Rogers October Newsletter
Translating Our Newsletter
Events Coming Up in October
September 26th - PTO Back 2 School Bash @ 5:30 - 7:00
September 27th - Superhero Day!
October 1st - OFFICIAL COUNT DAY / Fun Run *All students present get a shirt and donut!
October 2nd - Skate City Night 5-7 at N. Academy
October 4th - Favorite Book Character Day
October 11th - Retake Pictures
October 11th - End of 1st Quarter
October 14th & 15th - NO SCHOOL (Teacher Work Days)
October 16th - 18th - NO SCHOOL (Schools Closed)
October 21st - Conferences 3:15 - 6:15
October 22nd - Conferences 3:15 - 6:15
October 23rd - 1/2 day for students - Release at 12:05
October 23rd - Conferences 12:15 - 6:15
October 29th - Trick or Treat at Rogers - 3:20 until candy is gone.
October 31st - Halloween Parties. Costumes may not have weapons, gore, or any kind of violence. *More information to come.
Skate City Night
Message from the Principal
October is here so bring on the pumpkin spice! I’m happy to announce that we met our goal of having an attendance rate of 92% for the month of September and we are hoping to raise that even higher moving forward. We realize that kids get sick, and we really don’t want them here spreading illness if that’s the case. We are encouraging students to be here on time daily, and will be giving out some “Great Attendance” awards for our quarterly awards assembly, which will honor kids who are here 95% of the time or more. Students who get this award all 4 quarters will be getting a “big” award at our May assembly. Thank you with your continued support with this, we know that students who attend regularly far outpace the achievement of students who are habitually tardy or absent.
D11 Attendance Policy
As a reminder, first bell is at 7:55. School starts at 8:05. Students entering after 8:10 will need to be signed in by a parent.
Attendance Line
If you have an absence to report, please call our Attendance Line at 719-328-3312.
Million Minutes to May
Families- We have set a goal to read at least a million minutes before the 9th of May. Students, staff and families all count toward those minutes. If we can meet this goal, we have a big carnival planned for the school including a dunk tank and a pie to the face. Students who fill out their Rogers Loves to Read logs will also get a free book out of the vending machine. You can help us out by sending in the minutes you read too by emailing
In School Therapy
We are happy to announce a partnership with Burning Sage Therapy. A therapist will be coming into Rogers on Tuesdays for a 6-week cycle of meeting with individual students or groups of students who have similar situations and needs. They will run new groups every 6 weeks for the remainder of the year. We will not be able to have a therapist see your child without filling out paperwork ahead of time and going through the intake process. Burning Sage is offering scholarships for families without insurance or a copay that is unaffordable, if that is a barrier for you.
Please reach out to Mr. Michael or Mrs. Morrell if you have questions or are interested in signing your student up for this support, and we can send home the paperwork and information. Once again, this therapy is only for students who have parent permission and paperwork filled out ahead of time. 719-328-3308
Free and Reduced Applications
Colorado Springs School District 11 is providing free breakfast and lunch to each student for free this year. The district is still accepting free and reduce lunch applications. By filling these out, our school receives funding. There are reductions in some fees. Summer-EFT benefits are another benefit given when approved. Please use the QR code attached and fill one out.
Thank you.
Drop Off and Pick Up at Rogers Elementary - Safety First
School drop off and pick up is getting smoother, but we still need your help for it to run efficiently. Drop Off- 7:45 -8:05 If you are heading South on Circle Dr., do not turn right onto South Hayman. Instead, turn right on Gomer Ave and drive around the school to get in line for a safe drop off. Please try to have car seats on the passenger side and do not get out of your car, this slows down the line. This is one lane of traffic only. If your child needs to be unfastened, please park in a designated space and walk your student up. You MUST turn right onto Gomer Avenue when exiting the parking lot.
Pick Up 3:05. The dismissal line for 3rd-5th grade students without siblings will form on Bassett Dr. by the Northwest parking lot. Families picking up Kindergarten – 2nd grade will be allowed to pull forward into the parking lot at 2:50 in the front of the school (repeat the entrance as listed above). This is one lane of traffic, so to keep students safe, do not go around cars. You must turn right onto Gomer Avenue when exiting the parking lot. All students must be picked up by 3:15 daily. If we can get everyone to follow this plan, students will be safe, and traffic will run smoothly. Thank you for your help with this!
Leading Edge Before & After School Program
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Please make sure you are signed up for your PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you need help, click on the link below.
Parent Dojo
King Soopers Community Rewards
Did you know that you can help earn money for Rogers by linking your King Soopers Card to Rogers? Every time you purchase something, a portion of your purchase comes back to Rogers. Go to your “account” and at the bottom is “Kroger Community Rewards” under Community. Search for Will Rogers Elementary in Colorado Springs and link your card, it’s as easy as that! Please send this out to all of your family and friends to help us raise money for supplies we need for our students. Thank you!
School Hours
Drop off begins at 7:45 daily. Pick up time is at 3:05. Thank you for being on time since there is no supervision after 3:35.
Office Hours
Office hours are 7:30 - 3:30.