Monday Matters
Region 10 TX Assessment and Accountability Info: 6/14/21
Are you prepared for 2021-2022? Read on to look ahead.
In this issue: New Data Date Session, HB 999, Assessment Management System Transition Timelines, 87th Texas Legislative Session Bill Summary
Our Top Readers from Last Week
Sharon Booth- Highland Park ISD
Nadine Raybourn- A Plus
Judy Bolen- Wylie ISD
Congratulations to these top readers. Winners were chosen by how many times they opened last week's newsletter and how many times they clicked on links.
✍ Are You Planning for Next Year? What PD do You Need?
Need Direct Services, Consultations or Specialized PD?
✍ Region 10 Data Date Work Session
Wed. Sept. 15 9-12 AM
Do you need time without distractions to look at your 2021 Accountability data? Do you need another set of eyes to look at it with you? Come and go when you can to collaborate with R10. We will sit down with you and look at strengths and weaknesses as well as share what R10 has to offer you that will support your specific data. There will be several R10 experts available in the room. Come and have a data date with us.
Reserve your spot and register now: 2640293
✍ Assessment and Accountability Webinars Sessions
Join with other district and campus leaders to hear assessment and accountability updates, ask questions and collaborate with others. We are all better together. All sessions are 10am on Wednesdays.
6/30/21 2638724
8/25/21 2638725
✍ New Upcoming Fall Webinars
9/8/21 2640210
9/29/21 2640211
10/13/21 2640213
10/27/21 2640215
11/17/21 2640216
12/1/21 2640219
✍ Are you registered for Region 10 Summer Roadshows?
Roadshow registration is open and filling fast! As your educators make plans for summer learning, please help us by sharing this incredible learning opportunity with educators in your respective districts. For more information, please visit the Summer Roadshow webpage and watch this video for more details.
· Roadshow 2: Greenville - June 22 & 23
- Greenville High School – CTE Center
· Roadshow 3: Red Oak - July 14 & 15
- Red Oak Middle School
👉 Great news! The registration for the EL Virtual Summer Symposium is now open! There will be 3 days of amazing learning opportunities including panels, keynote speakers and breakout sessions. June 15-17, 2021
Visit our Symposium Smore to see the schedule and registration information
Registration is FREE for members of our EL Support Services and Title III EL Cooperative. If you are not a member of the Coop, you can still register by paying the out of coop fee of only $25 per session. If you haven’t already, follow us on Twitter to find the latest news about the Symposium as well as some highlights of our featured and guest speakers.
We can’t wait to Recharge, Reconnect, and Reengage with you this summer!
✍ Add to Calendar November 1-3. 2021 Round Rock, Texas
Come and tailgate with ESC Region 10 and ESC Region 11 for our third annual assessment conference on January 19, 2022.
From Our Inboxes to Yours
❓ What are the Assessment Management System Transition Timelines? June 8, 2021
To the ESC and District Testing Coordinator Addressed:
This communication is to inform you of important timelines related to the assessment management system transition to Cambium Assessment, Inc. (CAI) and NCS Pearson, Inc. as the vendor team to support the scoring and reporting for the Texas Assessment Program beginning September 1, 2021.
ETS (Educational Testing Service) and Pearson will continue their respective work under their existing contracts through the completion of the spring and summer 2021 administrations, concluding their work on August 31, 2021.
ETS Assessment Management System Timelines
As a part of the contract transition, ETS will be providing all necessary STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), and TELPAS Alternate score data to CAI. Any districts that would like to retain copies of their individual district results for STAAR should download those results from the Reports > Results in the ETS Assessment Management System prior to August 31, 2021.
District correction requests, score code and language changes, rescores, resolutions, and any scoring investigations for STAAR must be submitted to the ETS Support Center by July 31, 2021, in order to be updated and reflected in the ETS Assessment Management System and the Family Portal prior to the change in vendors. District correction requests include changes to student identification information, Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) ID, and County-District-Campus codes.
