The Hive
Forestville Central School District - Fall 2024

Message from the Board of Education President
Dear Forestville Families and Community,
I hope that you had a relaxing and rejuvenating summer. As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, I would like to extend a heartfelt Hornet welcome to our students, families, teachers, staff, and community members.
Thank you to our community for the continued support you give to our school and our students. Many exciting things have happened in our district including our annual bell ringing ceremony on the first day of school, numerous sporting events, open house at both the elementary and the MS/HS, spirit week in the elementary school, a MS/HS band and chorus concert, and Homecoming. We are also excited for the next stages of the capital project which will enhance and improve our school campus. Our aim is to create a welcoming and safe environment for all students.
Our school board meetings have been very productive with the hiring of many new staff and review of the district handbooks and emergency response plans. At the end of October, the entire board will participate in our fall workshop/retreat. We will use this time to review our district and board goals, reflect on the progress our district has made, and consider new opportunities to continue to improve our district. I encourage you to visit our school website where you will find dates for upcoming school board meetings as well as meeting minutes, important documents, policies, and more.
Thank you again for being an integral part of the Forestville Central School family. Your dedication and commitment to our school community is vital to the success of our students.
We are looking forward to a productive and successful school year at FCS!
Andrea Spengler
FCS Board of Education President
Message from the Superintendent
Dear Forestville School District Community,
As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, I want to extend a warm welcome to all students, families, staff, and community members. This year brings new opportunities, and I am excited to share some updates that highlight the great strides we have made since last year.
First, I want to express my gratitude for your support of this year's budget vote. With an impressive 80% approval, we are proud to have the community’s trust in our vision for the future of our district. In addition, our $11,875,000 capital project also received overwhelming approval with an 80% vote. Planning for this project is now underway, and we are working closely with teachers, coaches, faculty, staff, and community members in user groups to design key areas, including the elementary cafeteria, entrance, and hallway, locker rooms at both buildings, and the fitness center at the middle/high school. I encourage you to visit our website for more information and updates on the project as it develops.
In keeping with our commitment to enhancing communication, we are also in the process of revamping our district website to make it more user-friendly and accessible. This redesign will ensure that important information about our schools is easy to find and navigate for everyone in the community. While the update is in progress for this school year, you will still have full access to our current site, and we encourage you to visit at www.forestville.com for all district-related updates.
Thank you again for your support of the Forestville School District. Together, we continue to shape a brighter future for our students. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Here's to a fantastic and productive school year!
Dr. John O'Connor
Superintendent of Schools
Welcome New Staff
Makayla Coalts
Pk-12 Music & Chorus Teacher
Alexis Schuman
MS/HS Science Teacher
Michele Sprague
3rd Grade Teacher
Shannon Soffel
Social Worker
Stephanie Accardo-Sanchez
ES Special Education Teacher
Aaron Bevill
Director of Special Education
Kyle Barthel
Director of Buildings & Grounds
Stacy Korzenieski
District Treasurer
Amanda Seneca
Elizabeth Locke
Library Media Specialist
Nicole Gugino
Message from the Elementary Principal
Dear Forestville Families,
We are thrilled to share all the exciting events and initiatives that have been happening at Forestville Elementary! We’re off to a fantastic start, and it’s all thanks to our wonderful students, staff, and families who make our school a special place to learn and grow together.
Open House Success!
Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Open House! It was heartwarming to see so many families visiting with our Scholastic Book Fair, engaging with local community partners, and participating in our Basket Raffle to raise funds for our Hornet Clothing Closet, PARP celebrations, and PBIS. Your generosity helps ensure that every student has access to the resources they need, and we couldn't do it without your continued support.
Positive Behavior at Forestville: PBIS & Hornet Heroes
Our ongoing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative is off to an amazing start this year! Students have been earning Class Dojo points and/or Hornet Bucks for following our school-wide expectations. They use these points/bucks to shop our PBIS cart of prizes! Additionally, we just held our first Hornet Heroes Pizza Party of the school year, where one outstanding student from each homeroom was selected for consistently demonstrating positive behavior. These Hornet Heroes are true role models, and we look forward to celebrating their continued achievements each month!
