November 2024

From the Principals' Desk
Hello Wayland Middle School Families!
Welcome to November!
As we wrap up the first trimester, we want to thank you for your continued support in helping our students grow and succeed. This month, we’re excited to focus on the character trait of teamwork—an essential skill for building strong relationships and achieving shared goals. Our families and staff continue to model teamwork for our students as we all continue to work together. Thank you for being a crucial part of our school community.
Ms. Rachel Cimek
Important Dates
Upcoming Dates
15-TRI 1 ends
18-TRI 2 starts22-TRI 1 report cards published
27-29-NO school Thanksgiving Break
5--6th grade Band/Orchestra/Choir "Informance" 7pm
7--Wayland Christmas Parade/Snow Fest 11am
(MS and HS Bands in parade, HS Strings in venues)
10--7-12 Band Concert 7pm
11--7-12 Orchestra Concert 7pm
12--7-12 Choir Concert 7pm
Winter Break
Dec 23- Jan 3
From the Counseling office
CKH: Teamwork is the ability to work in unity with others towards a common goal. For us to learn how to become team players, it is important that we learn to listen, encourage our peers, and allow and invite others to contribute their talents and skills. Teamwork improves communication. Teamwork builds interpersonal awareness. Teamwork celebrates diversity.
Clayful: Please note that every student can access the journals, they cannot access the chat/coaches unless they are opted in or 12+ years old.
Download the Clayful app or go to chatwithclayful.com. Students 12 and under need a consent form signed and submitted prior to chatting with a coach. Go to clayful.co/consent to get started.
November is National Caregivers month
Being a caregiver is rewarding, but it can be hard to prioritize your own mental health and well-being while caring for others. Mental Health America provides free resources that can help. Learn more at MHAnational.org/caregivers.
Sports information
Sports parent meeting and Picture information
There will be a Parent meeting November 4th in the Middle School Media Center. Starting at the follwoing times.
Boys Basketball--4:00
Girls Swim--5:00
Sports Pictures will be as follows.
Boys Baketball--2:45
Girls Swim--3:45
iPad Insurance
If you have not purchased insurance for your student(s) iPad yet, we highly encourage it.
Lets Get It Covered!
- 1 Year - $30
- 2 Years - $40
- 3 Years - $50
What does coverage do for you?
- Fixes damaged screens at no cost AS LONG as damage is deemed unintentional.
What does coverage not do for you?
- This coverage does NOT cover lost or stolen Devices.
When is the coverage void?
- iPads that are damaged and NOT in the provided case. Taking the case off the iPad will void the coverage on the device for that instance, and damage will need to be paid for out of pocket. Coverage continues after the damage is fixed, and case is reinstalled.
- Damage is deemed intentional and/or excessive.
What are the out of pocket costs for repairs?
- Case Replacement- $30
- Screen Repair (case intact)- $50
- Screen Repair (case removed)- $110
- Lost or Stolen Devices-$250
- Devices that have excessive unrepairable damage-$250
WIPTO Information
Community Events
Babysitter Training
Saturday November 9
10 am-2 pm
Located at the Transportation office
851 Wildcat Drive.
Sign up through
Indoor Soccer
Dance Clinic
Dance Clinic for boys and girls
Grades 1st-8th
Learn Dec 7
Perform Dec 13
Sign up through
Wayland Union Middle School
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Location: 701 Wildcat Drive, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1
Rachel Cimek, Principal
Email: cimekr@waylanduion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1
Andrew Augustin, Assistant Principal
Email: augustina@waylandunion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1
Cheri Ritz, Athletic Coordinator
Email: ritzc@waylandunion.org
Website: https://waylandunion.org/schools/middle-school/
Phone: 269-792-2306
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wums1