Pearson Assessment Management System Timelines
Any districts that would like to retain copies of their individual district results for STAAR Alternate 2 should download those results from the Reports > Published Reports in the Pearson Assessment Management System prior to August 31, 2021. Any districts that would like to retain copies of their individual district results for TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate should download those results from the Reports > Published Reports in the Pearson Assessment Management System prior to September 30, 2021. For step-by-step instructions on accessing individual district results, click here.
After the close of score code change windows, districts will be able to access score reports but will no longer have access to other activities in the Pearson system, including score code changes and TELPAS speaking rescore requests. The deadlines to make score code changes and TELPAS speaking rescore requests are
- STAAR Alternate 2: June 4, 2021
- TELPAS Alternate: July 9, 2021
- TELPAS: July 23, 2021
After these dates, districts will be able to access score reports in the Pearson Assessment Management System until the following dates:
- STAAR Alternate 2: August 31, 2021
- TELPAS and TELPAS Alternate: September 30, 2021
Any corrections requested by the district after the August 31, 2021 date for STAAR, STAAR Alternate 2, TELPAS or TELPAS Alternate will be updated by CAI once the system is available.
CAI Assessment Management System Timeline
From July 11–August 31, educators should visit to find the following resources as they are available:
- Access to all components of the testing system
- Accommodation resources
- Assessment resources for educators and administrators
- Test administration manuals
On September 1, all resources will be located on the newly designed
If you have questions about this correspondence, please contact the Assessment Scoring and Reporting team within Performance Reporting at (512) 463-9704 or
❓ Do students need to pass EOCs to graduate for 2021?
❓ How do I request On-Demand Files In ETS?
To request and download an on-demand data file, complete the following steps:
- In the navigation menu bar, select Reports, and then Results.
- On the Results Report page, under On-Demand Data File, enter the first three letters of the name of the district or the district code in the District field, and then select the district from the list.
- Select a reporting administration from the Reporting Admin drop-down menu.
- Click the Download button. The file can be retrieved from the download folder on your device.
❓ Where can I find score conversion charts?
❓ What do we know about 2021-2022 Assessment?
- Practice tests will be available next year in the new testing platform. More accessibility features will be available as well as score reporting.
- Planning is underway for stand alone field tests for the new STAAR item types.
- Pencil tool will not be available in the new testing platform.
- Interim Assessments will remain unchanged for 2021-2022.
- Training schedule for the new testing systems will be available soon.
❓ What can you tell me about the STAAR Redesign?
A redesign of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) test is currently underway, as a result of House Bill 3906. Watch the videos for a more detailed look at each of the changes.
STAAR Redesign Video Series:
- Near-Term STAAR Redesign Overview
The near-term STAAR redesign will include transformational changes to advance the way Texas measures the academic performance of students. These changes strengthen the STAAR program and will be implemented in the 2022–23 school year.
- Transition to Online Assessments
- Faster test scores and results
- Reduced operational complexity and waste
- Assessment matches the realities of today’s online learning environment
- Better test security and improved administration
- Potential for customizable assessments and new item types
- More equitable access to accommodations
- New STAAR Item Types
HB 3906 establishes a cap so that no more than 75% of any STAAR test can be multiple choice. New item types will make up at least 25% of the test—with a wider variety made possible by the transition to electronic assessments. These changes take effect for all STAAR tests by the 2022–23 school year.
- Reading Language Arts Redesign
HB 3906 eliminates the stand-alone writing assessments for grades 4 and 7 beginning with the 2021–22 school year and will influence a redesign of the reading language arts (RLA) STAAR. Grades 4 and 7 writing assessments will remain unchanged for the 2020–21 school year. During this time, revising and editing items will be field tested in the reading assessments at grades 3–8. The agency has posted sample revising and editing items for grades 3–8.
Transition to STAAR Online Assessments Implementation Checklist
❓ Will there be "Field Testing" next year?
