Chief Charlo HOWL Newsletter
October 2024 (1st Ed)
Double Rainbow Over Chief Charlo
Parking in the handicapped spots are ONLY FOR those with an appropriate sticker/license plate. We understand that sometimes families might be running late and it seems easy to park in an open handicapped spot, but please continue driving around the parking loop until you are able to safely let your student(s) out or park in a free non-handicapped spot. Also, please DO NOT park in or drive through the bus loop during drop off/pick up. Buses have to be able to get through. This is a major safety concern.
Cooler weather is upon us. Please make sure your kiddos dress appropriately for Fall recesses and field trips. Do not forget to put their name or initials in their outerwear so the items can find their way home from the Lost and Found.
Please help make afterschool arrangements prior to the start of the school day. Kiddos need to know their go home plans. We appreciate your support of this important safety practice.
Annual Forms - Student annual forms went home the first week of school and are due by Friday, October 4th. Students who have not turned in their forms will NOT be able to attend field trips AND find their accounts deactivated until forms have been received.
You can also complete these forms digitally by going to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Choose CAMPUS PARENT. Click on the 3 lines on the top left corner, choose MORE, then ONLINE REGISTRATION/ANNUAL FORMS. Next choose EXISTING STUDENT REGISTRATION, click on your student's name and complete the tabs. Once complete, click SUBMIT.
If you do not have an Infinite Campus account, or you have forgotten your username and/or password, please contact Sonja in the front office: or 406-542-4005
If you have already completed these forms, then no further action is needed.
- We currently have a paid Kitchen Helper position open. Please see here for details.
- We are seeking volunteers for lunch supervision and to work 1:1 with students or in small groups!
If you plan to chaperone field trips, volunteer in the classroom, help with small groups, classroom celebrations, etc. ALL volunteers are required to sign up through the MCPS Volunteer Portal and complete a background check. This is a safety requirement and district policy.
Dates to Save - - NO school October 17 and 18 due to Staff Development
- - Individual School Picture Day will take place Tuesday, October 29
October 1 - 4th grade McClay Flats field trip (Cashman and Sullivan classes)
October 1 - FREE Parenting Class - Let's Talk about Bullying, Peer Pressure and the Internet, 6:00-8:00pm, FREE childcare provided. Learn more details and register here
October 3 - Kindergarten PEAS Farm field trip
October 3 - Early Out - ALL students dismissed at 2:10pm
October 7 - 2nd grade PEAS Farm field trip (McHugh and Ray classes)
October 8 - 2nd grade PEAS Farm field trip (Woehler)
October 9 - FREE Parenting Class - Helping Kids Manage Their Emotions, 6:00-8:00pm, FREE childcare provided. Learn more details and register here
October 10 - Early Out - ALL students dismissed at 2:10pm
October 12 - Early out - ALL students dismissed 2:30pm
October 14 - 1st grade PEAS Farm field trip (Murphy)
October 15 - 1st grade PEAS Farm field trip (Miner and Strothman classes)
October 15 - 3rd grade PEAS Farm field trip (ALL 3 classes)
October 17 and 18 - NO SCHOOL, Staff Development
October 24 - FREE Parenting Class - Positive Parenting Practices, 6:00-8:00pm Learn more details and register here
October 24 - Early out - ALL students dismissed 2:10pm
October 29 - School Pictures (Will start promptly at 8:30. Please make sure your student is on time.)
October 31 - Halloween class celebrations and schoolwide parade (Watch for details from classroom teachers)
October 8 - In person PTO Meeting, 4:00-5:30pm, school library. * FREE childcare provided.
October 23 - Buffalo Wild Wing Dine Out Night, 4:00-9:00pm
October 25 - Trunk-or-treat (details to come)
Annual 'Original Works' Art fundraiser information goes home soon and will be due October 25 (watch for further details)
The Safer Montana tip line is a new way for MCPS students and others to report a school safety concern - anonymously, any time, day or night. Learn more about this online resource or report a tip at
We Need Your Input - Come Join Us!!
Current Board Members:
Elyse Johnson
Kaila Nuanez
Annie Harris
Kristen Owens
Mark your calendar for the following PTO meetings:
October 8 - 4pm
November 12 - 6pm
December 10 - 4pm
January 14 - 6pm
February 11 - 4pm
March 11 - 6pm
April 18 - 4pm
May 13 - 6pm
Interested in becoming a member? Everyone is welcome! Membership is free. The Chief Charlo PTO encourages families to join, stay informed, and help out in any way you can. It's never too late to join and be part of the FUN!! We are CURRENTLY seeking people interested in being on the Trunk or Treat committee.
LOTS of fun and laughter was had and our goal was exceeded. Students raised over $38,000 this year. Thank you to our students for their hard work and dedication, our donors for their above and beyond generosity, and our volunteers for their time and cheerleading skills!! We could not have done it without ALL of you!!
Art Based. Kid Centered. Fun Focused.
We are excited to announce that our school has teamed up with Original Works again this year to offer an exciting art experience. Through this program, you will have the opportunity to purchase various products featuring your child’s artwork (like the ones viewed above and below) while supporting the continuation of our arts programs. Coming home soon will be your children's creation and a list of possible keepsakes or gifts that can be purchased from Original Works. They make great holiday and birthday gifts!
The PTO will be doing a group order for spirit wear soon. If you'd like to order something from the spirit wear store for a reduced shipping price, please email with your items, sizes, colors and logo styles. Kristen will let you know a shipping price and then you can Venmo us @ChiefCharloPTO, send a check to Chief Charlo PTO, or leave cash at the front office for the PTO.
MUST show below flyer to your server in order for 15% of your total bill to be donated to Chief Charlo.
The Families in Transition (FIT) Program assists Chief Charlo students and families experiencing housing instability (McKinney-Vento Act) and/or economic hardship. FIT works as a bridge between families, our school and the district staff to empower students to stay in school and remain successful both in school and as lifelong learners. FIT also provides families access to community resources and services.
FIT is able to provide extra services to our students in need. This may include extra one-on-one educational support, or supplying students with school supplies, weekly EmPower Packs, or basic needs such as clothing, gym shoes, winter gear, toiletries, etc. FIT is here to support your family, because we care about all of our Wolves - BIG and small!!
I look forward to assisting you!
Coryll Rupert (FIT Coordinator)
728-2400, X4983
Families First
Learn about Families First and their wonderful programs here
Mission: Strengthen families through Education, Connection, Play and Partnership. Vision: To create a community where families feel supported , empowered, and inspired to learn and play together.Services: Parenting, Happiness, and Wellness Consultations, Several Parenting groups (Circle of Security, Dads and Dialogue, Moms Connect, Family Education Workshops, Family Retreats, and more), Teen Groups, and Family Fun.
5-2-1-0 MOVE Missoula!
The Lifelong Learning Center
Attend a FREE Families First Parenting Workshop with FREE childcare. Parenting can be hard. Let Families First help you learn skills that could make it easier. Join us for 'Let's Talk about Bullying, Peer Pressure and the Internet', 6:00-8:00pm. To register for this class or to learn about other upcoming Parenting classes, check here.