Principal's Newsletter
August 28, 2023
Principal's Message
Dear Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion families,
I hope everyone is well and enjoying being back at school. Our teachers and staff continue to teach the classroom and school expectations, routines, and procedures necessary for every student to be successful and achieve in two languages. Pati and I enjoyed presenting to all students going over the school wide expectations, how we can handle small problems and big problems, and how to stop bullying. I encourage you to ask your child what the hand gesture is we use at school to tell someone to "Stop bullying, I don't like it!
I want to give a big SHOUT OUT and say thank you to volunteer parent Ann Hynecek for refreshing and adding the correct school name to the mural by the CDC classrooms and in front of the swings on the big playground(see the photos below).
Parents please remember that the Parking Lots at school are for Staff Parking Only. You may park outside of the school (not blocking our neighbor's driveways) and carefully walk your children onto the school grounds or to visit the office. We have a large staff at school and parking is at a premium so we appreciate everyone following this rule.
School Site Council 2023/24
We need your help as we have three vacancies for parent representatives on our School Site Council this school year. The School Site Council is comprised of five elected parent representatives, three teacher representatives, one classified representative, and the school principal. The School Site Council's main responsibility is to oversee the development and monitor the progress of the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)which includes the budget. The School Site Council meets monthly on Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00pm. If you are interested in being on the School Site Council this year, please email Director Warren ASAP. Our first School Site Council Meeting is Wednesday, September 20th at 3:00pm.
CAASPP 2022-23 Results for Current 4th and 5th grade Students
The state test student score reports for the 2022-23 school year are available for current 4th and 5th grade student families you through the PowerSchool Parent Portal
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)
For students who completed tests in grades 3-8:
SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) - English Language Arts and Math
CAA (California Alternate Assessment) - English Language Arts and Math
Here is a link to resources that can help families understand CASPP scores and reports :
RCSD’s Student Information System (SIS) is called PowerSchool, and families log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Once you log in, you will find your child’s attendance record and applicable state assessment results.
Creating A PowerSchool Parent Portal Account
In order to access the Parent Portal, parents will need to create an account using specific access codes and passwords. We are sending these home TODAY with all of our 4th and 5th grade students. You will use this information to create your account so you will be able to access the CASSPP scores.
If you will start using the PowerSchool Parent Portal for the first time in 2023-24, you will need to set up your account. Please follow these steps:
Open a web browser to or visit the district website at and select “PowerSchool Parent Portal” under “Quicklinks”.
Click on “Create an Account.”
Use your own username and password.
Note: There is a mobile app for the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you decide to use the mobile app as opposed to the desktop version, you will be asked to confirm the school district’s RCSD PowerSchool code, which is ZXGZ. It is also important to know that the mobile app does not currently display state assessment results. We encourage you to use your desktop account to review your child’s report from the state assessments.
Unidos PTO Invites You To A Fundraising Event For Adelante Selby At Celia's Mexican Restaurant This Wednesday, August 30th
Celia's: 1850 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025.
Take the night off from cooking and get delicious Mexican food while supporting our school. Unidos PTO board members will be there after 6pm so stay for some appetizers, a drink or just to say hi!
Unidos PTO will receive 10% from all food and alcohol sales on dine-in or take-out orders (over the phone or in person.) Just mention that you are supporting Adelante Selby when you order.
Doordash and other online ordering excluded.
Unidos PTO Direct Drive Fundraiser Is On!
Our Annual “Direct Drive” Campaign starts NOW. Although we have many fundraisers throughout the year (such as the walk-a-thon, book fair, raffle, etc.), MOST of our funding comes from direct donations from you, the friends and family of Adelante Selby. We understand that challenging economic times still persist, but let's begin the year with a healthy financial kickstart! If you are in a position to donate, please visit our donation page ( and fill in any amount that fits your budget. No donation is too small or too big; every bit helps. Unidos PTO will spend over $250,000 this year in support of our children's school and for programs such as Dance with Danny G, Garden, Art, stipends for teacher spending, and community-building events and festivities! This is approximately $400 per child enrolled at Adelante Selby. If your employer offers donation matching, please consider maximizing your benefit. Donations are tax deductible.
You can also pay by check using the PTO lock box next to the front desk, or mailing a check to Unidos, 170 Selby Lane, Atherton, CA 94027. Thank you!
Adelante Selby School Garden Clean Up Day this Saturday, September 2: 9:00am-12:00pm
Students will begin their monthly garden classes next week! Garden Coordinator/Instructor Maestra Susan is asking for volunteers this Saturday morning to help make sure the garden is looking its best. Projects include painting, pulling weeds, and general clean up. Please sign up here if you can help - families welcome!
Back To School Night, Thursday, September 14: 6:00pm-7:30 pm
We will be going over our expectations with parents for the school year at our annual Back to School Night Wednesday, September 14th from 6:00-7:30pm. For Back to School Night, the Parents/Guardians should report directly to the teacher's classrooms at 6:00PM(we prefer that you do not bring your children if at all possible). Pati and I will be doing a short Introduction/Welcoming via Zoom that the teachers will show on the TV Monitors to parents in the classroom. The teachers will then present their Back To School expectations where they will explain important aspects of what and how they will be teaching and how you can help your child succeed. A reminder to parents that Back to School Night is not a time for individual parent teacher conferences about specific needs for your child, but rather an overview of curricula, homework, rules and expectations for the year. If you have more specific questions about how to help your child, please email your teacher(s).
Adelante Selby School Play/Musical: Annie,Kids
Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion School is once again teaming up with San Carlos Children's Theater to produce this year's school play/ musical! Third through fifth graders will make up the main cast, while Kindergartners, first & second graders will make up the chorus. The chorus will perform at the beginning of the show so as not to be kept out too late or too long. All actors will be cast that have completed registration.