February 2022 Stand Alone Field Testing
The stand-alone field test scheduled for February 14–18, 2022 will be administered online only and will include the following grades/subjects and courses:
• Grades 3–8 mathematics
• Grades 3–8 reading
• Grades 5 and 8 science
• Grade 8 social studies
• Algebra I, English I, English II, Biology, and U.S. History
• Spanish grades 3–5 mathematics
• Spanish grades 3–5 reading
• Spanish grade 5 science
Texas public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools will be notified of their selection to participate in the February 2022 Stand-Alone Field Test by August 23, 2021, the official start of the 2021–2022 school year.
❓ What might "Future STAAR Questions" look like?
Explore and interact with sample new item types developed for use on future STAAR exams.
House Bill 3906 (86th Texas Legislature, 2019) requires that no more than 75% of any State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) test be presented in a multiple-choice format. This requirement is expected to take effect on all STAAR tests beginning with the Spring 2023 administration.
To meet this requirement, TEA has identified potential new item types for use on STAAR exams and is seeking feedback on these potential new item types. Feedback could include suggestions on how to make the directions for an item type clearer, at which grade levels each item type would be appropriate, any concerns or difficulty you had when interacting with an item type, or other comments you may have. Please submit any feedback you may have using this survey link.
Below you will find links to examples of different item types that are currently under consideration for inclusion in future STAAR exams and descriptions of the new item types.
STAAR Mathematics
STAAR Spanish Mathematics
STAAR Reading Language Arts
STAAR Spanish Reading Language Arts
Multiselect items will require students to select more than one correct answer to a question. This item type would be applicable to mathematics, reading language arts, science, and social studies.
Multipart items are made up of two parts, A & B. The answer to part B is dependent on the student’s answer to part A. This item type would be applicable to reading language arts, science, and social studies.
Drag-and-drop items require a student to evaluate a given set of options (words, numbers, symbols, etc.)and drag their answer choice(s) to an area of the item to which the student determines it belongs. This item type would be applicable to mathematics, science, and social studies.
Hot Spot
Hot spots require students to select one or more areas of a graphic as their response to an item. This item type would be applicable to mathematics, science, and social studies.
Graphing items allow students to independently graph their response to an item using bar graphs, function graphs, solution sets, etc. This item type would be applicable to mathematics.
Equation Editor
Equation editor items allow students to independently enter equations or inequalities as their response to an item. This item type would be applicable to mathematics.
Hot Text
Hot text items require students to select a highlighted sample of text (hot test) in a sentence, paragraph, or extended passage to cite as evidence to demonstrate their understanding of the item This item type would be applicable to reading language arts and social studies.
Inline Choice
Inline choice items allow students to select a response from a drop down menu placed within the question. This item type would be applicable to mathematics, reading language arts, and social studies.
Text Entry
Text entry items require students to independently enter a brief response to an question, such as a word, number, or phrase. This item type would be applicable to mathematics, reading language arts, and science.
Short Constructed Response
Short constructed response items allow students to give brief explanations in their own words to demonstrate their understanding of the content in the item. This item type would be applicable to reading language arts, science, and social studies.
Match Table Grid
Match Table Grid items require students to match the information presented in a table to a response item. This item type would be applicable to mathematics, reading language arts, and social studies.
✍What Updates to the 2021-2022 Minimum System Requirements and Testing Calendar are there?
Updates to the 2021–2022 Minimum System Requirements
As previously announced, starting September 1, 2021, Cambium Assessment, Inc. (CAI) will support the Texas Education Agency (TEA) by hosting and managing a single testing platform for all assessments—the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®), STAAR Interim Assessments, STAAR Alternate 2, the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS), and TELPAS Alternate. The agency has been working with CAI to update the minimum system requirements necessary to administer online assessments.
The updated 2021–2022 Minimum System Requirements is now posted on the TEA website at New Texas Assessment Program Vendor Information. This is a webpage designed to provide information regarding the transition to our new testing vendors.
