MAY 2024
Video Message From Mr. Smith
Please click on the link below to view my April 2024 message. This message is sent with care, compassion, and love of our school community.
Mr. Smith
4th Grade Models the Solar Eclipse
Mrs. Prater's 4th grade students spent time learning about the solar eclipse. After a great deal of discussion and time observing the partial eclipse, students were tasked with demonstrating their learning. Students programmed their Mini Sphero to represent the moon in a solar eclipse. They went above and beyond to add lights, sound and movement. Great Job!
Click on the link below to view the of video of Mrs. Prater's Class.
City of Chandler Environmental Art Contest Winner
Each year, fourth grade students in Chandler are encouraged to participate in the city's Annual Environmental Art Contest. The contest is designed to illustrate the importance of reducing waste, conserving water, and preventing pollution. Through drawing colorful pictures promoting recycling water conservation or storm water pollution prevention in Chandler, the contest is an opportunity for students to learn more about environmental stewardship in their community and can become a catalyst for environmental education in the classroom.
There were four subject areas for the students to choose from for the art contest: Water Conservation, Recycling, Storm Water and Calendar Cover. Our very own Lincoln Prather in 4th grade was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for his poster entry. His poster, "Only Rain in the Storm Drain" was awarded for his commitment and artistry as an environmental steward. Lincoln is pictured below with his teacher, Mrs. Annell Schmerfeld and Dean of Students, Mrs. Melissa Lerma. Congratulations Lincoln!!
Talent Show
What an amazing day! Some of our Eagles showed off their talents at the CTA Liberty Talent Show on April 17th. Students did an amazing job performing for their school mates in the morning and for families in the evening.
Hosted by: Calista and Belle Martin
Charlotte Miranda - Tumbling
Ashton Thomas - Singing
Sam Sanchez - Comedy
Hadley Hunter - Singing
Brynlee Hull - Dance
Abbie Celaya - Guitar
Jacob Lerner - Dance
Selene Herbert and Aralyn Gallego - Violin Duet
Winnie Shropshire - Singing
Tae Lee - Ukulele
Tustin Slavinsky - Piano
Delaney Smith - Tumbling
Sophia Diana - Guitar
Izzy Keys-Nunes - Singing
Owen Jackson - Native American Flute
Lucy Kaller - Singing
Isabella Tominaga - Piano
Ayana Aseem and Kaylee Connell - Singing
Riley Thomas - Dance
Imani Jones - Singing
Great Job Everyone!
Battle of the Books Winners
Our CTA Liberty Battle of the Books winning team competed at the the Chandler Public Library on April 17th against other elementary schools. They finished the battle tied for first place with a perfect score. After 12 rounds of tiebreaker questions, they missed one. So they finished in second place. They then moved on to the next phase of battle which was the District semi-final on Wednesday, April 24th. After another tiebreaker round with four teams that had perfect scores, they place 2nd in the District. Next was the Regionals yesterday, May 1st. Our amazing Battle Team placed 3rd in the region! They were tied with two other teams for a perfect score and missed a question in the tie breaker round. The questions were VERY difficult!
Congratulations to our winning team!
Chloe Seidel
Saanvi Raghavendra
Kayli Dorris
Elementary Schools Competition - 2nd Place
District Semi Final - 2nd Place
Regionals - 3rd Place
Poetry Contest Winners
April is National Poetry Month and CTA Liberty held it's third annual school wide poetry contest. Learning about and writing poetry can help students express creativity and build culture.
Contest Rules:
- Poems must be an original work of the student
- Poems can be on any theme
- No length or style expectations
We had six winners who submitted amazing poems.
Marco Buscaglia - Kindergarten
Antonio Molina - 1st Grade
Siena Le - 2nd Grade
Maya Carson - 4th Grade
Clara Thayer - 4th Grade
Remy Burnham - 5th Grade
Congratulations to our amazing poets!