Fire Prevention Week
A big thank you to the Forestville Fire Department for their visit during Fire Prevention Week! Students had the opportunity to learn about fire safety, practice stop drop and roll, meet our local firefighters, and even explore fire trucks/apparatus. Their enthusiasm and attentiveness were truly inspiring!
Parent Connection
Our Parent Connection group has been working hard to organize fun and engaging activities for our students and families. Spirit Week and Penny Wars were a hit, bringing out the school spirit in all of us! We're also very thankful for the Halloween Costume Giveaway, which ensured every child who attended can participate in the Halloween fun this season. Keep an eye out for more information on how to get involved in upcoming events!
Grand Opening of the Hornet Clothing Closet
We are excited to announce the grand opening of our Hornet Clothing Closet! This resource is now available for all families who may need assistance in providing their children with clothing essentials. We’re proud to offer this support to our community, ensuring that every student feels confident, comfortable, and ready to learn.
The Importance of Daily Attendance
We would like to remind families of the critical role daily attendance plays in your child’s success at school. When students attend school consistently, they are more likely to develop strong academic habits, form lasting friendships, and feel a greater connection to the Forestville community. Let’s work together to ensure that every child is here, ready to learn, every day!
Boost Literacy at Home
Reading aloud to children is one of the most powerful ways to boost their literacy skills and foster a love for learning. We encourage all families to take a look at this valuable literacy resource: Read and Discuss Stories. It offers fantastic tips and activities for making story time a meaningful and enjoyable part of your family’s routine for all ages!
As always, thank you for your continued support of our school. We look forward to the exciting months ahead, filled with learning, laughter, and growth!
Shauna McMahon
Elementary Principal
Message from the Middle/High School Principal
A Great Start
The 2024-2025 school year is off to a fantastic start, beginning with our annual Bell Ringing Ceremony on the first day. It was a pleasure to welcome back both students and staff, and the energy was infectious as we kicked off the new year together. Our superintendent, Dr. O’Connor, shared inspiring words of encouragement, setting a positive tone for the months ahead. Libby Militello, our Senior Class President, followed with a heartfelt message, reminding her peers of the value of a quality education and wishing everyone a successful school year.
A Focus on Safety
On that same day, students received important updates on the newly revised handbook and safety plan. We also provided a refresher on emergency drills, with particular emphasis on lockdown procedures. Safety remains our number one priority, and our goal was to ensure that each student left the assembly with a clear understanding of what to do in case of an emergency. We even held a Q&A session to address any questions students had, reinforcing that safety is always at the forefront of our efforts.
New Advanced Courses
We’re proud to announce an exciting development this year: Forestville is offering more advanced courses than ever before! These new offerings not only challenge our students academically but also allow them to earn valuable college credits, providing a head start on their post-secondary education. As both an educator and a parent, I understand how beneficial these credits can be in reducing future college costs, and it’s wonderful to see so many students taking advantage of these opportunities.
Welcome New Staff
Additionally, we are thrilled to welcome several new staff members to the Forestville family. In the high school science department, Miss Alexis Schuman is now teaching Chemistry, Natural Disasters, and other exciting subjects. Our new chorus teacher, Miss Makayla Coalts, has already made a positive impact, while Miss Elizabeth Locke has joined us as our librarian. We are also pleased to have Mrs. Shannon Soffel on board as a social worker, filling a new role to support the social and emotional needs of our students. Miss Coalts, Miss Locke, and Mrs. Soffel will be working between both the elementary and high schools, and we are excited to see the contributions they will make to our school community.
As always, our partnership with parents is essential to the success of our students. Should you ever need to reach me, please don’t hesitate to contact my office at (716) 965-2711 ext. 522 or by email at dgrande@forestville.com. I look forward to working together to make this school year one of the best yet!
Best wishes for a fantastic school year ahead!
