Ranger Round Up
Wetmore Elementary
January 13 - 17
Message from the Principal
Dear Ranger Families,
Thank you for a fantastic first week back in this New Year!
I'm looking forward to another great week next week as we have some fun things planned for our Rangers. Next Friday, we will hold our second 9 weeks Red Carpet Rangers Award ceremonies for students who are selected. It is always a pleasure to recognize our Rangers for working so hard and being so kind to others. Congratulations to our students who are going to be recognized at our Red Carpet Ranger Ceremonies. Great job!
On January 22nd, we will hold our Pre-K/Kinder Kamp for all incoming 2025-2026 Pre-K and Kindergarteners. Please see the flyer below for more information. Please spread the word to your friends and neighbors!
As always, thank you for choosing to be apart of the Ranger Family!
With a Grateful heart,
Mrs. Nunez, Principal
Donations needed for our Clinic
Our school nurse is in need of Shorts for Boys in sizes 6, 8, 10, and 12. Please note that she only needs shorts for boys at this time, not pants. These items will be used to help students who may have accidents or need a change of clothes during the day.
Thank you so much for any assistance you can provide!
Wetmore January Parent Calendar
Assistant Principal Announcements
Hello Wetmore Parents,
Glad to see all of our students back for the new year. I trust everyone had a happy and relaxing break.
As we head into the new year, we want to support all students to have a positive day. One thing we do to encourage this is by having a Ranger Expectation assembly with each grade level. During this grade level assembly, we meet with the students and review campus and classroom expectations. We do this in an effort to support our new students helping them acclimate to Wetmore. It also helps support all of our students in assisting making good choices. We cover several topics such as: safety drills; only adults open exterior doors, being kind and using kind words with peers and adults; safety procedures for playground (such as only going down the slide); keeping toys at home; phone and smart watches stay in backpack; reaching out to an adult for help and/or support.
We have Ranger Expectation assembly next week. Please ask your child about what we reviewed as it will be a great way to reinforce expectation. We are looking forward to a great spring semester.
Live happy!
Mrs. Arriaga, Assistant Principal
Counselor's Corner
Howdy Ranger Families!
I hope each of you had an amazing winter break filled with rest, relaxation and time with your loved ones. It’s been wonderful getting to see all the kids faces, new hair cuts, and hearing all their stories from their vacation. Starting next week I will start seeing classes. Since the spring semester is so busy I will see each classroom one time per month. This month we are working on our having a growth mindset and I will read The Magical YET to the students and do a fun activity with them.
Fifth grade parents- please remember that there will be a consolidation meeting at Driscoll on January 21st 6:00- 7:30 pm at Driscoll Middle School where they will discuss possible scenarios of where the students may attend middle school next year.
If you have any questions in regards to counseling resources please call the front office, (210) 407- 8800, and leave a message for me.
Your Wetmore Counselor,
Mrs. Redding
Tips from our Targeted Support Teacher
Welcome Back, Ranger Families!
We hope you had a nice break and enjoyed this extra time with your student(s). We are happy to have them back in the building. Although it is the first week back, students are already hard at work over at Wetmore. Thank you for your support in keeping their momentum going this semester. It takes all of us working together to ensure student success. Thanks for partnering with your child and teacher to make that happen. We appreciate you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Jennifer Korzekwa, Targeted Support Teacher (TST)
Library Buzz
Howdy All!
We are full speed ahead on our spring semester! This week we have been doing library inventory, but we will have lessons again next week!
We have loads of library activities coming up this semester. From Read Across America Week, author visits, Battle of the Books, Storybook Character Parade and Battle of the Books, it will be a lot of fun!
Hope you are having a great start to 2025!
Mrs. Shannon Jenn, Librarian
Outsiders Film Festival at NESA!
Wetmore Rangers are invited to submit to our annual Outsiders Film Festival at NESA! Submissions are open at https://filmfreeway.com/outsidersfilmfest! Outsiders Film Festival is designed to celebrate student work around the county, as well as provide our students with experience running a real film festival.
Wetmore Volunteer Guidelines
We would love your help! Please consider volunteering on campus, we can always use the help! Here are our Volunteer Guidelines:
We are glad to see the faces of our friends and families helping out on campus. We have updated the following volunteer guidelines for the 2024-2025 school year. These guidelines are in place for your safety, the safety of our students, and staff. Please adhere to these guidelines in order to continue volunteering on campus.
Remember to sign in and out at the window in the main office when arriving and leaving campus.
Volunteers must remain in the specific area in which they are volunteering, unless traveling to or from the front office to sign in or out.
This means volunteers, parents, and guardians should not visit teachers' classrooms to chat. You may go quickly to the classroom only if you need to receive instructions or pick up work to complete, but majority of teachers will leave work for you to help with in the front office. This policy ensures that our teachers can focus on their teaching and maintain a safe environment for all students (to properly provide adequate supervision of their students).
Volunteers are not allowed to go to your child’s classroom to talk to your student or teacher.
Due to confidentiality concerns, volunteers are not permitted to walk through the office from the copy room to the front office area.
Volunteers are not allowed to bring young children. Young children are not permitted on campus so volunteers are able to focus on the task at hand or to focus on our Wetmore Rangers. Young children are also not allowed in the classroom because of their short attention span and potentially interrupting instruction. Young children of parent volunteers are permitted in PTA board meetings, but must be supervised by the volunteer/parent.
Thank you for your understanding of our safety guidelines.
Your Proud Principal,
Mrs. Ida Nunez
Wetmore Elementary
We need PTA Committee Chairs! Please help support our school!
Sign Up to be a Hallway Hero!
NEISD Clothes Closet is Available for All Rangers in Need
Wetmore's Mission and Vision
NEISD Calendar
Click HERE to see the calendar on the website.
Wetmore Elementary
Website: www.neisd.net/wetmore
Location: 3250 Thousand Oaks Drive, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 210-407-8800
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WetmoreNEISD