Welcome Mr. Escobedo
Hello Kennedy Community!
I am Steven Escobedo, the new Assistant Principal . I am excited to be here at Kennedy, and the welcome I have received from families and staff has been incredible! I have been in education for twenty years and have served in various positions, with the majority of it being a 5th grade teacher. I most recently was an Assistant Principal at another school in our district for the last two years and I really enjoy living in Medford.
I was born and raised in Eastern Oregon-Ontario and have 5 adult children. I am proud to say that my daughter has followed me into education and is in her first year of teaching, serving as a kindergarten teacher in Eastern Oregon. I also have a son who relocated with me and is living in Ashland, and my girlfriend teaches 4th grade here in Medford.
I am honored to work here at Kennedy and look forward to working alongside the great teachers and staff here. Together we aim to continue keeping Kennedy a great place to learn, where everyone feels welcome and supported.
October Calendar
10/28 - No School - 1st Quarter Grading Day
10/31 - Costume Trick-or-Treat Parade
11/11 - No School - Veteran's Day
11/14 - Family Math Night 5:30-7:00 pm
11/25 & 26 - Parent Teacher Conferences
Annual Title I Parent Notifications
Annual Title I parent notification documents can be found at the following links:
Cell Phones in Schools
The Medford School District wants your thoughts on cell phones in schools as the School Board considers possible changes to current policy. Your feedback will help guide the decision-making process as they evaluate the policy.
Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey (Spanish version). Students will be completing their own survey in school. You can find more information, like the timeline and links to research on the topic, here: https://msd549c.com/CellPhones or this flyer for more information (Cell Phone Flyer).
Thank you for your timeFamily Feedback Survey
As a school in receipt of Title I funds, we are required each year to seek parent input and feedback on our programming. We would like your feedback on our parent and family engagement activities to evaluate our program this year and to plan activities for the next school year.
Please take a moment to answer the survey linked below. We value your input!
Every Minute Counts!
At Kennedy, every minute counts! Please try to avoid picking up your child early, as this means they may miss important, targeted instruction that supports their learning and growth. Our teachers plan critical lessons right up until dismissal, so let’s work together to make sure every student gets the full benefit of their school day! Thank you for your support.
- School starts at 7:50 am
- Tardies begin at 7:55 am
- This year, upon arrival, gates will open at 7:30 and students will either go into the cafeteria to eat breakfast or to our track to walk the track. Classroom doors will open at 7:50.
Students who bring a beverage to school in the AM must go to the cafeteria to finish it. All beverages must be finished before going into the classroom.
Parents Dropping off students- 7:45- in our circle drive. Please use both lanes. We will have staff to assist with students crossing over to the sidewalk. Please do not let students out in the “left” lane where they have to cross the “right” lane until staff are present. The circle drive is continually moving, if you need to come into the office please be sure to park in our parking lot. Please be aware dropping students off too early results in students standing around and waiting.
Student cell phones must remain in their backpacks in the “silent mode”. Students are NOT to use their cell phone during the school day.
Student dress- hats and hoods are not permitted indoors
School ends at 2:35, Kindergarten students 2:30. Wednesday dismissal 1 pm
Contact Information
Email: tiffany.hyden@medford.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.medford.k12.or.us/Domain/15
Location: 2860 North Keeneway Drive, Medford, OR, USA
Phone: (541) 842-3810
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KennedyElementaryMSD