Western Sky Middle School
Home of the Wildcats
Teacher Wishlists for Classroom Supplies
Helping out with classroom supplies is easy!
Just take one of the notes with a supply wish, then send it in with your kiddo or drop items off in the office. The board can be found in the Front Office lobby, so check it out next time you're here. Our Teachers are very appreciative of any and all donations for their classrooms!
HUGE Thank you to all the families that have already made donations, we are VERY grateful!
- Students and families are to utilize designated crosswalks and avoid walking through moving traffic or pick up lines
Drivers MUST stop prior to crosswalks when children are present and wait for the crossing guard to signal cars to move through
- Students are able to begin arriving on campus at 8:20am and are to exit campus by 4:00pm. The school day begins promptly at 8:50am and ends at 3:50pm. All students are to be inside their homeroom classroom when the tardy bell rings at 8:50am. The main gate closes at 8:48am to allow students enough time to go to their lockers and be inside their homeroom classroom by 8:50am. To assist students with being on time, there is a one minute notice at 8:49am.
- 6th grade students who are walkers or are being picked up will exit through the small gate outside the 800 building. They can be picked up in the small or large parking lot. Please communicate the location of pick up with your student.
- 6th grade students meeting a 7th or 8th grade sibling, will meet in the walkway between the front office and the media center, then they will proceed to the main gate to walk home or be picked up in the larger parking lot.
- All 7th and 8th grade students who are walkers or are being picked up will exit through the large main gate in the larger parking lot.
- All bike riders and skateboarders will exit through the large main gate
- All students walking to the neighborhoods west of campus will walk across the field to the neighborhood gate.
- Students are not able to walk or bike through the bus loop.
- Students are not able to be picked up along Wigwam Blvd or 144th Ave.
- Gates are closed and locked during school hours
- Front Office Doors are locked during the school day
- Classroom doors remain locked at all times
Fire drills - Monthly
Lockdown drills completed with Goodyear Police Department (all are announced to students and families ahead of time)
Bus evacuation drills (twice per year)
Staff participate in safety protocols and training throughout the school year
All visitors and/or volunteers are required to check in and out through the front office
Volunteers - complete annual application, complete a one time training, and supply a copy of ID
ALL non-custodial volunteers are screened at District Office before being approved to be on campus
volunteer opportunities must be pre-arranged with the classroom teacher and communicated to the front office prior to volunteering
Dress Code
Litchfield Elementary School District #79 18 LESD Student Handbook 2023-2024
General Requirements
● Clothing must include a top and a bottom (such as pants, skirt, shorts, leggings or the equivalent), or a one-piece outfit (such as a dress or jump suit).
● Clothing must have material that covers the torso, front, back and sides of the body.
● Clothing must cover all private body parts and/or undergarments and must not be see-through.
● Tops and one-piece outfits must be secured with material at the shoulders.
● Footwear such as shoes, sandals or boots shall be worn on school grounds at all times, and must be both safe and nondestructive to school property.
● Headwear, including but not limited to hats, hoodies and bandanas are permitted in school buildings. All headwear must allow the ears and face to be visible and not interfere with the line of sight to any student or staff (except clothing/headwear worn for health and safety, medical or religious purposes).
Electronic Devices
● Cell phones, smart watches and/or earbuds and headphones
● Electronics, tablets, PSP, Game Boy, cameras, electronic games, and other personal electronic equipment or communication devices
**The District is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items**
Be In The Know
Each Team will send out a Weekly Email Blast to keep families informed of team updates and the weekly agenda.
The Wildcat Weekly Update will have everything you need to know about school functions, opportunities, and upcoming events.
We utilize paperless communication, with the exception of forms that need to be filled out and returned. We use a Wildcat Weekly Happenings email blast, the WSMS school website, email, and ParentVUE to keep our families informed.
Our School clubs take place before school and have been getting started!
Students will want to be sure to listen to morning announcements for more details. There is a student Wildcat Happenings board in the office with information from announcements in case they come in late, or don't hear all of the information. Students are encouraged to email club advisors from their student email account if they have questions.
Club information is also updated in the Wildcat Weekly Update, and the School Clubs Calendar as soon as information is available.
All Wildcat events can be viewed on our website. www.lesd79.org
Communication Steps
In order to support and communicate with our families in the most effective manner, we have shared our steps for communication below. If you have a question or concern regarding your child’s academic and/or behavior status, as a professional courtesy, please contact the teacher prior to contacting administration to discuss the concern.