Updates to the 2021–2022 Student Assessment Testing Calendar
The updated 2021–2022 Student Assessment Testing Calendar is now posted on the TEA website at Testing Calendar. The revised testing calendar reflects the following updates.
· The STAAR online testing windows have been extended to two weeks for all administrations.
December 2021 STAAR EOC assessments (December 7–17)
April 2022 STAAR grades 3–8 and EOC assessments (April 5–15)
May 2022 STAAR EOC assessments (May 3–13)
May 2022 STAAR grades 3–8 assessments (May 5–20)
June 2022 STAAR grades 3–8 and EOC assessments (June 21–July 1)
· Information for STAAR grade 8 science and social studies tests have been separated from the information for the May STAAR EOC assessments since these grade 8 tests belong with the STAAR grades 3–8 administration.
· STAAR Alternate 2 information has been updated to include:
-the preview window (March 14–April 29) and
-an extended five-week test administration window (March 28– April 29).
· There are no changes to the TELPAS or TELPAS Alternate testing windows (February 21–April 1).
· The STAAR Stand-Alone Field Test scheduled for February 2022 has been added. Detailed information about the field test will be sent to districts in the next few weeks.
· The specific tests for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have been updated as listed below, and districts will receive notification of selected schools in late August.
Mathematics Grades 4 and 8
Reading Grades 4 and 8
Civics Grade 8
U.S. History Grade 8
Long Term Trend (17-year-olds)
Draft Versions of the 2022–2023 and 2023–2024 Student Assessment Testing Calendars
Draft versions of the Student Assessment Testing Calendars for the 2022–2023 and 2023–2024 school years are now posted on the TEA website at Testing Calendar. The draft versions currently follow the updated testing calendar for next year. However, these draft testing calendars will likely need to be updated based on the implementation of the STAAR redesign scheduled for the 2022–2023 school year.
If you have any questions about this information, please submit them to TEA using the Student Assessment Help Desk.
TELPAS Spotlight
For specific TELPAS questions contact
Jennifer Phillips.
❓ What does the online data files look like?
Here is an example of On Demand File template and what information can be found in each column. There are two tabs at the bottom of the sheet. (EOC and 3-8)
❓ Why aren’t all 14 student groups evaluated in Closing the Gaps included in the on-demand assessment data files?
The testing vendor does not have the necessary TSDS PEIMS data to make continuously enrolled, non-continuously enrolled, and former special education student group determinations. These determinations are made by TEA during the processing of accountability data. The accountability student listings released in TEAL Accountability provide data on all student groups evaluated in the accountability system.
2021 Accountability Manual
-Chapters 1–11 are available on the 2021 Accountability Manual webpage and the Texas Register websites. Manual appendices will be released throughout the spring and summer.
The public comment period closed on Monday May 17. Performance Reporting received public comments from over 30 individuals and organizations. Responses to these comments, concerns, and questions are being drafted and will be released with the adopted version of the manual in the July 9th edition of the Texas Register.
-The finalized manual PDF with all chapters and appendices will be published late summer.
The following releases are upcoming:
CCMR Tracker- The 2021 CCMR Tracker will be released in two stages this year.
March 31: CCMR outcomes as reported though TSDS PEIMS, for TSIA results, and for OnRamps course completion through the 2019–20 school year and July 2021: CCMR outcomes for SAT, ACT, AP, IB, and level I/II certificates through the 2019–20 school year.
CCMR Verifier- The CCMR Verifier will be available some time early June and is the same online system as last year’s which ran from August through October. The Verifier contains 2019–20 annual graduates plus non-graduating 12th graders. Corrections may be submitted electronically through the TEAL Accountability application for the listed students. The Verifier can only be used to correct non-PEIMS indicators. TSDS PEIMS data are final.
