The Wildcat Word
WHES Family Newsletter: February Edition
Happy February,
I hope this message finds you well as we step into February, a month filled with learning, growth, and community engagement. As we reach the midpoint of the school year, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued support and involvement in your child’s education.
February is a special month that brings exciting opportunities for our students. From celebrating Black History Month and recognizing the contributions of remarkable individuals to engaging in academic and extracurricular activities, we strive to create meaningful learning experiences for our students. February also marks the beginning of Kindergarten Registration. Visit www.cabarrus.k12.nc.us/kindergarten for more Kindergarten Registration information. We also look forward to Valentine’s Day, a time to spread kindness and appreciation within our school community.
Additionally, I encourage you to stay updated on upcoming events, including parent-teacher conferences, assessments, and school activities. Your partnership plays a vital role in your child’s success, and we appreciate your collaboration in fostering a positive and supportive learning environment.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you for being an essential part of our school family. Wishing you and your family a wonderful February!
Annessia Lee, Principal
We’re thrilled to share the exciting learning adventures happening in our classrooms at Weddington! 🌟
📖 Reading & Writing: From discovering favorite stories to becoming authors, our students are growing their love for books and writing! ✍️✨ Kindergarten is exploring fiction and understanding characters! First Grade is reading across genres! Second grade is also reading across genres with a fun perspective on bugs. Third grade is reading narrative non-fiction texts to learn about influence on communities. Fourth grade is finishing up their personal narratives! Fifth grade is engaging with historical fiction and non-fiction to explore the transformation of characters and impacts of U.S. major events.
➗ Math: Counting, problem-solving, and cracking tricky puzzles – we’re turning math into a daily adventure! 🧮🎯 Kindergarten is working on subitizing and recognizing more or less. First Grade is working on place value and word problems! Second Grade is learning how to add/subtract 3 digit numbers with regrouping. Third Grade is learning Area & Perimeter. Fourth grade is learning how to add/subtract fractions. Fifth grade is taking it a step further and adding/subtracting fractions with unlike denominators.
🧪 IB (Science & Social Studies): Hands-on experiments and fascinating projects are helping students explore the wonders of the world. 🔬🌍 Students are very excitedly creating artifacts of their learning for our upcoming IB evaluation at the end of this month.
💛 Positivity Project: Every day, we’re practicing kindness, teamwork, and skills to be great friends and leaders. 🤝💬 Visit the website learn more about the character strength of the week.
💡 Tip for Grown-ups: Ask your child what they’ve learned this week – you might be surprised by the amazing things they’ll share!
This past weekend our Performing Arts Club took the stage & preformed Moana Jr.
Students in 3rd-5th grade under the direction of Sarah Scott, 3-5 Reading MCL and Katie Darcangelo, 3rd Grade Teacher took to the stage and performed Moana Jr. The cast and the show were incredible! Thank you to everyone who attended, volunteered their time, and special thanks to our performers and directors for a job well done!
Congratulations to Amelia & Lakshitha!
We are proud to be CCS's only IB School! We celebrated I love my School Day!
Our Kinders celebrated making it through 100 days of school!
Our first graders celebrated being 101 days smarter!
IB Information
IB World Schools are under a 5-year cycle of review which includes a self-study completed by the school community followed by a 2-day visit. The IB evaluation visit for WHES is scheduled for Feb. 19-20. The IB team will be observing classrooms, meeting with leadership, staff, district leaders, parents, and students. The Student Leadership Advisory will be leading the impact meeting to share the latest action steps for learning engagement and the impact on learning. Results from the visit will be shared with staff and families and will include commendations on what is working well and recommendations for further developing the IB primary years programme over the next 5-year cycle. Click here to see the results of our school's self-study.
CCS Program Choice
Families who applied for program schools last fall will be receiving notifications through Scribbles the week of Feb. 3, 2025. The deadline to make decisions and accept your seats is Feb. 17. For rising kindergartners, 6th and 9th graders, families must also complete enrollment or in-district re-enrollment. Applications will reopen for additional kindergarten applicants beginning March 1st and close on March 31st, 2025. Applications will not be accepted after March 31st, 2025. Click here for more information.
Wildcat Clubs
Helping hands are always welcome on club days! Mark your calendar for our next club day, Feb. 21 from 2:00-2:30 pm. If you are available, please sign up to volunteer.
Mark Your Calendars!
February 14 - NO SCHOOL
February 4 - Progress Reports
February 10-14 - Love the Bus Week
February 11 - Math Night at Target Afton - 5pm-7pm
February 17 - NO SCHOOL
February 21 - Club Day
February 26 - 4th/5th Grade Arts Council Field Trip
February 28 - Kindergarten Letterland Parade
Kindergarten Registration
February Lunch Visitors
WHES Cafeteria Meal Debt
Currently, Weddington has $3,200 in cafeteria meal debt. If these balances are not paid off, the school must use school funds to pay the balance at the end of the school year. If you or your business would be interested in donating to this cause please send in a check payable to Weddington Hills Cafeteria, attention Annessia Lee. We appreciate your support. Much appreciation for your partnership.
Save the Date - Chat with the Principal
Heritage Night
Kindergarten Registration
PTO Important Dates & Events
Join us Tuesday, February 11th at Sweet Frog in Afton, located right across from Target. Come before or after Target Math Night and enjoy a sweet treat! Mention Weddington Hills at time of purchase, 20% of all sales go back to our school!