Annie, Kids: With equal measures of pluck and positivity, little orphan Annie charms everyone's hearts despite a next-to-nothing start in1930s New York City. .
Director/Vocal Director - Caitlin Berka, Choreographer - Danny Giray, Chorus Director - Lidia Orduña-Ruiz
Sign Up online at:
Remember to check the dates of the rehearsals and the shows so there is not a conflict.
Please note registration closes on Sept. 12th. Rehearsals begin on September 13th.
Preguntas//Questions: Contact Maestra Nell Douglas:
iSing 3rd-5th grade Girls After School Choir
iSing will provide opportunities for 3rd-5th grade girls to sing in a choir on Mondays after school from 2:30-3:30pm in Room 301 starting September 12th. If you are interested, sign up using this link: iSing Choir Application
Unidos PTO Membership Toolkit, Spirit wear Information, Volunteer Info
If you have not done so already, please sign up to be a member of Unidos using this link: Unidos Membership Toolkit
We sold a LOT of spirit wear at MAZE day, but you can order online using this link:
Unidos will be recruiting parent volunteers at Back To School Night on September 14th! District Volunteer Requirements must be completed prior to volunteering at school or on field trips:
Familias Unidas Parent Workshops
Do you want your children to be successful in reading, math, and science this school year? Do you dream of your children graduating from college? You have the opportunity to learn how to help your children achieve academic success and join a community of lifelong learners. Registration for Familias Unidas, a free virtual parent engagement workshop in Spanish, is now open! If you have any questions, please call Mr. Zuno, 650-665-0122. Fill out the Google Form with this LINK
Child Nutrition Services: August/September Breakfast and Lunch Menus
A healthy body fosters a healthy and focused mind. Well-rounded meals served in RCSD school cafeterias are created using USDA nutrition guidelines as well as “kid-approved” recipes. Whole grains, milk, fresh produce, protein, and healthy fats containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are the stars of the breakfast and lunch menu items. Studies show that good eating habits and healthy behaviors are connected to academic achievement. Meals provided by Child Nutrition Services help to shape lifelong healthy habits. All students have the opportunity to eat breakfast and lunch for free again this year through our Child Nutrition Services.
Here are the menus for August(you can use the same links for the September Menu which is not available yet):
Our district works hard to create balanced lunches that include whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables. As such, please do not bring sugary treats to school to celebrate your child's birthday(e.g, cupcakes). You are welcome to send healthy alternatives or non-edible items such as pencils, erasers or fidget toys. Typically, teachers will take the last Friday of the month and to celebrate students birthdays for the entire month.
Sequoia Healthcare District and the Parent Venture Education Workshops
Parents/caregivers, educators, mental health professionals, and community members welcome! Free admission. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available.
8 Setbacks That Can Make a Child a Success: What to Do and What to Say to Turn “Failures’ into Character-Building Moments (2023)
Michelle Icard, Author, 8 Setbacks That Can Make a Child a Success
Thursday, September 14, 2023, 5:30pm – 6:30pm PT, Online Event (Live)
An invaluable playbook for anxious parents everywhere, 8 Setbacks That Can Make a Child a Success, Michelle Icard’s advice ensures that a child’s mistake or rebellion doesn’t become the headline of their childhood—but instead a launch pad to a better future.
Parents/caregivers, educators, mental health professionals, and community members welcome! Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available. Free admission.
This event is sponsored by generous donors from the Mills-Peninsula Hospital Foundation and the San Mateo County Office of Education, in partnership with The Parent Venture.
Lost and Found
We already have quite a bit of Lost and Found items in the large wooden box and clothing stand by the office. Please stop by and claim any lost item: sweaters, sweatshirts, lunch boxes, and water bottles. Parents another reminder that it is very helpful to label/put your child's name on your child's lunch box, water bottle, and sweaters/jackets as students sometimes forget and leave them outside.
Parents are to complete a self-reporting form when a student tests positive for COVID-19 (link below). Our office staff is happy to assist you in filling out the form if help is needed. Once you complete the reporting form, you will receive an automatic response with the isolation guidelines. We do ask that you continue calling the school office to report your child's absences.
Self-Reporting Form:
Office Hours
Our school office hours are 8:00-4:00pm. All visitors to our school during school hours (not for Drop Off or Pick Up times) must come through and sign in at the school office.
Please visit our school website , Adelante Selby Facebook Page and our PTO/Unidos webpage and social media accounts:, Facebook and Instagram for more information.
Director Warren
Important August/September Dates
- Wednesday, August 30: Unidos PTO Dine Out Fundraiser at Celia's
- Saturday, September 2: Adelante Selby Garden Clean Up Day: 9:00am-12:00pm
- Monday, September 4: No School; Labor Day Holiday
- Tuesday, September 5: Unidos PT0 Parent Meeting, 5:30-8:00PM: Library
- Thursday, September 7: District Wide Super Minimum Day 11:45 Dismissal
- Friday, September 8: Unidos PTO Cafecito For Parents, 8:30-9:30am: Amphitheater
- Monday, September 11: English Language Advisory Parent Meeting(ELAC) 8:45 AM: Amphitheater(Meeting conducted in Spanish)
- Thursday, September 14: Food Distribution-- 2:45-4:00pm: FREE quality food All WELCOME!
- Thursday, September 14: Is for Back to School Night 6:00-7:30PM Parents visit Teachers Classrooms
- Wednesday, September 20: School Site Council Meeting, 3:00pm: Library
- Thursday, September 28: Food Distribution-- 2:45-4:00pm: FREE quality food All WELCOME!
- Friday, September 29: Principal's Coffee: 8:30AM, Library/Amphitheater Area