Mustang Memo
November 11, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
As we gather in gratitude this week, we are especially honored to welcome our community to today’s Veterans Day Ceremony at 2:00 PM. This event is a cherished school tradition, allowing us to show our respect and gratitude for the service and sacrifice of our veterans. We extend a heartfelt thank you to our Home and School Association for hosting a reception following the ceremony.
In the spirit of service, we are also supporting Operation Others with a food drive this week. Students are invited to bring assigned (see below) non-perishable items that will included in holiday meal boxes for area families in need. I am so proud of the leadership shown by our student Houses as they work together on this project, embodying our school theme, Finding God in All Things.
We are truly living out our mission of service! Thank you to everyone who contributed to our sister parish in Tanzania on our dress down donation day last week. Through your generosity, our students are thrilled to present a donation of $2,060 to the MOQ Tanzania Committee. This incredible gift will provide lunches for all students attending the MOQ Learning Center for the rest of the school year, ensuring that they receive the nourishment they need to thrive in their studies. Thank you for making a difference and supporting this important cause! Let us continue to look for ways to serve and lift each other up as we move through this season of gratitude.
God bless,
Kindergarten Attends All School Mass--Welcome!
Math Club Fun!
Buddies Make a Visit!
Kicking Off Operation Others with Morning Announcements!
Veterans Day Display Preparations!
Balancing Fun in Preschool
Upcoming Events
November 11: Veterans Day Ceremony 2:00 PM
November 11: Home & School Meeting 7:00 PM in St Joseph Room
November 11: Journalism Club 3:15 PM
November 12: Jr Legion of Mary 3:15 PM
November 12: Robotics Practice 3:15 PM
November 12: Creative Writing Club 3:15 PM
November 13: Choir Practice 3:15 PM
November 14: Jason Evert Presentation Gr. 7&8
November 14: All School Mass 9:30 AM
November 14: Central High Math Contest 3:30 PM
November 14: PS/PK Family Night 6:30 PM
November 15: Math Club Practice 3:15 PM
Veterans Day
Join Us for Our Veterans Day Assembly!
Please join and support the MOQ House of Roosevelt as we honor the brave men and women who have served or are currently serving in the military. Our Veterans Day Assembly will be held on Monday, November 11 at 2:00 pm in the MOQ Church.
All are welcome, whether or not you have a veteran in the family! We would love to see MOQ Families attend this event. This year, we’re honored to have Mr. Tom Janssen as our speaker, sharing his family’s legacy of service. A reception with refreshments will follow the assembly.
For questions, please contact Cindy Tooher at ctooher@moqschool.org. We look forward to a meaningful celebration with you!
Operation Others Food Drive Nov. 11-19
MOQ students will participate in the Operation Others Food Drive service project that runs from November 11-19th. Operation Others is an organization of area Catholic high school students working with our community to provide meals for over 1,200 families during the Christmas season. Donations are assigned to grade levels as follows:
Preschool-Gr. 2: canned fruits/vegetables
Grades 3-5: canned soup and pasta
Grades 6-8: peanut butter and jelly
Students from the area Catholic high schools will collect the MOQ School donations on Thursday, November 21. They will also share an Operation Others presentation with our students on Tuesday, Nov. 26th. Thank you for your support of this service project.
Let’s Celebrate our Mustang March Success!
We are thrilled to share the wonderful news of our Mustang March achievement! Thanks to the incredible support from our school community, this year’s event was a huge success. We extend our deepest gratitude to Mrs. Kara Soukup and Mrs. Jenny Dillingham for their vision and leadership in organizing this fantastic event.
We not only met our goal of $45,000, but exceeded it!
To celebrate, all students and staff will enjoy a non-uniform dress day on Monday, November 18. Additionally, during the week of November 18, students will enjoy an extra recess and a special popcorn treat! A special congratulations goes to our Kindergarten class, who raised the most funds! To honor their efforts, they’ll be celebrating with a cupcake party. Thank you, Kindergarten, for leading the way!
Thank you to our Home and School for these special treats and for making Mustang March such a fun MOQ tradition!
SmartGen Society Parent Presentation - November 21
Attention parents! We are so excited to be partnering with Omaha-based nonprofit, Smart Gen Society, to provide you with a FREE workshop about how to keep your child safe online.
