December Newsletter 2024
Bluffs Middle School
Stay Connected
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- If viewing on a phone: In the bottom corner you will see a circle with a picture of a person. Click on the person and then where it says to translate. Select your preferred language.
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Email: bms@sbps.net
Website: www.sbps.net/bms
Location: 27 East 23rd Street, Scottsbluff, NE, USA
Phone: 308-635-6270
Twitter: @BMSCATS
Principal's Message
As we near the end of our first semester on Friday, December 20, 2024, we would like to express our gratitude for your continued partnership and support. Your engagement in your student's education is truly invaluable, and it is a privilege to collaborate with such committed families. Our students never cease to amaze us with their accomplishments both in and out of the classroom. They shine in band, choir, show choir, and orchestra, as well as in JROTC, Student Council, and as WEB Leaders, and athletics. No matter the outcome of competitions or events, our students showcase incredible perseverance. Our staff takes great pride in the dedication shown by our students and families. We understand that participating in practices before and after school, along with games or performances throughout the week, requires a significant commitment. We truly appreciate your support in allowing your student to take part in such a variety of activities. Thank you for making Bluffs Middle School into an outstanding environment where students can enjoy numerous opportunities to thrive.
PBS Assembly
The second quarter PBS assembly will be held on December 19th at 2:20 pm in the BMS gym. We have adjusted the start time to celebrate students of the quarter, announce attendance challenge winners and the second quarter highlight video. We are excited to showcase the accomplishments of our students. Please watch for more information from grade-level teachers.
Holiday Concerts
Holiday concerts are scheduled for December (please see below). Our students are very excited to perform for you. Thank you, Mr. Koch, Mrs. Koch, Mrs. Hillman, and Mr. Brening, for preparing our students for the upcoming concerts. Please join us in the upcoming weeks and enjoy our amazingly talented students.
Report Cards/Infinite Campus
First-semester report cards will be mailed home the week of January 13, 2025. As a reminder, you can view your student's grades and attendance via the parent portal in Infinite Campus. Please contact teachers or your student's counselor with any questions about grades. If you need assistance setting up an account, don't hesitate to contact our main office at 308-635-6270, and we will gladly help you.
Emergency Contact Information
Please make sure we have current emergency contact information on file for your student. If changes need to be made to your physical address, phone number, or email address please let us know.
End of First Semester
Students will be dismissed on December 20, 2024, at 11:07 AM. Lunch will not be served. The second semester resumes on Tuesday, January 7, 2025. We wish everyone a wonderful holiday season.
Thank you,
Jana Mason
National Junior Honor Society
NJHS Induction ceremony will be held at Bluffs Middle School on Thursday, January 9th at 6:00 pm. We look forward to seeing everyone and honoring the outstanding academic success of our eighth grade students. Please watch for more information from Ms. Dillman in the upcoming weeks.
Upcoming Events
December 7 Jazz Band/Brass Ensemble 2:30 PM Downtown Scottsbluff
December 4-17 NSCAS Growth Testing
December 9 Board of Education meeting 6:00 pm @ SHS
December 12 Vocal Music Concert 6:00 PM @ BMS
December 13 Band Concert 6:00 PM @ SHS
December 17 Orchestra Concert 6:00 pm @ SHS
December 18 Honors Gala 8:00 AM-10:00 AM @ BMS Cafeteria
December 19 Second Quarter PBS Assembly 2:20 @ BMS
December 20 End of first-semester dismissal 11:07 am
December 23 - January 6 Winter Break
January 6 Professional Development Day/Work Day
January 7 School resumes for students and staff. Welcome back.
Student Council
Here are the final results for our team competition. In 6th place are the Panthers with 6 items. 5th place are the Tigers with 40 items. 4th place are the Bearcats with 75 items. 3rd place are the Bobcats with 417 items. 2nd place are the Pumas with 695 items. Congratulations Arctic Cats! They had 745 items.
Student Activities and Celebrations
WEB Leaders World Kindness Day
Old West Weekend Parade
6th Grade Science
Donuts with Assistant Principals
Student Council PBS School Store
Thank you Builders Club for the new TV
Congratulations Mrs. Nickens
Spooktacular Orchestra Concert
Congratulations Mrs. Dick
Boys Wrestling
7th Grade Girls Basketball
8th Grade Girls Basketball
We are excited to offer Esports again at Bluffs Middle School next semester. Students in 7th and 8th grade will be invited to participate in our after school club. Mr. Madkins will continue to be our sponsor for the 2024-25 school year. More information will follow.
Esports practice
Esports 2024 Team
Esports 2024 Spring Tournament
Technology Tips
AI in Education
Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education by personalizing learning and enhancing student engagement. It can enable tailored instruction through tools like text-to-speech, language translation and other adaptive learning tools that are proving to narrow achievement gaps. However, AI integration also presents challenges, including data privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, and reduced human interaction. Educators and parents must address these issues by teaching critical thinking skills and ethical guidelines for AI usage. Additionally, AI influences how students learn outside the classroom, making it essential for educators and parents to equip them with the skills to use AI responsibly, maximizing its benefits while understanding its limitations and risks.