🐾 PTO 🐾
WHES Yard Sign Fundraiser
Let’s celebrate our amazing 5th grade Wildcats! Show off your pride by purchasing either a personalized or non-personalized Weddington Hills Wildcat’s sign. Each sign supports our school as well as your rising star!
You can order now through March 16th!
PTO Update
Were you unable to attend our PTO meeting last week? Here is an update on things completed in the first half of the year and places you can jump in to close out 2024-2025 school year! We are grateful for all those who have volunteered and contributed to help make our school the best of the best! General Update Presentation
🐾 PTO Membership! 🐾
Join our PTO today! Receive a membership card with local discounts and help support our school at the same time! Your involvement is impactful! Join Us! $10 Wildcat Family & $5 Weddington Teacher / Staff Member.
WHES School Spirit Rock
The spirit rock allows you to recognize a student, share your school spirit, thank a staff member, or any other celebratory event. This is a great way to spread positivity at our school. Click HERE to sign up and reserve the rock!
Parent/Student Handbook
Lunch Visitors
Due to limited space in the cafeteria, lunch visitors this year will be on a last name basis. Please see the last names and weeks of when you can come. Unfortunately we cannot provide any exceptions due to space limitations. For birthdays and other special ocassions, please join your child on your assigned week. We greatly appreciate your partnership and look forward to having you in our cafeteria!
Week of:
Feb. 3rd - O-S
Feb. 10th - T-Z
Feb. 17th - A-G
Feb. 24th - H-N
Calendar linked here or visit the site below
Transportation Change
Any transportation changes must take place by a written note sent in to the teacher. Transportation changes can not be accepted by email or Parent Square.
Free & Reduced Lunch Benefits
Click here to apply for free & reduced lunch benefits. We encourage all parents to apply, just in case you qualify for meal benefits!
ParentSquare Communication App
ParentSquare is the official platform for school-to-home communications in Cabarrus County Schools. Our district, schools and teachers use ParentSquare to communicate directly with families on a daily basis and in case of emergency. We strongly encourage you to download the ParentSquare app and register your account today.
Please visit our ParentSquare for Parents information page to learn more about the free Mobile App, where you can customize notification preferences to fit your needs and schedule, set your preferred language for automatic two-way translation and so much more.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo is a digital platform and app that is apart of WHES Core Behavior System. It is a way for our teachers to manage and provide feedback to students' classroom behavior. Students earn points for showing the Wildcat Way by being Safe, Respectful, Responsible, & Kind. Students are able to use their points in their classroom store, our Whiskers Whereabouts After several redirection strategies, if students do not demonstrate the Wildcat Way then students will receive a Needs Work to help redirect their behavior. If you are not connected to your child's classroom class dojo, please get connected. Reach out to your child's teacher for more information.
Cabarrus County Schools Academic Calendars
As you begin to prepare for the upcoming school year, please take a moment to download our 2024-25 academic calendars.
For more information, please visit the 2024-25 district calendars webpage.
CCS Policy Code 4318 Student Use of Electronic Devices
On June 10, 2024, the Board of Education updated Policy 4318 Student Use of Electronic Devices. Policy 4318 is attached to this post. Please note the following important updates for the 2024-25 school year:
- Elementary School: Students are not allowed to utilize electronic devices from arrival on campus through departure from campus. Students are required to power off and securely store their cell phones away from their person throughout the school day.
- Middle School: Students are not allowed to utilize electronic devices from arrival on campus through afternoon dismissal. Students are required to power off and securely store their cell phones away from their person throughout the school day. Students engaged in after-school activities will have access to their electronic devices for communicating with parents/guardians.
- High School: Students are not allowed to utilize electronic devices during instructional time. Students may use electronic devices during non-instructional times which may include arrival/dismissal, breakfast/lunch, and class change. During instructional time, students are required to power off and securely store their electronic devices away from their person.
Car Rider Drop Off/Dismissal
Arrival: Please follow our new car rider line route that we put in place at the beginning of the school year. Linked is the route map and the video as a reminder.
Dismissal: Enter at Weddington Road. Snake through the staff parking lot. Loop around car rider line and exit.
Bus Request
If you have not already requested bus transportation, please complete the google form ASAP. If a bus is requested, on or after open house, it an take up to 2 weeks to be assigned a bus route.
Edulog Bus Tracking App
CCS is continuing to use this school bus tracking app. Parents can track their student's bus location on this app. Currently the messaging portion is not active yet, so if a sub bus is running it won’t show the sub bus number or info. But otherwise should be working to track regular buses.
Here are some links to get started using this app:
If you are showing as pending, you do not have the correct student ID number for your child, please contact the school and we will be happy to assist you!
Administrator Feedback
Please leave feedback for our administrators: https://forms.gle/TDiQMpi19Eih6hpJ7
School Contact Information
Principal: Annessia Lee, annessia.lee@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Assistant Principal: Cathryn Morse, cathryn.morse@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Assistant Principal: Kaylee Price, kaylee.price@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Assistant Principal: Casey Campbell, casey.campbell@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
This is the address of our school website https://whes.cabarrus.k12.nc.us