Mr. Daniel Grande
Middle/High School Principal
Bills Connection
Forestville Senior Helps Alumni to Give Back
Forestville alumni Chuck and Mike Skelly (Class of '88 and '90) have taken their Bills fandom to another level. The pair will be featured in the documentary "Just One Before I Die" and have partnered with a Forestville High School art class to give back through their effort "Brothers Breaking Tables."
What started as a connection to home for a Forestville alumnus has grown into something much bigger. Chuck is a veteran who served during Desert Storm and continues his service in the National Guard while living in his hometown.
“When I joined the army, one thing that I identified as is a Bills fan because I missed home,” he said.
Now two huge Bills fans, the brothers have taken on the roles of “Billsquatch” and “The Handler” at tailgates for the past four years. They were encouraged to apply to be a part of the Bills fan documentary and were ecstatic when they got the call.
“We figure this is our 15 minutes of fame and we want to do something good with it,” he said.
Mike had never broken a table before and they wanted to find a way to bring their two communities together. So they chose to benefit Chautauqua Rural Ministries and Just For Today, a charity in Harrisburg, PA, that assists veterans with counseling services.
Then the pair wanted to connect the fundraising effort back to Forestville. Chuck reached out to High School Art Teacher Kristin Britz, who enlisted the help of her students in Independent Art.
“I have been to many places, but I always come home to Forestville. I want to bring attention to our small town and I want people to know that many great things can come out of small towns,” Chuck said. “We wanted to get Forestville students involved because that’s where Mike and my stories started. This will be a cool story that they can tell later too.”
Senior Rowan Woodard free-hand painted the Bills’ logo and added the wording “Bills Break the Chiefs,” and “Brothers Breaking Tables,” along with their area codes “716/717,” and “Highmark Stadium, Orchard Park, NY.”
Rowan said, “I was most excited to be involved in helping people. There's no way I could have predicted how big this would get."
Once finished, Rowan’s and the class’s work traveled with the Skelly brothers to MetLife Stadium where they joined the Water Buffalo Club 716 for a feature on a “Good Morning America” before the Bills vs Jets game.
Brothers Breaking Tables has a social media presence and plans to collect donations up until the Bills vs Chiefs game on November 17, when they will break the table and raffle it off, with the proceeds going to the two charities.
On Their Best Behavior
Forestville Elementary Students Review PBIS Expectations
Forestville Elementary students reviewed the PBIS behavioral expectations of being responsible, respectful, safe and always kind in different areas of the school and on the bus during an assembly with Principal Mrs. McMahon. Mrs. Campese, Mrs. Szumigala, Mrs. Devine and Mrs. Raichel pretended to be students either following the expectations or not following the expectations and Mrs. Bower helped out by playing the librarian and bus driver. The students were called on to identify the right behavior. When students demonstrate PBIS behavior, they will earn Hornet Bucks and can buy prizes from the PBIS cart.
Key Club's Bluebird House Trail Revitalization
The Forestville Key Club is continuing the work of the Bluebird House Trail project that was started last October when some current students wanted to re-introduce the upkeep of nesting houses on the ‘bluebird trail’ established by retired science teacher Phil Kordon and some former science club members.
Mr. Kordon joined the students to show them around the school property to locate the bird houses. He shared a history of the project and demonstrated how to clean the houses out, how to prep them for winter, and also how to get them ready for the spring bluebird arrival.
Key Club members hit the trail in the spring of ‘24 to prepare the houses for new bluebird nests. And the this fall, the group hiked around the property and emptied the houses of their contents.
They were pleased to find twigs and nesting materials, demonstrating that the bluebirds had used the houses to raise their young, rather than mouse nest materials that were found when originally emptying the houses a year ago with Mr. Kordon.
Key Club will team up once again with Mr. Dempsey’s engineering students to rehab and relocate the birdhouses that are inhospitable. Members look forward to prepping for the arrival of the bluebirds in the spring!
