Keystone Newsletter #39
Dear Keystone Families,
Can you believe it's already June?! We are just nine school days away from the end of the school year, and we are excited to share that there are many fun events coming up this week!
On Monday, June 3rd, all of our 5th graders will be visiting their future middle school. On Wednesday, June 5th, we will be celebrating our Kindergarten students' move-up day with a celebration held in each kindergarten teacher's classroom. And to top it all off, we'll be having our annual Field Days taking place on Thursday and Friday this week! It's going to be a very busy, but fun-filled week!
Also, please don't forget to take a look at Keystone's ABC Countdown calendar. Monday is the letter "R" day- Rainbow Day! Wear as many colors of the rainbow that you can!
Next Thursday, June 13th will be our students' last day of school. It will also be an early dismissal day (1:15pm).
Be Safe and Be Well,
Mrs. Smith-Herman
Important Dates to Remember
👕Every Friday👕
Wear Paw Shirts
🍎5th Graders Visit Future Middle School🍎
June 3rd
⚾BTSD Music Night at Trenton Thunder🎵
June 4th, at 7:00pm
Kindergarten Move-Up Day Celebration- Inside Each Kindergarten Classroom
June 5th- 9:45AM
👕Field Day⚽
Thursday, June 6th- AM- K/1
Thursday, June 6th- PM- 2/3
Friday, June 7th- AM- 4/5
Rain Dates: June 7th (PM), June 10th (AM and/or PM) and/or 11th (PM)
5th Grade Farewell
June 11th- 10:15AM
June 12th- 10:15AM- Rain Date
😎Last Day of School- Students😎
Thursday, June 13th
Early Dismissal- 1:15pm
Looking Ahead- 2024-2025 School Year
First Teacher Day for 2024-2025 School Year
August 26th, 2024
Orientation Day for K, 6th, & 9th Grade
August 29th, 2024
First Day of School for All Students
September 3rd, 2024
Back to School Nights
Wednesday, September 4th for Grades K, 2, 4
Thursday, September 5th for Grades 1, 3, 5
Picture Days
Initial Picture Days will take place over two days (grade levels will be determined once schedule is set for the 2024-2025 School Year); September 26th and September 27th
Picture Retakes- November 15th
Late Night for Conferences for the 2024-2025 School Year
Thursday, December 12th
Monday, March 24th
June Calendar
ABC Countdown to Summer- Starting May 8th
Revised 2023-2024 District Calendar
2024-2025 District Calendar
Fun Camp- Sponsored by No Longer Bound
Fifth Grade Farewell- June 11th
Kindergarten Celebration - June 5th
Summer Food Services Program
Adjustment to Summer Food Service Program
Any questions please reach out to .
Student Spotlight
McKenzie Slovak, Poppy Queen of the Levittown Parade
Albert Fournier, Poppy King of Croydon Parade
The Poppy King and Queen are chosen represent a local VFW at the Memorial Day Parade.
Find Those Library Books
Please email if you have any questions or concerns.
Results from Last Poll
Thank you for all who have participating in our newsletter's weekly poll! It looks like most people's favorite meal of the day is dinner (58%).
💐Something Fun!💐
Which is your favorite type of outdoor temperature?
June Stories, Articles, Videos
Caribbean American Heritage Month
June 5th- World Environment Day
June 8th- World Oceans Day
Social Emotional Learning Tips of the Week
Preventing Summer Learning Loss Articles
Summer Library Events
Field Day Information Newsletter
Field Day Shirts
Our fabulous PTO has purchased field day shirts for each of our students. So, each student will receive a complementary shirt from the PTO.
Please be on the look out for their shirts. Each classroom may distribute their shirts differently.
Some may wait to the day before field day to distribute the shirts and some may hand them out the day of field day so they don't get misplaced at home. Either way, all students will have a field day shirt prior to starting their events for the day.
Many thanks to our PTO for funding all the shirts!
