Miller Elementary Weekly Update
May 5, 2024
Mrs. Goodman's Message
Hello Miller Families!
This upcoming week is National Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Though you helped us celebrate our staff back in February, I always take the time during this special week to say how much WE APPRECIATE each and every staff member at Miller. Your children adore everyone in our building from Mr. Jimmy and Mr. Anthony who keep our building safe and clean, to nurse Jackie who checks on them when they are feeling ill, to Ms. Stacy, who helps make our lunches in the kitchen and of course all our amazing educators, paraeducators lunch and recess support staff and our related service providers! THANK YOU! WE APPRECIATE YOU!
On Monday, we are excited to host a Mystery Guest for both our preschool and kindergarteners because we filled PBIS Pom Pom Jar one last time for the school year! This Pom Pom Jar signifies all the amazing choices your children have made to be responsible, respectful and problem solvers throughout their school day. They earned individual poms, class wide poms and eventually we filled our school bucket! Let's just say we will have a "Bubbling Fun Time" with our mystery guest! Be sure to ask your child about our special assembly that we will hold on Monday!
Finally, our school yearbooks have arrived and will be distributing them on Monday to those families that pre-ordered a yearbook. At this time, we do not have any extra to sell. We will notify you if this should change.
Here's to another fun-filled week ahead! Next week we start to get really busy with special events, activities and parent meetings. Please see the important dates below!
All the Best,
Maria Goodman
Miller Elementary School - Principal
Welcome to Craddock Incoming 1st Graders!
Greetings Parents of Incoming 1st Graders!
As we begin the process of wrapping up the current school year, we can't help but begin to think about next year. Part of that process is the formulation of class placements. Class placements are constructed in a very particular manner, using data and input from the educational experts at Miller. Your child's current kindergarten teacher and the Miller team share all important educational information about your child with the Craddock team. We also feel it is very important that your input is utilized as well. You know your child best!
Although I cannot guarantee specific teacher requests will be granted due to a number of different factors, it is important to have as much information about each child as possible before the class list-making process gets underway. We recognize that parents/guardians are a valuable source of information to add to our knowledge about what works best for each child. Your information will be very helpful as we determine your child's placement for the 24-25 school year.
If you are interested in having some input, please fill out the following information and submit this form by Friday, May 10, 2024. Any feedback received after that date may not be able to be considered. You are also welcome to call or set up an appointment to speak with me specifically about your thoughts and concerns. I can be reached by email at kmstewart@aurora-schools.org or by phone at 330-562-3175. Thank you!
Important Dates and Events
- Monday, 5/6 - Friday, 5/10 - Staff Appreciation Week - We Celebrated in February!
- Monday, 5/6 - Special A
- Wednesday, 5/8 - Happy School Nurse Day
- Sunday, 5/12 - Happy Mother's Day
- Tuesday, 5/14 - Incoming First Grade Parent Meeting at Craddock 6:30 PM @ CES
- Thursday, 5/16- Kindergarten Visits First Grade at Craddock
- Monday, 5/20 - Preschool Graduation at Miller - 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM on the Playground
- Monday, 5/20 - Board Meeting at 7:00 Conference Center
- Wednesday, 5/22 - Kindergarten End of the Year Outdoor Events- Sign-Up Forthcoming
- Thursday, 5/23- Preschool End of the Year Family Farewell
- AM Classes 11:00-11:30 and PM Classes 2:30-3:00
- Thursday, 5/23- Last Day of School/Last Day of Trimester 3
Miller Parent Pick-Up and Attendance Reporting
This is a reminder that we are using our Miller Attendance and Parent Pick-up Form as an easy communication tool to report your child will be absent or you need to pick them up from school early. You still need to use the Alternative Bus Stop Form linked in this newsletter if you need your child's bus to change. You do not need to report if they will not be riding the bus in the morning due to an absence or illness on this form.
If you want to change your child from a bus rider to a parent pick-up, please scan the QR code below or click the button to fill out our Google form. This can be done from any device and your reply will be sent immediately to our secretary, Mrs. Wolf.
If you need an alternative bus stop or a change in busing, we also have attached the transportation forms to change your child's busing information. These forms need to be completed and sent to our transportation department at transportationinfo@aurora-schools.org
As a reminder, you can send in cash or check made out to the Aurora City Schools and we will add any amount to your child's lunch account. Please send in money in a clearly labeled envelope so we know to add this amount to your child's account!
Important PTO Information
Hello Miller Families!
Below are your AEPTO updates.
1. Saturday, May 4th 9:30am-1:00pm - Spring Flower pick up at the Aurora Board of Education parking lot (102 E. Garfield Rd.). This is the only day for pick up. If you are unable to make it, please ask a family member or friend to pick up your flowers for you.
This is a drive through pick up, so you will not be parking your car. Also, we have changed the route you will be taking to pick up the flowers to try to avoid backing up traffic on 82. Please see the map below.
Important Dates
5/3 - School Lunch Hero Day
5/4 - Spring flower pick up
5/8 - School Nurse Day
5/23- Last Day of School!!
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Miller Elementary: Preschool & Kindergarten
Vicki Wolf
Email: mgoodman@aurora-schools.org
Website: aurora-schools.org
Location: 646 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202, USA
Phone: 330-562-6199