RMS Staff eNews
Season 2: Edition 9-Week of September 28 -October 2
Monday, September 28th
MAP Testing for Reading
Tuesday, September 29th
Grade Level Team Meetings @ 3:45pm in TEAMS (DH will send out event)
MAP Testing for Reading
Wednesday, September 30th
MAP Testing for Reading
Thursday, October 1st
Fire Drill
Friday, October 2nd
Lock Down drill at the end of B lunch Friday
After School Meeting Schedule (see below)
This will also be posted on Mustang Must Haves.
*All dates are subject to change as this is the year of flexibility.
Last chance to vote!
Happy Birthday Septemberificators!
Lisa Rakofsky 9/9
Susan Stern 9/16
Lauren Akolkar 9/18
Arien Hardin 9/25 *** IT'S TODAY!**
Nelson Hooks 9/25*** IT'S TODAY!**
Heather Eck 10/5
Caitlyn Bennett 10/8
Michelle Conway 10/16
Paula Sandoval 10/27
Rowda Albelbaisi 10/31
*Please submit pictures/videos to Dot that we can post in the smore to celebrate your birthdays!
For Nelson.
For Arien.
Beautiful flowers...
SPED Team is in on the celebration!
Picture Day vs Tragsdale
Doesn't he look happy?
Epic Repeated Failure
Help us celebrate your Renner team/class/students/club by sending notification and pictures to Katie Aycock. She is in charge of updating the school’s Twitter and needs to know what awesome things you and students are doing!
Radio Silent Students
Dyslexia Awareness Month
Check out Sara Andrade's S’MORE for information about Dyslexia https://www.smore.com/1yp4m
#New Teacher Gifts
Top Words in 2020 to NOT SAY around Jingles...don't say that you weren't warned.
This week's new additions:
Vestibule (this is more Trags than Jingles..thanks Loveday!)
New Normal
Agnostic Document
(more to come as the list grows)
If you have not done so already, please make sure that you have completed the Cultural Proficiency Training (all staff) and the Review 360 Training (teachers only) attendance form...both below.
Cultural Proficiency Training. PAST DUE!
*Shout-out to Karen Bradshaw for making this presentation!
Link to Training: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1syskggqPkX4VfAjSRUd6RoLJm7mh3iwJ9Y6PtcRXHv8/edit?usp=sharing
Review 360 Training Form. PAST DUE!
Form here: https://forms.gle/wh1wdtLKJoTbmJFE8
Quick Admin Reminders: MUST READ!
1. Spacing
Be watching for space in the hallway. Please address the students if they are touching each other.
2. Cell Phones
Cell phones should not be used in the hallways. Confiscate cell phones if you see them out. We will be doing some hallway "checks" next week.
3. Exterior Doors
Exterior doors should not be open at any time.
4. Seating Charts (all classroom teachers must complete)
Seating charts need to be uploaded by end of day Monday, September 28th.
Each seating chart must include: Teacher Last Name, Class Period, Name of Class. Make sure to have key identifiers (teacher desk, door, etc)
Be sure to update the seating chart if there are any changes
Be sure to keep notes of any changes to the seating chart that may randomly occur (ex: 9/2 student sat in another seat due to chromebook needing to be charged
- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SsHzSjOR9ob0mHhxeO5F3jIi4XVkRXcq?usp=sharing
5. Demerit/Review 360 Committee
The committee is working on guidelines to merge our demerit system with the Review 360 system. The goal is to have everything up and ready before the start of the 2nd 9 weeks. Stay posted!
New Students
When you receive a new student or transfer student to your classroom, please add that student to your Google classroom as soon as possible.
Cell Phones
Cell phones can be used to sign out/in using the QR code in your room. Remind students to leave their cell phones in the class. They are not to be used in the hallways or bathroom. We will also be reminding students of the cell phone policy.
Renner All Emails
Please be mindful of your Renner All emails. We completely understand that they need to be sent occasionally, but please do your best to limit them.
Positive Phone Calls
Form here: https://forms.gle/Bk5yUCvXj7iVSrmi9
**Please make sure to include the student's entire first and last name(s) when filling out the form. Be detailed in your reason for recognition as Ms. Cindy will read it verbatim to the parents.
Clean Team!
Self Care is ESSENTIAL!
Please Join the Renner PTA!
**32 more staff members to go!**
We only have 32 more staff members needed to meet our goal of 100% PTA membership!
Below is a direct link to the faculty membership form where you can join PTA:
Megan Hawthorne
Thank u for literally taking over the calendar, honors slides, and the honors digital notebook. We would die without you.
6th Grade ELAR Team
This is HARD! Most of our materials are not copyrighted to use online. We are having to rewrite our curriculum as we go to adapt it for our students. This team has worked exhaustively (I wish I could say tirelessly, but it's hard) to give our students, home and in-person, the material they need to keep their learning going strong! So grateful for this team of amazing educators!
Sharon Williams
Thank you for letting me use your document camera to do live drawing demos with my students f2f and @home. I really appreciate it!
Susan Stern
Thank you for choosing Renner and being so Easy to work with when planning for English. You fit right in with the 8th Grade Ela team!
Tracey Huston & Jonathan Loveday
Thank you for helping out with picture day! We could not have done it without you!
Sharon Williams
Thank you for always bringing great ideas to the table and flexibility when planning. You keep me sane.
***Winners from SEPTEMBER will be drawn NEXT WEEK!***
**At the end of each month, I will draw TWO names from the shout-out list who will receive an item from their Staff Favorites list.***
**To give a staff shout-out or two, please complete the form. It doesn't take long and it goes a long way to support one another. Link here: https://forms.gle/s5S2SzGgBQ6y7hea6*
Final Thoughts.
Staff Favorites List!
Employee Crisis Fund
The mission of the Employee Crisis Fund is to provide a source of financial assistance to Plano ISD employees who are facing an emergency situation and are unable to handle immediate short-term financial obligations associated with the crisis. If you find yourself in this situation, please visit our website to learn how you can submit a request for assistance. At Plano ISD, we are dedicated to caring for our PISD family.
Step by Step Instructions: Making Parent Email Groups for Outlook
Copyright Info
I was looking up a copyright situation for a teacher just a minute ago and came across this great link from the Library of Congress about what remote learning teachers can post online and how it applies to copyright: https://blogs.loc.gov/copyright/2020/03/teaching-from-a-distance-and-copyright-considerations/
Good Info:
- Direct Deposit: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/directdeposit
- W-4: Please use link provided to submit changes online https://myforms.pisd.edu/Forms/W4_2020-standalone
- Payroll Questions: If an employee has a payroll related question, please have them send an email to payroll@pisd.edu.