beach clean-ups, food & clothing drives, horseback riding, dance parties, ice & roller skating, visited courtrooms, tv stations, police/fire stations, slept over at Kennedy Space Center, Lion Country Safari, SeaWorld, MOSI, learned entrepreneurial and budgeting skills through cookie sales, visited Savannah, GA, traveled oversees and so much more!!! The opportunities are endless! If you have any questions, please contact Helen at gsgcf.org or 239-776-0508.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast
This free mentoring program will give your child the tools to achieve higher aspirations, greater confidence, educational success and encourage positive choices. All youth in the program gain access to fun, free activities, financial resources and scholarship opportunities.
Each pairing is monitored by certified and trained case managers, and all Mentors are background checked and vetted according to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America National Standards.
Call 855-501-2447, scan the QR code or visit www.bbbssun.org for more information.
The Boys & Girls Club of Collier County offers after-school programs and full-day camps for school-aged children in grades K-12. Our programs provide a safe and engaging environment where your child can participate in academic support, sports, arts, and leadership activities. Teen programs, such as College & Career Readiness and Work-Based Learning, are tailored to help middle and high schoolers prepare for future success. Sign up today at www.BGCCC.com to ensure your child enjoys enriching experiences both after school and during school breaks!
Cub Scouts
Join Cub Scouts night is coming up! It’s all about Fishing, Camping, Smores and Much More!!! For girls and boys in grades K-5.
Come join the adventure, Cub Scouts where FUN and learning connect. Learn new skills and earn awesome patches, build projects and make new friends! Learn to tie knots, set up a tent, bows and arrows!!! Smores and a campfire, explore nature, and more! Ask questions at (239) 936-8072.
Website: www.beascout.org
Helpful Family Resources
- Volunteers, Lunch with Your Child, and Check -in Procedures
- VME Wellness & Shared Snacks at School
CCPS VOLUNTEER APPLICATION PROCESS - All volunteer applications expired June 30th. If you wish to volunteer during this school year, please submit a new volunteer application by clicking the link "Apply to Volunteer" and follow the steps outlined on the District site. CCPS Volunteer Program
- Link to student laptop expectation video
- CCPS Student Code of Conduct
- CCPS Student Discipline
- CCPS District Policy for CCPS Issued Laptops
- Social Media Guide and Contract Resource
- CCPS Portal: Click here to visit the CCPS Portal
- Nutrition Services - School Lunch Menu & School Bucks (online pay) https://www.collierschools.com/nutrition
- Fortify Florida - https://getfortifyfl.com/