St Cecilia's News
July 2024
Happy summer holiday!
Dear Parents,
We've made it to the end of term and the sun has come out welcoming us to summer, let us pray that it lasts!
We have had a busy last few weeks as we completed assessments, enjoyed plays and performances, marked the end of one school year and made plans for the year ahead. Thanks to all of you who have come along to our Year Ahead meetings, we appreciate seeing you in person and online for those meetings.
Congratulations to our Year 6 pupils on their SATs results which have shown steady progress across the school and achievement well above the national average. All of our pupils did well and we are so proud of their efforts. I have attached the data for you below, a full set of data will appear on our website shortly.
Year 6 gave us several performances of Aladdin last week, with rousing music and superb acting it was a joy to see them full of confidence and enthusiasm before their final week in school.
Mrs Marshall, our teaching assistant in Year 5 (pictured above) leaves us after 23 years of service to the school. We thank her for her dedication, love and support for hundreds of children during her time with us and we wish her a very happy retirement.
We said goodbye to Father Rob ahead of his move to the Cathedral through a beautiful music concert which featured songs from each year group and a staff rendition of Any Dream Will Do featuring Mr Caulfield as Joseph. We hope that you have enjoyed some of the music at home, the children have really enjoyed preparing for the performance.
We hope that you have had a rewarding school year, it has been a pleasure to work with your children and to see them grow, to be on the learning journey with them.
The staff and I wish you a wonderful summer holiday and a good rest. God bless all of our families who are leaving us this term, we wish you well on your next adventure and thank you for being with us.
Vince Burke
Y1 Seaside Day
Farewell to Father Rob with a music concert
Y6 Dorset Adventure
St Cecilia's Catholic Primary School
Contact us:
General queries -
Report an absence -
Anything finance -
Extra Curricular Activity booking -
Childcare -
Special educational needs -
Admissions -
Phone: 020 8337 4566
Diary dates
Friday 19th - Final day of term for Years R to 6, school closes at Midday.
No after school childcare. Mass at St Cecilia's Church at 0930 for Y6 parents and Y4-6 students. Children will be taken by school staff. Clapping out from 1135.
Tuesday 3rd - Start of term for Y1-6. Early Years dates vary due to staggered start.
Thursday 19th - Start of Academic Year Mass with Father Benedict
Monday 23rd ECAs begin
Wednesday 2nd Y5 Bushcraft Camp departs
Monday 28th to Friday 1 November - Half term week
Thursday 14th / Tuesday 19th - Parent Teacher Meetings / Guardian Consultations
Thursday 21st - St Cecilia's Day Concert
Friday 22nd - St Cecilia's Day
Monday 2nd - ECAs end this week
Tuesday 3rd Flu Immunisation Day
Thursday 5th Advent Mass with Father Benedict - for Y3-6 students
Thursday 12th - Y2 Nativity 2pm.
Thursday 19th - Last day of term for Nursery
Friday 20th - School closes at midday, no afternoon childcare.