2024-25 High School FOCUS

Aug. 8, 2024
Anoka-Hennepin’s high schools - Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park, Coon Rapids, Regional, Technical and STEP - are joining forces to send this special back-to-school message. Please remain alert for additional back-to-school information being sent by your school or visit ahschools.us/bts for additional information.
Procedures in place to protect school safety
Maintaining a safe and secure school environment begins at the front door when parents/guardians and visitors enter the building. Enhanced safety and security procedures aim to maintain a high level of customer service while also improving building safety. These are standard safety procedures that are in effect at all district high schools.
Important to note:
- Advance appointments are needed to enter school during the school day. Contact the main office at your student’s school to coordinate an appointment.
- Valid identification required.
- Drop-off items for students will be managed at the security desk/front office area.
- Mid-day or early student pick-up should be arranged in advance. After checking out in the main office, students may meet parents/guardians outside of the school.
Focusing on learning, limiting use of cell phones in school
The digital well-being of students is critical to their success in school. High schools thrive on creating a healthier, more effective and engaging learning environment in class by limiting the use of cell phones. The impact of cell phones on student’s developing brains and their educational success is well researched; the negatives of using cell phones in the classroom far outweighs the positives. Each high school has developed a cell phone policy that is in alignment to the district handbook; referenced on page 46.
In class: It is expected that students will turn their cell phones off or put them in airplane mode during class time and store them in their backpack unless the teacher has given permission. Removing cell phone use from the classroom will increase student engagement and learning, and limit the negative impacts of social media.
- If a student needs to access Google Classroom, check their grades or email, they can use their Chromebook to do so.
- If a parent/guardian has an emergency and needs to contact a student right away, they can email the student at their school email account or call the main office and a message will be sent right away to the classroom to have the student step out and call home.
Passing time and lunch periods: Students are welcome to use their phones.
All high schools will be reviewing cell phone expectations with students in class the first week of school and we greatly appreciate your support.
Getting off to a strong start at a new school is a key strategy for ensuring students feel safe, welcome and ready to maximize opportunities. When school begins for the 2024-25 school year on Sept. 3, freshmen and new-to-district students at Anoka-Hennepin’s five traditional high schools will participate in a series of activities that aim to ease the transition to high school and build a foundation for academic success. The first day of school for returning sophomore, junior and seniors is Wednesday, Sept. 4.
- Tuesday, Sept. 3: Freshmen and new-to-district students
- Wednesday, Sept. 4: Returning sophomore, junior and senior students
The importance of attending school
Regular attendance in school is essential to the success of students. Students who attend school consistently are more likely to achieve academically, graduate high school on time, and feel more connected during their time in high school. Missing two days of school per month (for any reason) can lead to students having difficulty graduating.
What to know:
- Student attendance is recorded each class period.
- Students are considered tardy if they arrive to class up to 15 minutes late to a class period.
- Students are considered absent if they arrive to class more than 15 minutes late to a class period.
- School districts are required by law to file a truancy report to their respective county when students reach a certain number of unexcused absences. We want to partner with you to support your students' success to avoid truancy action being taken.
What to expect for the 2024-25 school year
CT time is a research-based strategy for teachers and school staff to collaborate with the goal of improving educational outcomes for students. For the 2024-25 school year, CT is set for seven Mondays during trimester one; and a total of 22 Mondays throughout the school year.
Schedule impacts: District high schools will have modified schedules on CT days. This means that school will begin at 8:30 a.m. instead of the usual 7:40 a.m. start time on these days. Student transportation schedules will not be changed.
Save the date:
Dates for Trimester One are:
- Sept. 16
- Sept. 23
- Sept. 30
- Oct. 14
- Oct. 21
- Oct. 28
- Nov. 11
Dates for the entire year are posted on the calendar section of the school website or the district website at ahschools.us/calendar.
Please remain alert for additional information regarding this topic to be shared by the school your student attends.
District high schools use online ticketing for athletics and activities events
New this school year, Anoka-Hennepin Schools has partnered with GoFan for mobile ticketing for athletic events at all five traditional high schools (Andover, Anoka, Blaine, Champlin Park and Coon Rapids). Fans can purchase tickets online through their respective school’s GoFan page, the GoFan App or by presenting a card or mobile payment option at the ticket gate. All major credit cards are accepted, along with Apple Pay.
