Thompson Friday Forecast
July 12, 2024
From the Principal.... Matt Clark
Middle School Cell Phone, Cellular Smartwatch, and Earbud Rules
Both TMS and WMS are implementing consistent practices regarding cell phones, cellular smart watches, earbuds, and backpacks to enhance student well-being and safety. Drawing insights from the book The Anxious Generation, which highlights the impact of digital devices on student anxiety and focus, we aim to create a more focused and less stressful learning environment by limiting their use. Additionally, managing backpack use addresses classroom safety concerns by reducing tripping hazards and fostering better organizational skills among students. These measures are designed to promote a healthier, safer, and more productive educational experience for all students, especially in light of recent research linking excessive cell phone use to cognitive development issues, reduced attention spans, impaired learning, and lower academic performance.
D303 MIDDLE SCHOOL EXPECTATION: Students will be expected to keep their cell phones, cellular smart watches, earbuds, and backpacks in their lockers during the school day this upcoming school year.
We have been busy in the office at Thompson gearing up for the school year! There are several things we need you to do as part of the preparation. Take a look below and contact us in the main office (331-228-3100) if you have questions.
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
Dr. Matt Clark
10 Things to Do Before School Starts!
School Registration Fees - Registration fees have been loaded into Student PushCoin Accounts
Returning 7th & 8th graders purchase replacement locks, heart rate monitor straps, or calculators as needed.
Band/Orchestra Instrument Usage (if using a school instrument - including ALL cello & bass)
- PLEASE NOTE: All incoming 6th grade students and students who are new to D303 will receive a package containing 2 locks, a calculator, and a student planner. You do not need to purchase these items.
- https://www.pushcoin.com/
The form can be found by clicking THIS LINK. Click the red box "Annual Student Registration Update Form" and log in with your HAC credentials. BE SURE TO CLICK SUBMIT WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE FORM. If you have more than one student, you can toggle between your students at the upper right side of the form. NOTE: You may have already completed this form for your student. If so, the website will not allow you to complete it again.
Thursday, August 1, 2024
- 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
- 1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Students and families can enter via the gym doors or the Main Entrance. Schedules, PTO, and the Nurse's office will be in the cafeteria, school pictures will be in the LRC. Everyone is welcome to stay in the building and walk their student's schedule for familiarization. Don't forget to find your locker!
PLEASE NOTE: School pictures are taken on these days! Order forms will be available at Material Pick-up. HR Imaging is the company we use. The link to order pictures will be live starting July 19th.
To contact HR Imaging with questions: https://shop.hrimaging.com/pws/contactus.aspx
SchoolToolBox.com is our vendor for prepackaged school supplies from our lists. This is the fastest and easiest way to get school supplies shipped directly to you! If you prefer to shop yourself, you can find our school supply lists on the Thompson website towards the bottom of this page.
Our expectations for lockers is that students come to each class prepared and ready, with minimal locker distractions.
Backpacks may be used before and after school to transport materials from home to school (and vice versa). During the school day, students will be expected to carry their supplies and use their lockers to switch out items during passing periods.
Accommodations can be made for students who need to carry a sling bag or backpack to each class due to medical or personal reasons. These accommodations must be approved through a 504 Plan, an IEP, or with permission from the principal’s office.
A completed physical form with required immunizations must be on file with the school nurse prior to the start of school for all students entering 6th grade. The physical must have been completed within one year of the first day of 6th grade attendance. All 6th grade students must also present proof of a dental examination by May 15th of the school year. Forms are located on the Nurse/Health Services page on the D303 website.
If your student is planning on participating in a sport, every student athlete trying out for a sport must have the following on file with the Thompson Athletic Office in order to try out:
Current unexpired athletic physical. Note: Incoming 6th graders may use their school physical.
All athletes must have a physical that has been completed within the last 365 days in order to try out for a sport.Agreement to Participate in Interscholastic Athletics (AKA the Concussion Form which is generally copied on pink paper)
It is not too late to sign up for one of our camps which includes girls basketball, 7th grade volleyball, football, cross-country, and cheerleading! Don’t wait, sign up as soon as you can to reserve your spot. Registration is through the webstore/push coin. Choose "Thompson MS" from the drop-down menu on the upper left.
Time to look for… TMS Locks, heart rate monitor straps, calculators for the coming school year. If your 7th or 8th grader needs any replacements, please order and pay for them via PushCoin. They will be able to pick them up at Material Pick Up. Note: If your Thunder has forgotten their lock combination, we do have a binder in the office where we can look them up. We will need the code on the back of the lock to do so. (Sample Code 1E00001).
The first day of school will be August 14th - Our new start time is 7:50 am!
We CANNOT WAIT to welcome you all into Thompson Middle School for the 2024-25 school year!
TMS Incoming 6th Grade Families
2024 6th Grade WEB Orientation Invitation
Thompson is excited to invite our new Thunder to WEB Orientation Day, Friday, August 9th, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm at Thompson Middle School. WEB is a nationwide program that is designed to help sixth graders transition and achieve success in their first year of middle school. WEB Orientation is a 6th grade, student-only, event that is designed to welcome sixth graders and provide an opportunity for our new Thunder to participate in small group activities, meet other students from their 6th grade team, and connect with 8th grade WEB Leaders. WEB Leaders are positive role models that have been trained to lead our new Thunder and help them transition into middle school.
The following is some information to let you know what you and your student(s) can expect at orientation day:
Be ready to have some fun and meet new people.
Students will be organized into small groups with other 6th graders from their team.
The event starts at 2:00 and ends at 3:30.
Drop off students at the Main Entrance between 1:45 pm-1:55 pm
Pick up your student at the Main Entrance at 3:30.
Students should wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
Cell phone use is forbidden on this day. It is recommended that phones are left at home but if they choose to bring them, they must be set to silent and out of sight. We will not be able to hold student belongings for them, including cell phones. Students are responsible for managing their belongings during orientation.
Please pick up your student promptly at 3:30 pm on Friday, August 9th at the close of the Orientation. We look forward to meeting your student on Orientation Day!
The WEB Coordinators: Marie Legenski, Christy Mygrant, Carrie Amaya
Thompson Administration: Matt Clark, Michelle Dague, Ryan Wood
Community Backpack
Homework Help
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Assistant Principal
Mr. Ryan Wood - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Email: katrina.michaelis@d303.org
Website: http://thompson.d303.org
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Thompson-Middle-School-671638232903851/