Alto All Star Gazette
September 27th, 2024
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone# 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
The DAY OF AWESOME was truly AWESOME!!! Thank you for your support!!!
Spirit week schedule!
Let's get fired up for homecoming!
Monday-Sports day! Wear your favorite team apparel!
Tuesday- Tie-Dye Tuesday!
Weds- Wacky Wednesday! Show us your fun and wacky styles!
Thursday- Neon day- wear bright colors!
Friday- Lowell Red Arrow day! Wear Lowell gear and show your Arrow Pride!
Fall conference links will be sent out next week.
*10/02 for families with multiple students
*10/03 for families with one student
Thank you!
3rd graders traveled to Heidi's Farmstand today!
Media Center News
Hi Parents and welcome to another great year at Lowell Area Schools!
To ensure that all parents have important information on your child’s school library, I wanted to send out our FAQ information from our webpage and also highlight a few of the most important parts for parents.
Lowell Area Schools is committed to offering a robust, quality, extensive and comprehensive library collection for all students and at the same time ensuring that every parent has full control over what their child checks out to read. Lowell Area Schools has well developed and highly effective processes in place to select library books that enrich and support the educational programs. We strive to provide a wide range of materials on all levels of difficulty with consideration for diversity of appeal and different points of view. Additionally, varied interests, abilities, learning needs, learning styles and maturity levels of ALL students served must be included in the selection of library books to ensure there are materials suited for every student.
As a partner in your child’s education, it is important that all parents are actively involved in what your child is/are reading. Help your child to know what your expectations are for their reading choices and have thoughtful conversations to challenge them to be critical thinkers. Typically students do a very good job of self selecting their library books. Students generally know what types of books their parents approve of them reading and those their parents would prefer they not read. In the event that your child brings home a book that you would prefer they not read for whatever reason, please send them back to return the book and check out a different one that will work better. It’s ok for students to not finish a book because they aren’t interested in it or don’t like it….for any reason. Library books are optional reading for students to find books they’re interested in and to pass on books they’re not.
Again, to reiterate, parents have complete control over what their child checks out from the school library. All specific book restriction requests must be emailed to me to ensure proper procedures are followed. We are very proud of the wonderful library program we offer all students of Lowell Area Schools. We strive to provide high quality literature to encourage the love of reading in every student. If any questions or concerns arise regarding library books or the library program, please feel free to contact me via email.
Happy Reading!
Christine Beachler
K-12 School Librarian/District Library Director
Lowell Area Schools
Mark Your Calendar
10/02: Gold Ticket Store
10/10: K to Heidi's Farmstand
10/10: 2M/2S to WWC
10/11: Popcorn Friday
10/11: 2W to WWC
10/14: Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/16: Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/16: Gold Ticket Store
Breakfast and Lunch menu
Boys Basketball 3rd-6th grade
Attention 3rd-6th Grade Boys: If you are interested in being considered for the Lowell Boys Travel Basketball Teams, click the link below to see information about the program and to sign up for tryouts on October 27th. Sign up today!