Erieview News
May 3, 2024
Our April Leaders!
Good afternoon Erieview families,
During the month of April we continued to focus on our leadership skills. The following students were recognized by a staff member for exhibiting excellent leadership during the month: Jake McKinley, Teddy Williams, Violet Ritter, Paige Anderson, James Moore, Ezra Micsak, Landen Walton, Connor Nordloh, Sophia Triska, Griffin Shannon, Rock Manchin, Abby Bertsch, Bryn May, Birdie Kenney, Grayson Mahoney and Isla Gilmour.
Color Run Updates!
We are gearing up for our Color Run, on Friday, May 17th! All Erieview students will walk/run from the school on a 1 mile loop through Kopf Reservation. Along the path, students will go through 13 stations where they will get dusted with fun colors, run through silly string, limbo, squirt guns, bubbles, confetti, etc. Randall’s Team Shop has generously donated a t-shirt for each student to celebrate this event!
Please consider pledging an amount for your child to complete all 13 stations and finish the run! All money raised will support Erieview’s student projects, fulfilling teacher material request, and provide gifts to the school like playground equipment, book vending machine, school assemblies and activities, and events like Teacher Appreciate Week! The class with the most donations will get to lead the run and any child who raises over $50 will receive a special price! This year, students who raise over $50, will be entered in a drawing to silly string a few of our retiring and beloved staff members, Mrs. Dolezal and Mrs. Grosjean!
Visit the Color Run Link here to pledge for your runner! https://app.memberhub.gives/2024colorrun/Campaign/Details
The success of the Color Run depends on Erieview’s generous volunteers and we still have a lot of spots to fill for the run! To donate or volunteer your time, visit https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C4DAAAD2AA0F85-49003868-the2024
Erieview’s Spring Book Fair was a huge success!
Thank you to all of those who supported our book fair! Any students that weren’t able to shop the book fair on Monday, or any with unspent e-wallet dollars can purchase books online now through May 9th using the book fair link below. All online purchases benefit Erieview and earn 25% in Scholastic Dollars for Erieview’s Library!
Note from the Nurse:
As the warmer weather is approaching, so is allergy season. If your child has seasonal allergies, we strongly suggest making sure they receive their allergy medication and/or eye drops prior to coming to school. Due to the warmer temperatures, many classroom windows will remain open. While this helps regulate the temperature, it also allows for the allergens to enter the classroom. Any help from home would be greatly appreciated!
Please remember any student medication and/or medical supplies that you have provided for use at school must be picked up by a parent or guardian by the last day of school. By board policy, students may not transport any medication home. Medications not picked up promptly will be discarded, as they cannot be stored at school over the summer.
Kim Rose, RN
Redwood and Erieview Nurse
Redwood Elementary/ LEAPS 440-933-5145 ext. 6102
Erieview Elementary 440-933-6282 ext. 4203
School Supplies Reminder
We are in our second week of the 1st Day School Supplies 50 Kit Challenge! Help us qualify by purchasing your kit today. If we sell 50 kits between 4/22 - 5/6, our school will be entered to win $2,500 in free school supplies! Order Now: http://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=80722 [1stdayschoolsupplies.com]
Early Release 5/7/24
Our last early release for this school year is on Tuesday, 5/7/24. Students will start their day at the normal time but will be dismissed from the elementary buildings at noon that day. Dismissal will be the same procedure that we always use, just at noon instead of 3:20 pm on May 7th. All students will eat their lunches in their classrooms on the 7th. Lunch will start at 11:15 am and end at 11:45 am. Students will have an opportunity to pack or buy their lunches just like normal. If your child wants to buy that day, there will only be one lunch option.
School Fees
School fees have been sent home. Please note that school fees do not go away at the end of the school year. They continue accumulating year to year, and can become a large issue if not taken care of on a yearly basis. Per district policy, students may not participate in extracurricular activities until all student fees are paid. These activities include: safety patrol, Kids in the Community, Erieview choir, and other designated school events. Please send in payment or complete payment online for the amount owed.
Payment options:
You may pay school fees online at www.payschoolcentral.com
Payments may also be made by check/money order and should be made payable to Erieview Elementary. Please include your student’s name on the memo line of your check. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
Camp Invention
We are thrilled to announce that parents may use their ACE funds to get reimbursed for Camp Invention! Confidence-boosting adventures are waiting this summer at the brand-new Camp Invention®! Troy Intermediate School will host this innovative K-6 program from June 10th to June 13th. The ACE Educational Savings Account program provides qualifying families with a $1000 credit that can be used to pay this amazing camp. Parents can redeem ACE award directly online, as the process is streamlined and easy to follow. ( ACE account funds must be used for allowable activities with service dates no later than July 1, 2024. All claims for ACE payments or reimbursement must be submitted to Merit no later than July 15, 2024.) Don’t miss out on this inspiring, summer experience for your child. Early registration discounts are available! Just use FUN25 by 3/27 to save $25 or FUN15 by 5/16 to save $15 off the $270 registration fee. Register at invent.org/mylocalcamp.
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found for missing items. All items left at the end of the year will be donated to charity.
Upcoming events:
5/ 6-Troy panel visit (4th grade)
5/7-early release~ noon
5/8-kindergarten screening
5/13-STEAM assembly
5/13-last PTA meeting- 7pm John Christ Winery
5/17-Color Run 1:30
5/21-4th grade visit to Troy
5/27-Memorial Day~no school
5/28-begin Bike to School week
5/28-4th grade Cuyahoga Valley field trip
5/29-field day (all grades)
5/30-4th gr. breakfast/slideshow
5/31-4th gr. to Bleser Park
6/3-4th gr. party~North lot
6/5-last day of school for students
6/5-talent show
6/5-4th grade "Clap Out!"