This engaging workshop will teach you how to keep your students smart, safe and private in today’s 24/7 digital world. They will be going over the following topics:
Digital Branding: How to build a positive digital brand to protect reputation and future opportunities.
Communication: How to create open lines of communication with your kids about online safety.
Safety: How to protect your family's privacy, safety, and mental health.
Be sure to mark your calendars for Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 6:30 p.m
Christmas Cantata: Mark Your Calendars!
Our annual Christmas Cantata will be performed on Friday, December 13! Students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 will perform at both 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM in the MOQ Gym. Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to join us at either performance.
This year's Cantata, titled "Not So Simple Gifts," is set to inspire the true spirit of Christmas in everyone. Students have already started practicing, so feel free to ask them for a sneak peek of what’s to come! We look forward to celebrating this joyful season with our school community.
Kindergarten 2025-2026: Enrollment and Roundup
Formal registration for Kindergarten will begin in January. However, we are anticipating a waiting list and want to ensure that our current families have a spot. If you have a child eligible to attend Kindergarten for the 2025-26 school year, click HERE to complete the short survey and reserve a spot for Roundup.
Kindergarten Roundup is February 21, 2025.
Robotics Team:
Success at the Signature VEX IQ Event - Robo RoadShow!
Our teams had an amazing time in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, at the Robo RoadShow Signature Event! We couldn’t be prouder of the hard work and dedication shown by our students. Here’s how they shined:
Elementary Teams
985M: Delivered a strong performance in the finals, showcasing their skill and strategy.
985N: Earned the prestigious Judges Award for their outstanding notebook and impressive interview, reflecting their hard work and dedication to excellence.
985P: Finished 3rd overall in the Elementary Division, demonstrating remarkable effort and collaboration.
Middle School Teams
985B: Honored with the Judges Award for outstanding dedication and creativity, proving their ability to think outside the box.
985C: Showed up strong in the finals with an excellent performance, reflecting their hard work and resilience.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Kym Tinsley and the volunteers who made this event possible and to RECF for their invaluable support. Despite the full days of intense competition, our students enjoyed quality time relaxing and bonding with other teams at the activity center, playing basketball and navigating the 9-hole course.
Congratulations to all our teams for their accomplishments at this year’s event! Your resilience, creativity, and team spirit made us all proud. Here’s to more learning, building, and achieving together!
Math Club:
Math Club t-shirt pick up Tuesday & Wednesday after school. Thursday, students will be participating in the math competition at Central High School. Practice is Friday, Nov. 15th, 3:15 - 4:15. Interested students in Grade 6 math (5th Grade Advanced Class) and higher, please meet at the outdoor classroom. Catholic Math League sign up for December test is now open for grades 3-5: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0848ADA622AAFA7-51983625-moqcatholic#/. Nov. results will be announced later this week. Third - 5th graders can drop by t-shirt pick up to see their score if they would like (not required).
Upcoming dates:
Nov. 14 - 3:30 Central Math Competition
Nov. 15 - Math Club Practice
Cafeteria News
Lunch accounts should be monitored on a regular basis. Negative balances should be cleared as soon as possible. If you have any questions please email me at mzaleski@moqschool.org
Every MOQ family should review and consider filling out the Free & Reduced Price School Meals application. This free, one-page application is accepted throughout the school year.
THANK YOU to everyone who has volunteered in the cafeteria. The time you donate to the lunch program is truly appreciated. There are still a few spots available in November. Thank you in advance. The SignUp Genius is Here.
Michelle Zaleski
Extended Care News
Morning Care Reminders
Drop off for Morning Care begins at 6:15 am, please use the southeast door (#3) of the Early Childhood Education and Youth Center. As always, please drive slowly and use extra caution as you enter and leave the parking lot or parking space across from the building.
Break Care Information
We will NOT be open for Break Care on Tuesday, November 26th for Preschool/PreK students. You will not be charged for Aftercare on the date for Preschool/PreK students.