Public Education Grant (PEG)- Campuses that receive an F rating in both the Student Achievement domain and the School Progress domain are typically placed on the PEG List; however, because ratings were not issued in 2020 and 2021, the campuses identified for PEG based on 2019 ratings will remain on the 2022–23 PEG List. The list of 2022–23 PEG campuses will be released in August 2021. For more information about the PEG program, please see the PEG webpage on the TEA website at
This Week in Performance Reporting June , 2021
Good afternoon, Performance Reporting bulletin members.
Have a coworker who needs to sign up? Bulletin subscriptions can be managed on TEA’s website at
What’s New in Performance Reporting
A–F Accountability
The College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) Verifier was scheduled for release at the end of May; however, due to technical difficulties, the release has been delayed until next week. Stay tuned for updates in next week’s bulletin.
Local Accountability System
The Local Accountability Guide and Frequently Asked Questions provide information about plan requirement and example components. They can both be found on the local accountability webpage.
Districts wishing to learn more about the local accountability system and how to develop a district local accountability plan can participate in an 45-minute overview webinar with time for Q & A.
Registration links are available for upcoming webinar dates in June. The webinar schedule through August 2021 is available here.
Friday, June 18, 2021 at 11 am
Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 3 pm
Assessment Scoring and Reporting
Assessment Management System Transition Timelines
On Tuesday, important information related to the assessment management system transition to Cambium Assessment, Inc. (CAI) and NCS Pearson, Inc. was shared with district testing coordinators and education service center staff. To view this communication, visit the Performance Reporting resources webpage and click the Recent Communications tab under the Frequently Asked Questions Document section.
Spring 2021 STAAR Administrations
Reports Posted to Assessment Management System
Reports for the April and May 2021 STAAR administrations for end-of-course (EOC) assessments will be posted to the STAAR Assessment Management System on June 14, 2021. Printed copies of Confidential Student Labels for these administrations will be shipped to districts June 14–23, 2021. Printed copies of STAAR Report Cards will be shipped during the same window only for those districts that opted-in to receive the printed copies. Results for these administrations will be posted to the Student, Teacher, and Analytic Portals by June 15, 2021.
Unique Access Codes Available
A report containing the unique access codes for third-grade students or students who are indicated as new to Texas will be posted on June 18, 2021. This report is being provided to assist districts with parent communication in advance of results being posted to the Student Portal for the May 2021 grades 3–8 administrations. The report will be available in the Assessment Management System under Reports > Students.
Resolve Student Test Warnings and Submit Test Information Changes
Districts must resolve records for students who have inconsistent or missing student information or a mismatch between the most recent answer document submitted and records in the Assessment Management System. All resolutions and test information changes must be completed to be reflected in districts’ reports by
· June 8, 2021, for Algebra I, Biology, and U.S. History; (closed)
· June 14, 2021, for grades 5 and 8 mathematics and reading;
· June 21, 2021, for grades 3–8; and
· July 27, 2021, for Algebra II and English II.
Score Code Changes
Corrections to score codes may be made in the Assessment Management System starting June 14, 2021, for the April and May 2021 STAAR EOC administrations, and June 18, 2021, for grades 5 and 8 mathematics and reading.
For questions or help with accessing and interpreting STAAR results, districts and parents can email or call (512) 463-9704.
Did You Know?
The 87th Texas legislative session has concluded. Performance Reporting is continuing to evaluate the impact of accountability-related bills. A brief overview of how these bills may impact Performance Reporting is provided below. Additional information will be forthcoming in future editions of the listserv.
Bill Summary
HB 572 Adds enrollment in dropout recovery schools as an at-risk indicator for students
HB 773 Adds Career & Technical Education program of study to College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR)
HB 1147 Adds Texas National Guard to military readiness for CCMR and CCMR Outcomes Bonus (CCMR OB)
HB 1525 Removes CCMR OB Texas Success Initiative criteria for associate degree
HB 4545 Replaces student performance following promotion with performance of students receiving accelerated instruction in TAPR reporting
SB 879 Updates alternative education accountability dropout recovery school criteria to campuses with at least 60 percent of students 16 years of age or older or those approved by application
SB 1365 Defines which overall ratings are acceptable and unacceptable. Provides a special evaluation option for consecutive years of unacceptable performance for 2020–21. Requires a Not Rated label for 2022 unless the district or campus earns a C or better. Updates the Public Education Grant criteria and more.
