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Leyden Pride
November 20, 2023
![Leyden Pride November 20, 2023](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/4e4b/thumb-db5b7fb2af9ab8fbb178dac996c879bc.jpeg)
November 11, 2024
Important dates
Nov 27, 28, 29 - No School , Thanksgiving Break
Dec 23 - Jan 3 - No School - Winter Break
Jan 6 - No School - Institute Day
Leyden recognizes School Board members on the annual Appreciation Day
The Leyden Board of Education is made up of seven, unpaid, elected officials and two Leyden student board members who represent the voice of our communities and serve in the interests of students. Board members include President Greg Ignoffo, Vice President Gloria Murawska, Secretary Jim Lima, Lisa Anthony, Sandy Boehm, Cesar Garcia and Joe Trevino, along with our student board members, Adriel Carrera and Jonathan Guerrero.
In order to recognize the outstanding efforts of nearly 6,000 elected school board officials, the state of Illinois has designed November 15 as “School Board Members Day.” According to the state, this is an opportunity to build community awareness and understanding about the essential role locally elected board of education members assume in a representative democracy.
We would like to thank the school board members for all they do for our district, our students and our community.
Registration opens for ACT prep course
Registration is now open for the Leyden ACT prep class which includes eleven evening classes and an optional Saturday practice test. Classes begin January 22 and run through April 10, meeting one evening per week. Students may choose to attend at East (Wednesdays) or West (Thursdays), and may select 3:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. or 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Students may attend at either campus, regardless of their home school.
Students who attend all sessions typically increase their scores by an average of 120 points. The class is open to all Leyden students at a cost of $40, which includes all books and materials. To register, sign in to MySchoolBucks or visit the school cashier. Students who are direct-certified by the state may register in person for a discounted fee of $20.
Link: Program Information
Contact: Dr. Todd Veltman, tveltman@leyden212.org.
Dates announced for yearbook photos
Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors:
Underclassmen yearbook photos will be taken on Monday, November 25, and Tuesday, November 26, in the Field House during P.E. classes. Students who do not have a P.E. class can see the photographer after school until 3:30 p.m. All students must bring their ID. Make-up dates are scheduled for January 10, and 21. HR Imaging will be sending order forms home or families can order online at hrimaging.com. There is also a selfie option if none of these dates work.
Link: Selfie Instructions
Senior yearbook photos will be taken January 13, and January 14, in the auditorium at West and on the Mezzanine at East, during English classes, and after school until 3:10 p.m. The make-up date for seniors will be January 21. Orders can be placed through hrimaging.com. An email will be sent prior to the date with additional details. Please contact vgiordano@leyden212.org with any questions.
Leyden offers virtual parent series
Leyden Student Services offers a virtual parent series through a partnership with Glenbard Parent Series (GPS) that provides free, public, day and evening sessions.
On Wednesday, November 13, Glenbard West High School is sponsoring an in-person event, "An evening with Best Buddies" (Friendship Program for People with Special Needs).
Link: Information
On Thursday, November 14, Dr. Kara Alaimo, will host a virtual event, “Over the Influence: Why Social Media Is Toxic For Teens And How to Limit its Impact.”
Link: Information
National Art Honor Society Nutcracker Project
Students from the West Leyden National Art Honor Society are working in conjunction with the Office of Brad Stephens, State representative for District 20, to paint one of the many "Nutcrackers on Parade" sculptures that will be displayed in Rosemont this winter.
Exhibit on Display at Schiller Park Public Library
The 100th Anniversary Traveling Exhibit, Leyden: Making History, made its first of many appearances throughout the community as it arrived at the Schiller Park Public Library on November 4. The exhibit will be on display until December 5, with public viewing of the exhibit during normal public library hours. After December 5, the exhibit will make its way to the Franklin Park Public Library.
Leyden Township’s Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
Leyden Township will host its annual tree lighting ceremony on Friday, November 22, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Westdale Park, 3045 Sandra Ave. in Melrose Park. This free event will include pictures with Santa, a petting zoo, community vendors, a tree decorating contest and more.
Link: More Info
Connect with us:
Email: pr@leyden212.org
Website: www.leyden212.org
Location: 3400 Rose Street, Franklin Park, IL, USA
Phone: 847-451-3000
Facebook: leydenpride212
Twitter: @leydenpride212
Instagram: leydenpride212
YouTube: leydenpride212