Chandler Elks Lodge Essay Contest Winners
Chandler Elks Lodge #2429 is pleased to announce that CTA Liberty has two winners in this year's Division II - Essay Contest, "What The Bill of Rights Mean to Me?". The judges chose their winners out of the approximately 150 essays submitted. Our two CTA Liberty winners are:
Lucy Schwarz
Sofia Aldulaimi
Lucy and Sofia have been invited to attend the Youth Awards dinner on Wednesday, May 15th at the Chandler Elks Lodge.
CTA Liberty Scholarship Winner
Our PTO generously sponsors a scholarship through the Chandler Education Foundation for one student who is a school alumni and is graduating from a CUSD school. On Monday, April 22nd, Mrs. Kristin Tollefson and Mrs. Melissa Lerma represented our school honoring this year's recipient, Daniel Johnson of Perry High School. Congratulations Daniel and we look forward to seeing what your future holds! We are so proud of you!
Pizza with Police/Student Event - 5/2
The Chandler Police Department has been invited to have pizza with our students on Thursday, May 2nd. This is a social event for our students to get to meet our local law enforcement. We are grateful to our cafe manager, Ms. Melissa Lotz, for organizing the event.
If you pass by CTA Liberty on May 2nd, please don't be concerned if you see multiple police cars. We're just having pizza!!
Last Day for PreK - 5/22
The last day for our PreK students is Wednesday, May 22nd. PreK students will not attend on Thursday, May 23rd.
Have a wonderful summer break!
Last Day of School for Kindergarten through 6th Grade - 5/23
The last day of school for Kindergarten through 6th grade is Thursday, May 23rd. The last day is early release at 11:10 am.
Have a wonderful Summer Break!
Message For Our Sixth Grade Students From Our Sixth Grade Team
Congratulations, 6th grade C.T.A. Liberty Eagles class of 2023-24! As the school year draws to a close, it's time for us to bid farewell to our remarkable class of 2023-24 sixth graders. Your laughter, curiosity, and unique personalities have made this year unforgettable. Together, we've tackled challenges, celebrated victories, and formed bonds that will last a lifetime. As you spread your wings and soar to new heights, remember the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the memories cherished during your time at Liberty. Your hard work, determination, and eagerness to learn have brought you to this milestone. Each step forward is a testament to your growth and potential. As you move on to new adventures in middle school, remember the lessons you've learned and the friendships you've cultivated. Though we say goodbye for now, know that you will always hold a special place in our hearts. Your potential is limitless, and we can't wait to see the incredible things you'll accomplish in the years to come. Wishing you all the best as you soar into middle school and beyond. Always remember that no matter where you go, wherever your future journey takes you, the Liberty Family is proud of you! As the saying goes and always remains true: “Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle!”
Sixth Grade May Celebrations and Events:
Thursday, May 2nd 5:45-7:00 p.m. – 6th Grade vs. Parents Kickball Game
Friday, May 3rd – CUSD Sponsored Pool Party at Hamilton Pool
Monday, May 20th @ 8:30 a.m. – 6th Grade vs. Liberty Staff Kickball Game
Thursday, May 23rd @ 10:30 a.m. – 6th Grade Clap Out Celebration
Last Day to Checkout Books - 5/13
The last day for students to checkout books from the library is Monday, May 13th. ALL student library books are due back to the library on Friday, May 17th.
Library Materials Selection and Adoption
CTA Families - This notification is to inform you that we will be purchasing new books/materials for our library on May 1, 2024. State law mandates that schools notify parents of the opening and closing public view period within seven (7) school days prior to the opening date. Therefore, this notice dated May 1, 2024, provides the opening date of the public review period for newly purchased library books/materials as May 1, 2024 and the closing date of May 9, 2024.
(A.R.S. 15-721/15-722)
Music Events in May
We cordially invite you to attend our amazing music events in May.
- May 7th – Liberty Orchestra Concert, 6:30 PM, CTA Liberty MPR
- May 8th – Liberty ORFFestra and Liberty Ukulele Club Concert 6:30 PM, CTA Liberty MPR
- May 9th – Liberty Band Concert, 6:30 PM, CTA Liberty MPR
- May 16th – Voices of Liberty presents Moana, Jr., 8:30 and 9:45 AM at CTA Liberty for students, 5:30 PM at CTA Humphrey for families
We hope to see to at one or all of our amazing music events!