7th grade Seminar has been learning about stress causes and management. Students have been practicing a guided meditation in class. Each session was 10 minutes long with meditational music played low in the background, and a meditation script on relaxation being read. Students said they came out of meditation feeling very relaxed and at ease. They even asked if we can continue doing these in class because they really love the effects they are feeling!
Celebrating Arts
Tenth grader Ellie Cross's painting was selected to appear in the book "Celebrating Art." She completed this acrylic painting, called "The Dark Sea," over the summer.
Elementary Basketball Program
In its inaugural year, the Forestville girl's elementary basketball program was a huge success. The teams competed against other schools in September and October. They learned basketball skills, how to play the game in 5-on-5 full-court, teamwork and team building.
"My favorite part of the program so far is seeing how much the girls have improved in such a short period of time," Coach Jackson said. "Also, seeing how much the girls care about it and how happy they are when their teammates do well. They get very excited that they get to play games against other towns and travel to other schools to play."
The teams consisted of girls in grades 2 through 6. The boys' season will take place in December and January.
If you'd like information about signing up for next season, please contact Coach Jackson at rjackson@forestville.com.
Healthy Cooking
The Healthy Life Management Summer Enrichment class made delicious recipes using healthy and fresh ingredients like blueberries and zucchini!
Science Class Creatures
Seventh-grade students in Ms. Schuman's science class observed "class creatures," also known as monarch caterpillars. Some of the seventh graders got to watch a caterpillar become a chrysalis. It was an exciting moment! Then, the last of the butterflies came out of their chrysalises! Mrs. Miller released the 16 new monarchs that are now headed on their migration to Mexico!
What Do I Want to be When I Grow up?
Mrs. Devine and Mr. Worosz's classes dressed up as their future selves!
Leadership Summit
Eight students from Forestville and eight students from Silver Creek participated in the Special Olympics Unified Banner School Youth Leadership Summit at SUNY Fredonia. The main focus for our group was to learn how to be better student leaders and promote whole school inclusion. Students were able to attend four different sessions, including "Can You Be the Next Special Olympics Coach?" and "Building Friendships."
Principles of Engineering Deer Blind Project
Mr. Dempsey’s engineering students, Sam Bock and Jack Spengler, came up with an idea of a portable hunting blind for a tree stand. They started by drawing and designing their idea on paper. From their sketches, they drew a life-size, three-view drawing.
Using their drawing as a template, they cut the body of their tree stand out of half-inch PVC board into a semi circle. By drilling holes in the curved part of the model, they were able to attach 3-foot, half-inch dowels in a fan-shaped pattern.
Using garland and fake leaves, they attached them to the dowels for camouflage. The boys designed brackets to help attach the main body to the tree. When the brackets were installed, the students tested the blind by using straps to attach it to a tree.
Their goal is create different designs of deer blinds to enter at the STEM Wars competition this spring.
Fire Prevention Week
Art that Matters to the Planet
On Friday, October 11, ten students from Mrs. Britz's art classes, grades 10-12, went to The Roger Tory Peterson Institute in Jamestown. They viewed the gallery show, "Art That Matters to the Planet: Clarity," which explores the role of art and artists in protecting freshwater ecosystems (including lakes and ponds, rivers and streams, and freshwater wetlands) across the country, and all of the life they support (including fish, reptiles and amphibians, birds and mammals). They enjoyed walking through the trails behind the institute and had a relaxing lunch.
Mariposas Everywhere
Take a look around both Spanish classrooms, and you’ll see numerous ‘mariposas,’ or butterflies. Why? Butterflies are an important part of Mexican culture.
- Famous painter Frida Kahlo incorporated butterflies in her artwork to represent regeneration.
- The Monarch butterfly is on the 50 peso bill.
- There are cities and regions named after butterflies.
- There have been many archaeological discoveries revealing butterflies in many indigenous groups (Aztecs, Toltecs, Mayans).
- They are a symbol connected to the Day of the Dead.
The Day of the Dead is just around the corner, November 1. This is the day when Monarchs start to arrive in Mexico from their northern migration.