The new ticketing partner allows both schools and visitors a more efficient, professional ticketing experience. Buying tickets online allows fans to access and share tickets easily by email or text without standing in line. Fans are encouraged to buy tickets online prior to reaching the facility, however credit card payments will be accepted on site.
- Adult (18-59) tickets for athletic events are $10 and students (K-12) are $5.
- Adults 60 and older receive free admission to regular season events. Please be aware that this does not apply to section or state tournament events.
Before the event
- PURCHASE your tickets online, via your computer, smartphone or other mobile device using the GoFan Mobile App (available on Google Play and the App Store.
- Once you purchase your ticket online, you will get an order confirmation email and click on the "VIEW TICKET" on your mobile device. This can also be done on the app.
- Pay attention to the important information shown on the confirmation screen.
At the event
- Prior to arriving at the gate, access your confirmation email or view the ticket in the mobile app and click on "VIEW TICKET" on your mobile device.
- Show your mobile device to gate personnel, who will validate your admission ticket.
- DO NOT validate your ticket before arriving at the gate. A staff member will validate your ticket. If you validate your ticket in advance, you may need to purchase another ticket.
- Tickets CANNOT be printed. You must use your mobile device to access your ticket(s).
Visit the GoFan How To Guide to access videos for assistance, or visit the links below:
Students from the hosting and visiting schools must be prepared to show student identification at events and middle school students and younger must be accompanied and supervised by an adult chaperone. Students from any other schools/non-participating schools must also be accompanied by an adult chaperone.
Ticket information for each school can be found at the following websites:
- Andover High School: ahschools.us/huskytickets
- Anoka High School: ahschools.us/tornadotickets
- Blaine High School: ahschools.us/bhstickets
- Champlin Park High School: ahschools.us/cphstickets
- Coon Rapids High School: ahschools.us/crhstickets
Reminder of event policies as fall activities get back into full swing
Community pride is a big part of the experience as students progress through the Anoka-Hennepin school system. Attending high school activities such as football games on Friday nights is a perfect example of that community pride.
It is important to remember that athletic events are governed by the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) and that student conduct at school and district events is governed by the Anoka-Hennepin Schools Policy Handbook.
All students must be prepared to show student identification at events and middle school students and younger must be accompanied and supervised by a parent or guardian.
Anoka-Hennepin prohibits the following at school events:
- Backpacks
- Outside food or drink
- Weapons
- Pets/animals (service animals are permitted)
- Alcoholic beverages
- E-cigarettes / Vaping
- Tobacco products
- Controlled substances
For more information, please visit ahschools.us/eventpolicies. Spectators who are unwilling or unable to follow the rules, regulations, or directions from event staff may be asked to leave the event.
Anoka-Hennepin realizes the importance of athletics and activities in the communities it serves and wants to ensure participants, fans, and community members experience a positive environment at each event.
High school activities registration
Registration for fall high school athletics and activities opened on Aug. 1 and fall sports will begin on Aug. 12.
If your family needs access to educational benefits, please visit ahschools.us/freereduced to complete an application. The enrollment window for the 2024-25 applications for educational benefits began on Aug. 1. Anoka-Hennepin asks that all families complete an application to provide additional school funding to support all students in the district. By filling out this application, your school can earn funding and you can save money.
View the registration pages:
Complete back-to-school verification forms online
It’s important that each family completes the back-to-school verification process before the first day of school. Verification ensures that each student’s school has access to accurate emergency contact information and releases to ensure the safety of each student.
Back-to-school verification may be completed online. Even if families’ contact information has not changed, it’s important to log in to access a variety of other student information in the coming weeks, including class schedules and teacher assignments, attendance, school handbooks, progress reports and grades for middle and high school students. High school students will not be able to enroll in fall activities until the back-to-school verification process is complete.
Log in to A-HConnect at ahconnect.ahschools.us/ to complete your student’s back-to-school forms for the upcoming school year:
- Parents/guardians can access the forms by clicking the lock icon and logging in at the top right corner of any district or school website.
- Then, select “my student information.”
- Next, choose "Online registration."
- Select "Back-to-school annual verification."
If you need help finding your login/password, call 763-506-HELP or email 506help@ahschools.us.
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The Back-to-School FOCUS is published by Anoka-Hennepin Schools. It's sent to families of all Anoka-Hennepin Schools students prior to the start of the school year. Questions, comments or concerns? Contact us.