NSCAS Growth State Assessment
Please encourage your student to put forth their best effort during the NSCAS Growth Assessment as it helps to accurately showcase their knowledge and skills. Remind them to stay focused, read the questions carefully, and take their time to provide thoughtful responses. With their best effort, they can demonstrate their true abilities.
Please visit https://www.education.ne.gov/assessment/ for more information. Please reach out to teachers, counselors, or administration with any questions.
LMHP and Counseling Message
“It’S tHe MoSt WoNdErFuL tImE oF tHe YeAr…”
While this little jingle may ring true for many, the holiday season can also be a time of stress,
sadness and loneliness for others. The holiday season can bring a variety of discomfort related to
separation from loved ones, challenging interactions with loved ones, shorter days, grief, economic
hardship, busy schedules, and changes in routine. It’s important to remember it is common to feel
added stress this time of year. And, it is also important to take care of and prioritize your mental well-
being this holiday season. Included are some strategies to help you and your loved ones find
glimmers of joy amidst the hustle and bustle of the holiday season.
- Pay attention to and honor your feelings – It is OKAY to be less than merry and bright throughout the holiday season. Recognizing this allows you space to nurture those feelings.
- Know your positives for the moments you may feel stressed – What helps ground you? Go for a walk, play a boardgame with the family, call a friend/family member, take a breath.
- SELF-CARE – Make time for yourself! This gift is free! Read that book that has been collecting dust on the shelf, get a workout in to start your day, nourish your body, get some good rest. Whatever it is you love and recharges you? Definitely do more of that.
- Connect with others – Surround yourself with those who celebrate you and whom you enjoy celebrating.
- Set boundaries – Know it’s okay to step away from or say “no thank you” to activities and people that stress you out. Period.
- Take a break from social media – Take a moment to tune in to the present and be intentional with yourself and your time.
- Ask for help – Remember… It is more than okay to ask for help.
This holiday season, we hope you are able to find moments that fill you with joy, gratitude,
comfort, and love. Warm wishes to you and yours as we wrap up 2024. Stay safe and ENJOY!
To all our kiddos, we hope this holiday season is the absolute GOAT.
Teenage Word of the Month:
GOAT – Greatest of all time
Health Office Information
How to keep my child healthy and in school!
"You can't educate a student who isn't healthy...and you can't keep children healthy who aren't educated." Author unknown
Measures to Stay Healthy
Temperature guidelines:
Stay home with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher
Stay home until your temperature is below 100 degrees withOUT any fever reducing medication
Wash hands or use hand sanitizer several times per day
Stay home if you have had more than one episode of vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours
Cough or sneeze into a tissue or sleeve
Can your child participate in class?
If your child seems too sluggish or too tired to participate in class, then consider staying home to rest and get healthy
Is your child’s symptoms disruptive?
If your child symptoms are disrupting their learning or the learning environment, then consider staying home to rest and get healthy
Is your child contagious?
Illness like strep throat or pink eye require treatment before your child can return to school
Do not share water bottles or utensils with others
Tips on how to keep your child healthy:
Drink plenty of water, eat nutritious foods, get adequate sleep at night, call your doctor if needed or with any questions
Butter Braids Fundraiser
This year we will be doing an online Butter Braid fundraiser. Sales will start Monday, Nov. 18 and go through Monday, Dec. 2. Pick up will be on Tuesday, Dec. 17 from 3:00 to 6:30pm in the BMS gym.
Sodexo Food Service App
Strategic Priorities 2023-2028
Every Day Matters
Strategic Priority #5 Scottsbluff Public Schools Commits to Providing Opportunities that Maximize Student Engagement and Achievement.
5.2 Invest in student achievement
a. Increase attendance rates
- Identify and address barriers for coming to school
- Build re-integration strategies for students who experience long term-absences
All of our work at Bluffs Middle School aligns to the Strategic Plan 2023-2028. Student achievement and reducing chronic absenteeism continues to be our building's goals.There is a direct connection between student achievement and daily attendance, which significantly contributes to academic success. Our district and school are dedicated to supporting students and families by offering school and community-based resources to combat chronic absenteeism. At Bluffs Middle School, we are particularly fortunate to have Ashley De Los Santos, our School Social Worker on staff. She collaborates with the Family Success Center and local community organizations to connect families with resources that can help address challenges preventing their students from attending school regularly. For additional information and support, please reach out to us at 308-635-6270. We are dedicated to our students' success and are more than happy to provide any assistance.
The attendance challenge for the second quarter is progressing very well. We are grateful for the efforts and support from families in ensuring that students arrive at school on time and attend regularly. Students who are present 90% of the second quarter will be entered into a drawing. Winners will be recognized on Thursday, December 19th during our PBS Assembly that begins at 2:20 pm in the gym.