Forestville Is a Great Place to Learn & Work
Once a Hornet, always a Hornet is especially true for our roughly 40 alumni employees! From their time as students to now, Forestville is a great place to learn and work.
Forestville team members who walked the halls as students, made close friendships with classmates and enjoyed a band trip or two!
“It wasn't until I went to college that I truly realized how much smaller Forestville School was than most other schools. It was special growing up where you can get to know everyone!” 1988 alumna and Middle/High School Science Teacher Roberta (Gray) Miller said.
The close-knit atmosphere came up again and again in a survey of our alumni team members who graduated from the 1960s to the 2000s.
“My favorite thing about attending Forestville Central School was the opportunity to get to know ALL of my classmates. When you are in a larger district this does not happen. We were like family and still enjoy keeping in touch with each other. Getting together for our 50th class reunion was very special!” Kindergarten Teacher Deb Falcone Janiak, Class of 1968, said.
Nurse Ashley (Antolini) Cross, a 2001 graduate, added, “The small class sizes meant you didn't just know your classmates, you basically knew everyone in the building. You weren't just a number, and the teachers truly cared about how you were doing.”
Our employees' favorite memories of their alma mater also include their teachers - from Mr. LeBaron’s driver's ed class to Mrs. Panzica’s trip to Spain and Mr. Geblein’s many band trips.
For others, Forestville was also where they met their future partner. “I was in 5th grade and we were practicing our band music for 6th-grade graduation. My nose started bleeding and a cute, blonde 6th grade boy with braces, pulled a white handkerchief out of his pocket and gave it to me. I was so impressed with this young gentleman! He became my husband 7 years later,” Sandy Harp Muck, Food Service Helper and 1981 alumna, recalled.
Many of our alumni chose to return to the area to raise their families. Working with today’s students has given team members the same opportunity to make an impact on their lives that they experienced while here. “I have a daughter who is in 3rd grade here. When she was born, I always thought I wanted to be a part of her life in the school. When this job opened up, I said, I can do that. So here I am,” Director of Facilities Kyle Barthel (Class of 1996) said.
“It’s the only place I’ve ever wanted to work. I wanted my own children to have a similar experience to that had growing up,” Class of 2000 grad Allison (Zeller) Kwilos said.
Math teacher Brenda Kerstetter (2008) added, “Forestville is home. I applied to several school districts in the area, but I knew I wanted to teach here and when the opportunity opened up, I had to take it.”
Our team members continue to experience the close-knit community that they experienced as students at Forestville.
“I love the friendly and familiar atmosphere. Working alongside so many people I walked these halls with is an experience you can't get anywhere else and being able to give back to the district that means so much to me is rewarding,” 1996 alumna, School Business Official Kerrie (Waterhouse) Pelletter explained.
Contact Us
Board of Education
Andrea Spengler, President 716-725-4978
Jamie Gruber, Vice President 716-785-7876
Derek Case 716-785-8959
Jamie Hebner 716-785-8149
Michelle Merritt 716-467-2469
Lindsey Ellis 716-338-8292
Rachel Locke 716-864-6087
Central Administration
John O’Connor, Superintendent 716-965-6539
Kristin Irwin, Superintendent Secretary/District Clerk 716-965-6539
Kerrieann Pelletter, School Business Executive 716-965-6533
Kyle Barthel, Director of Facilities 716-965-6531
Sarah LoManto, Cafeteria Manager 716-965-6530
Wesley Wright, Director of Technology & Communications 716-965-6565
Kris Richter, Head Bus Driver 716-965-6550
Secondary School 716-965-2711
Daniel Grande, Middle/High School Principal
Melody Voigt, Middle/High School Secretary
Ashley Cross, School Nurse
Brianne Hazelton, School Counselor
Heather Jackson, Guidance Secretary
Melissa Press, Technology Integration Specialist
Elementary School 716-965-2742
Shauna McMahon, Elementary Principal
Brenda Schneider, Elementary Secretary
Aaron Bevill, Director of Special Education
Christine Bowker, CSE and CPSE Secretary
Nadine Donovan, School Nurse