Please sign up for Christmas Break care as soon as possible. Spots are filling up quickly! Please note we are not open for Break Care over Thanksgiving Break. We want to give our staff this time to celebrate with family and recharge for the remainder of the semester. All Christmas Break Care dates are located on the December Calendar. (Including January dates)
January Calendar
Ashley Rosenthal
Extended Care Director
Raise Right - Home and School Fundraiser
Do you or someone you know prefer to give the gift of gift cards for Christmas, birthdays or just because? Do you have a business that gives out promo gift cards to customers or gifts them to employees? Are you planning a big purchase? Let Mary Our Queen's Raise Right Program help you. Gift Cards are available in increments from $5 - $1000 with over 1,000 stores to choose from! A percentage (depending on the store) is donated to MOQ School. For example, if you purchase 4 - $25 gift cards to Bath and Body Works, MOQ School receives $12. For a list of participating stores/brands, click HERE. Gift Card orders can be submitted anytime by contacting Lisa Leighton lml13@live.com or 402-880-6476. Look for the Christmas order form being sent home with students soon! Please share the order form with any family or friends that you feel would benefit from one stop gift card shopping!
MOQ Parent Volunteer Program
We are blessed to have so many members of our community willing to lend a helping hand! Each family is encouraged to donate 15 hours of volunteer time at MOQ School. For more details, click HERE to read the MOQ Family Volunteer Program Handbook. Don't forget to RECORD your family's service hours in FACTS on your Dashboard. Thank you!
Wonderful Wednesdays: Help brighten up our teachers' week with this special program. Sign up HERE.
Used Uniform: Help us keep the used uniform room tidy to allow families to find items easily AND to allow staff/teachers to use the room throughout the school day. Sign up HERE.
K-8 CAFETERIA: Click HERE to sign up, and THANKS for volunteering! Please enter the cafeteria through door #9.
PRESCHOOL/PRE-K CAFETERIA: Click HERE to volunteer for the Preschool/Pre-K lunch.
CGS PRESCHOOL ATRIUM: To volunteer in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium, please contact Mrs. Hannah Casey at hcasey@moqchurch.org.
Art Room: Contact Mrs. Robinson at jrobinson@moqschool.org for information and schedule.
All volunteers need to be Safe Environment certified.
Fall Activities at Marian
Open House
Sunday Nov. 17 | Noon-2:30
Grades 5th-8th
Marian is Nebraska's only Class A, all-girls, Catholic school. With an optimal school size of 635 students, we're large enough for big opportunities and small enough for personal attention. What’s even more optimal? All girls!
Take a personalized tour of the school and see areas of interest to you.
- See our building renovations, including our newly upgraded outdoor athletic complex.
- Meet Marian’s award-winning faculty and learn more about our curriculum, signature programs and course offerings.
- Sample snacks from Marian’s lunch program provider.
- Meet Marian’s coaching staff for all 11 Class A sports teams.
- Check out the Club Fair featuring more than 50 clubs and activities.
- Meet one-on-one with our tuition assistance experts.
Preregister here to choose your arrival time and skip the registration line. Walk-ins are welcome!
Marian Dance Team Clinic
Saturday, Nov. 23 | 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Marian Gym
Grades 2nd-8th
The Marian Dance team is hosting a rookie clinic. Your $50 registration includes a clinic shirt (not guaranteed after 11/1), team craft, lunch and fun. We will close with a spirit showcase for family and friends from noon-1 p.m. Register here.
Visit Days
See for yourself what it’s like to be a Marian girl – spend the day with a current student. Visit days are open for 7th and 8th grade girls in the fall semester and 6th - 8th grade girls in the spring semester.
Please allow three days’ advance notice for student visits. Schedule your visit here.
Fall Activities at Duchesne
Duchesne Academy invites middle school girls to our upcoming events:
8th Grade Entrance Exam Test Prep Class and Parent Meeting – November 18th, 6:00 – 7:30 PM. Students will learn tips and tricks for taking this standardized test from our academic counselor.
Future Cardinal Fan Night: Christmas Concert - December 9th 6:30-8:00 PM. Tis the season for beautiful music! Enjoy festive performances by our choirs, string ensemble, and more.
Deck the Halls - December 14th, 6:00-8:00 PM Celebrate the season with gingerbread houses, merry music, and treats! This event is open to 7th and 8thgrade girls.
Register for these events at duchesneacademy.org/admissions. For questions, contact Maggie Vazquez at mvazquez@duchesneacademy.org