Please click on the link below to view the "Counselor's Corner" Newsletter from Ms. Maria Beltran, school counselor.
2024-25 Board Members
PTO would like to welcome the 2024-25 Board.
Co-Presidents - Cynthia Collado and Theresa Bess
Co-Vice Presidents - Rebecca Reyes and Rachel McConnell
Secretary - Danielle Pierson
Treasurer - Denise Cechini
There is an opening for a Co-Secretary and numerous club/event positions. If you are interested in becoming a part of PTO please email, president@ctalibertypto.org
PTO Spring Carnival - THANK YOU!
Thank You for Making the CTA Liberty Carnival a Smashing Success!
We're still buzzing with excitement from the incredible Carnival! Thanks to the amazing support of all of you, the event was a resounding success, filled with laughter, joy, and memories that will last a lifetime.
A Heartfelt Thank You To...
- Our dedicated volunteers: From setting up and running booths to cheering on participants, your tireless efforts made the carnival run smoothly and kept the fun flowing.
- All the amazing families and students who attended: Your enthusiasm and participation made the carnival come alive!
We couldn't have done it without each and every one of you. Thank you for making the CTA Liberty Carnival such a special event!
PTO Restaurant Night - 5/16
The last PTO restaurant night is at Jeremiah's Italian Ice.
Date: Thursday, May 16th
Location: 85 E. Warner Road, Suite 104, Gilbert
Time: Noon to 10 pm
On the day of the event Jeremiah's will donate 20% of your order back to CTA Liberty. Just mention, "CTA Liberty".
Thank you for your support!
Your PTO Fundraising Money at Work
CTA Liberty PTO, teachers and staff would like to thank our families for their generous support in all or all fundraising events. Your fundraising dollars have funded:
- New large shade canopies at the front and back curbs to provide extra shade for our students.
- Radios so that all teachers have one in their classroom.
Coming soon:
- Custom storage cabinets in the multipurpose room
- Custom designed wrap for our new stage
- 2024-25 Staff T-Shirts
- School Wide Book Reading Event – Purchase of books
- Advanced Reader Software that supports our students
- Aqua Chill – Water Service
- New Refrigerator for Health Office
- Kindness and Culture Poster Contest Supplies
- New Mascot Costume
- New PE Equipment
Your support of our school is greatly appreciated! Please consider being a part of PTO to continue our tradition of supporting the CTA Liberty community.
General School Reminders
As a reminder:
- Drop Off in the morning is no earlier than 7:45 am. Although building doors may be unlocked, students are not allowed on campus until 7:45 am.
- In the North (back) parking lot students should only enter or exit cars in front of the Muli-purpose Room. They should not be entering or exiting cars in front of the annex or along the curb leading to the Muliti-purpose Room.
- Students should not exit cars on Emmett Drive while waiting to enter the parking lot.
- No U-Turns in crosswalks or in front of the school.
- The back gate closes at 8:05 am to allow teachers to report to their classrooms. If the back gate is closed you must drop your student off through the front gate and follow the drop off rules. Please do not have your student exit your car until they have reached a teacher at the front of the line.
- Please have your student dressed appropriately for the weather. If they wear a jacket or sweater to school, please be sure it is dress code approved (red, white or blue) and clearly labeled with the student's name. All water bottles should also be labeled.
- Only students and staff are allowed on campus, with the exception of Pre K parents, for drop off and pick up. During school hours, parents may only enter campus through the front office.
- After school clubs: No parents/guardians are allowed on campus for after school clubs. Students will be directed to their club location by staff and parents/guardians should pick up at the appropriate time in the south parking lot (front of school near the flag). The club sponsor will stay with the students until they are picked up.
Thank you for your support!
*PTO Carnival*
Follow us on Social Media
X: @CTALiberty
Instagram: @CTALiberty Eagles
Attached is a flyer with CTA Liberty's QR Codes. Scan the QR Code with your camera app to follow our social media pages. Or the codes are shown below.