2024 Field Day Teams- June 2024
- Gold- Nean, Smith, Rausch, Gulick
- Black- McAllister, O'Neil, Wood, Mamrol, Ehrgott, Houmas
First Grade
- Gold- Vorgity, Nober, Jablonski
- Black- Grafius, Tirpak, Houmas, Claudio
Second Grade
- Gold- Jahani, Doyle, Loeffler
- Black- Vraig, McFadden, O'Brien, Wenner, Houmas
Third Grade
- Gold- David, White, Brower, Wilhelm
- Black- Waldron, Halbherr, Burgess, Formicola
Fourth Grade
- Gold- Carmona, Carr, Krevitskie
- Black- Berrocal, Bryson, Formicola, Chepress
Fifth Grade
- Gold- Kennedy, Schweiker
- Black- Flint, Campbell, Branton, Formicola
Attendance Policy
- Reminder, when your child is absent a written excuse note is required.
- For the first 10 absences the note may be from the parent.
- It can be in an email to:
- If your child misses more than 10 days of school, then we only accept a medical note.
- Please email or send in the note within 10 days of their return to school, this is a PA State Law.
Dismissal Plans
In order to maintain the safety of all our learners, we are asking that families alert teachers, in writing, for any transportation/dismissal plan changes prior to 9am each morning.
We do understand that emergencies may arise throughout the day that requires a change to a child's dismissal plan for that particular day. For those situations, please make sure you are alerting the office staff as soon as possible, so they can communicate the change to the teachers as soon as possible.
We thank you for your support in helping us ensure the safety and wellbeing of each of our learners.
Snack and Birthday Celebration Policy
To ensure the safety and well being of our students, as per the District Wellness Policy, no outside foods may be brought in by students for classroom parties or birthday celebrations. Shared snacks are not permitted in district schools.
If you would like to send something in to celebrate your child's birthday or for a classroom party, you may send in non food items such as stickers, pencils, play dough etc.
Title 1 Teachers
Mrs. Stacy Cooke
Mrs. Aimee Ramos
What is Title I?
Title I is a project funded by the federal government under the Every Child Succeeds Act. The purpose of this Act is to provide all children with fair and equitable opportunity to succeed and close achievement gaps. Money is allocated by the federal government and distributed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to the Bristol Township School. District.
Title I funding is based on a complex formula. These funds are allocated to the states who in turn allocate a portion of that money to the individual school districts within each state. The school district’s share is based on the economic need within a school area, that is, by the number of low income families living there. In our district the number of free and reduced lunch students is used to determine the economic need of a particular school.
Helpful Links and Resources
Anti-Bullying and Climate Specialist
Mr. Pierce has the pleasure of being the Anti-Bullying Specialist at Keystone Elementary School.
In the short time that he has been here he has been able to build a great rapport and begin teaching the Second Step Bullying Prevention curriculum and TKF curriculum.
Some of his roles include bullying investigations, conflict resolution, peer mediations, large group lessons and small group lessons. He also have been working to support the school climate at Keystone.
Mr. Pierce- Anti-Bullying and Climate Specialist
Report Form for Complaints of Harassment/Bullying/Cyber-Bullying
Click here for an electronic version of form; Reporting Form
Social Worker and Counselors Contact Information
Social Worker
Mrs. Jody Como
Mrs. Tammy Surdo
Mr. Brian Gianfrancesco
Health Office Contact Information
Lynn Thomson-Merrill
Certified School Nurse 267-599-2473 or 2490
Anna May Tannenbaum
Staff Nurse 267-599-2496
Christine Kelly (M, T, TH, F after 12:30 PM)
Staff Nurse 267-599-2473
Our fax number is 215-788-1516.
June Breakfast and Lunch Calendars
We encourage each student and staff member to wear their Keystone Paw Shirts every Friday.
Office Staff
School Principal: Mr. Mark Wilicki
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Crystal Smith-Herman
Special Education Supervisor: Justina Garofalo
Special Education Supervisor: Jessica Kelch
Principal's Secretary: Mrs. Marianne Mensinger
Assistant Principal's Secretary: Mrs. Donna Meehan
School phone: 267-599-2470
School fax: 215-788-1041