SB 1615 Allows annual graduates of high school charter programs to demonstrate career readiness by earning an industry-based certification no later than six months after completing the program
To stay up to date on legislation impacting accountability, be sure to sign up and manage your subscription to the listserv on TEA’s website at
Performance Reporting Calendar
June: 2021 Verifier released in TEAL
July: Second 2021 CCMR Tracker released in TEAL
Mid-August: Excel file released on TEA’s 2021 accountability page indicating that all districts and campuses are Not Rated: Declared State of Disaster for 2021
Late August: Unmasked accountability reports and confidential student listings released in TEAL
Late August: Masked accountability reports released on and on TEA’s 2021 accountability page
CCMR Spotlight
❓When does HB 773 take effect?
This bill relates to indicators of achievement under the public school accountability system and completion of CTE course work. It is still in the legislative process and we will send more information as TEA sends it out.
✍ Back-to-School Resources Ordering Is Open
We want to be sure you’re ready to support your students when they take the SAT®. You now have the chance to place an order for materials for your school. Head to our ordering page to select the resources you need most.
Resources include:
The Official SAT Practice Test
SAT Test Date Poster
The SAT Student Guide to Practice and Scores (.pdf/1.35 MB)
Registration and Test Day Checklist Flyer
Please confirm that your school is able to receive the shipment before placing your order. If you need the shipment to be delivered to an alternate address, select Enter a different address for shipping.
Requests typically take six weeks to deliver, so order as soon as possible. If you have questions about the ordering system or how to receive fee waiver codes, contact the SAT Educator Help Line at 888-SAT-HELP (728-4357) (international: +1-212-520-8600) or
In addition to the resources, check out our free online professional development opportunities for counselors (eligible for continuing education units). Visit our counselor site to view our offerings to help you get ready for the 2021-22 school year.
College Board
✍ Fall 2021 In-School Assessments
SAT® School Day
• Wednesday, October 13, 2021
• Thursday, October 28, 2021
• Primary: Wednesday, October 13, 2021
• Saturday: October 16, 2021
• Alternate: Tuesday, October 26, 2021
PSAT™ 8/9
• Testing starts September 20, 2021.
SAT® School Day
• Wednesday, October 13, 2021
• Thursday, October 28, 2021
We're extending most 2020-21 flexible testing options to provide you additional support this fall:
• Option to test across multiple test dates
• Flexible start times
• Off-site testing
Test ordering will open in June. For more information about the assessments, visit our SAT School Day, PSAT/NMSQT, or PSAT 8/9 websites.
Jennifer Gunn, Advanced Academics
Julie Anderson, CTE
Renda Songer, CTE
Brandi Fennell, Counseling
Important TREx Update! June 14, 2021
TREx Users:
Beginning Friday, June 18, 2021, TREx notification emails will be paused for the summer months. All records and requests will be retained during this time. Important: Although emails will be paused, districts are still expected to fulfill requests within the normal 10-day (14 calendar days) timeframe. If you have any questions, enter a TIMS ticket by clicking this icon from the TREx application.
Thank you,
TEA TREx Support
To the Administrator Update June 10, 2021
The following new Texas Education Agency Correspondence has been posted at the TEA website:
Date / Title / Division
2021-06-10 / Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System / Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System
We are here for you! Let us know how we can support you.
✍ Dates for your calendar
❓ Region 10 FAQs
Melissa Shaw, M.Ed.
Phone: 972-348-1210
Jennifer Hood, M.Ed.
Phone: 972-348-1404